powhitetrash Grow


Active Member
I'm loving the way my plant is turning out, nice and compact, not much lower stem growth, but its smelling very nicely now, and starting to get frost-like THC building on the inner leaves :D


Well-Known Member
The girls don't seem to have suffered at all because of last night's repotting. In fact they look VERY nice today. On Thursday Plant A was 7 1/2" tall. She's now 7" tall but I potted her an inch deeper than she had been at the urging of my son. Plant B was 6 1/2" tall on Thursday and a few hours ago she was 8 3/4" tall. (I didn't plant her deaper than she'd been before.) Not only are these plants getting taller but they are just plain thriving.

Plant A is forming a tight-assed cola that I believe is going to look like a bud on a stick (a corn dog).

Plant B is developing some giant leaves with wide fingers and has lots of new growth on the stem. She's going to really branch out I think. No buds in site yet but I'm happy about that since I want her to be as big as she can be before forming buds.

I still can't get over how much different these two sisters look. Plant A still looks Sativa and Plant B still looks Indica to me.

I'm going to try using apple juice on these pretty soon as well. Going with one cup to a gallon of water. Also planning to switch to distilled water, funds permitting. (Remember, this is an honest-to-goodness powhitetrash grow. :-) ) Might have to give up drinking my fancy coffees at work so I can use that money in the grow. lol

Will wait a day or two before posting more pictures. I tend to post too many pictures I think.

Oh, btw, when this grow is finished (and before if you want), this journal is available in PDF format. I update it after every post. The only posts contained in the journal are mine for the most part. That way you don't have to read through it all to follow the grow. If you want to be added to a mailing list and sent the updated journal after each entry, just PM me with your E-mail address.



Well-Known Member
well I see you have been reading db's apple juice thread! that fella got himself one hell of a green thumb! I really like the family grow!! I use to smoke with my mother before she passed, I would have loved to had a project like this going with her!! I love the original thought put into the design of this grow!! I hope you get nothing but the sick dank!!! Ill be here for the ride!!! now one question for you son, why the sears and roebuck love? wouldn't have anything to do with the bra pics that used to be in the back of the catalog would it?:twisted: used to be my favorite part of the catalog!! lol just a lil pickin! yall are doing great!!! +++rep to trash family!!!!!


Well-Known Member
My son is going to love your post! lol He's always commenting how neat he thinks it is that we're doing this together too. He's a great kid.

My other son, he helped us set up the other part of the grow and I talk to him on the phone about his grow too and we sent photos back and forth too. I wish he were online too.


Well-Known Member
why is he not online here?? And I repped your son for growing with you! I tell you I am so happy that my mom and I smoked together and didnt pussyfoot around it like some people do!! We really shared alot with each other just in the love of cannibus! anyway I feel my sappy nature taking over so Im gonna save us all from that!! lol



Active Member
well I see you have been reading db's apple juice thread! that fella got himself one hell of a green thumb! I really like the family grow!! I use to smoke with my mother before she passed, I would have loved to had a project like this going with her!! I love the original thought put into the design of this grow!! I hope you get nothing but the sick dank!!! Ill be here for the ride!!! now one question for you son, why the sears and roebuck love? wouldn't have anything to do with the bra pics that used to be in the back of the catalog would it?:twisted: used to be my favorite part of the catalog!! lol just a lil pickin! yall are doing great!!! +++rep to trash family!!!!!
thanks for the rep :D

the Sears and Roebuck reference is from my favorite series of books, also from which I have the name for the particular weed these plants will be producing picked out. I won't reveal it yet, but with a little research, I'm sure you could find out ;)


Well-Known Member
for mine, I chose "cheesy" because of smell, "abused (tina)" cause I broke her stem early in veg, and "spice" because again of smell! My next grow will be from a seed bank though, purplewreck, sharksbreath, and kushberry! All DNA genetics.. Ok now off to research your damn name!! Just so ya know there buddy, I'm a bit obsessive and hate not quite getting it! So because of you I have to have yet one more thing going on at once! and don't tell me now, that would ruin the challenge!:twisted:


Well-Known Member
I'm one step ahead of you. I was going to wait until later to post these cause there's not a whole lot of difference in the plants today over yesterday, except that the plants are just looking as lush as you could ever hope for. I'm very happy with them. Anyway, here's a shot I happened to take just after the light went off today:

And here's a few close-ups.

This is Plant A (Sears&Roebuck)

Plant B (powhitewidow)

While I've been in charge of the flowering phase, I do make concessions with my son's plant and try things that he wants me to try, like not pinching the top of Plant A (the plant he claimed... I should say I let him have this one as I chose the one I thought would be the best and gave him what was left. Yes, I want to do this with my son, it's been a bonding experience but when it comes to smoke, I'm lookin' out for #1. lol).

So, it's become a little bit of a competition even though I'm doing all of the actual work... Even though these two plants are sisters, sharing almost identical conditions, they are very different indeed. The final outcome will be very interesting.



Well-Known Member
when they get some bud that will be all that counts! I cant wait to see!!

and to mr buck, I give up on your loggin name... I love a good challenge and consider myself a bit of a reader but I can come up with nothing.


Well-Known Member
yea there is a fella picaso here, but he hasn't been round in a while.. you can do a search for his thread though and look at what he did to make it.. also I think you can find other threads in the growroom setup section. tet May have some ideas also, he is pretty inventive..


Well-Known Member
those plants look too hot in a lot of those pics... what are your temps at?

if i was you, i would spend a couple bucks and make a cheaapo intake/exhaust system for your grow... a pair of 4" ducts and a simple PC fan on the exhaust can drop temps as much as 20 degrees F.

i have a pretty small and cheap grow too... done right you can get good head supply from an area your size.

have you looked at ScrOG? they are perfect IMNHO for short grow areas.


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking of raising the light up in my grow cabinet. I could get another six inches out of the plants that way. For now I'd have to set the pots up on the platforms again to get closer to the light (or drop the light), but I'd get a bigger harvest. Right now I have paper on the walls. I'm wondering if the fumes would hurt the plants if I slapped a coat of white paint in there? I'd be using regular interior paint like you'd use for walls. It would look a lot cleaner and brighter in there.


Well-Known Member
I look forward to it, I think. lol Any of them know how to construct a grow box? I am SO interested in a setup like this one: black box control panel_probably "the best" home hydroponic system_mother nature indoors! But of course being the powhitetrash that I am, I need to figure out a way to MAKE one. They want around $3000 for this one. Too rich for my blood right now. But I would like to make a white trash version that works.
i agree with hothouse, Picasso has a tight cab!

you could build an identical cab to the one you linked for between $500 and $1000... Lowes has a big honking garage cabinet for just over $100 that i am going to use for my next cab though... and Wal-Mart has all sorts of Rubbermade containers to use for hydro for really cheap... a decent cab can be built for cheap. ;)