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  1. audiofreeq

    smokeing early harvest or non-flushed?

    lol, i will be very soon here. we will be chopping our ladies down today after them being in the dark for 2 days now, and they are at least 2 weeks early. i also didn't begin flushing until about 4-5 days ago. it's only because i have to move out in 3 days.
  2. audiofreeq

    What can i expect from such an early harvest???

    wow, that's definitely not what i expected. was there some coke on that or somethin? some meth weed lol...well that sounds like a new buzz i'd like to try! thanks rambler, these replies are helping me feel not so down on an early harvest anymore. i'm def gonna cure them for at least two weeks...
  3. audiofreeq

    What can i expect from such an early harvest???

    well that makes me feel a bit better for sure. thank you
  4. audiofreeq

    What can i expect from such an early harvest???

    here are the girls 6 weeks into flowering. unfortunately we have to be out by the end of the month due to the end of the lease and i'm not resigning. there is nothing i can do, and i mean nothing to finish these ladies off. i dont know too many people out here or anyone well enough to take them...
  5. audiofreeq

    Home Made Co2 Tutorial

    damn, i am definitely using this method on the next grow coming up...thanks for the information
  6. audiofreeq

    Can anyone recomend a great place to get lights and hydro gear online.....

    thank you to everyone who gave me their input. it looks like i will definitely be getting my equipment from HTG supply, butni'll also chek out ebay some more. thanks again RIU members....
  7. audiofreeq

    Can anyone recomend a great place to get lights and hydro gear online.....

    cool, thanks top fuel. i was already checking craigslist and such. i was wanting to find like an onlie shop or something...
  8. audiofreeq

    Can anyone recomend a great place to get lights and hydro gear online.....

    i found htg, and a few other but was hoping someone could lead me in the right direction. i am starting again from scratch. i would like to grow at least ten plants and i have an entire bedroom dedicated to the space. i'm thinkin i'll go with 1000 watt hps for flowering and will probably buy...
  9. audiofreeq

    $toney Montana's Dutch Passion BLUEBERRY grow

    damn, that took a long time to go through your entire journal, but it was well worth it. nice lookin buds man...
  10. audiofreeq


    yeah, after hearing about that, then viewing it, i am completely down to take dmt. and what's with that isolation chamber. would you be down?
  11. audiofreeq

    2ci,5-meo-dmt, your source for Research Chemicals.
  12. audiofreeq

    9 leafs wtf????

    i have seen 13, and in my current grow, almost all thre plants developed a 13 blade leaf set. Check out this thread...
  13. audiofreeq

    I had no idea they could get so tall in such little pots!!! 5 1/2 foot female!!!

    yeah man, definitely. I checked out nirvana and decided that i want to try my hand at growing some white rhino because i haven't seen, smelled, or smoked any in a long while as well as even hear of it going around. Has anyone grew white rhino indoor before? if so, how was your yield and what was...
  14. audiofreeq

    I had no idea they could get so tall in such little pots!!! 5 1/2 foot female!!!

    thanks for takin a look hellraizer. those were my guesses too. i was thinkin it was an outdoor sativaish strain. like i said, the seeds came from a bag of mersh. i only sprouted them because i wanted to test the new hydro setup, and we just let them grow.
  15. audiofreeq

    I had no idea they could get so tall in such little pots!!! 5 1/2 foot female!!!

    and more pics... please feel free to comment and tell me what you think? how long would you all guess to wait before harvest time?
  16. audiofreeq

    I had no idea they could get so tall in such little pots!!! 5 1/2 foot female!!!

    ok, so here are some better quality pics....
  17. audiofreeq

    I had no idea they could get so tall in such little pots!!! 5 1/2 foot female!!!

    What i mainly forgot to mention (because i'm stoned) was that i have kept them in 6 inch pots!
  18. audiofreeq

    I had no idea they could get so tall in such little pots!!! 5 1/2 foot female!!!

    Ok, so we vegged them for 5-6 weeks until we switched to a 12/12 flowering cycle. At this point, the tallest plant which we named Pat (because we still weren't sure of sex, lol) was already 2 1/2 feet. First white hairs showed after about a week, very exciting. I also stopped feeding it the grow...
  19. audiofreeq

    I had no idea they could get so tall in such little pots!!! 5 1/2 foot female!!!

    Ok, so i put up a thread a while back but haven't put any updates. You can check them out here... and The Gear and method: So we're...