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  1. CBDPower

    HOW TO KILL SPIDER MITES 100%: " Naturally - no chemicals"

    Making my first batch of pepper spray. I am doing it slightly different than an original method. I am using Thai hot pepper from my own garden and I'm blending the peppers with water in my powerful blender (vitamix) to liquified the solution and then heat it for 20 mins. Also adding a few drops...
  2. CBDPower

    Noob mixing up all the left over goodies...Super Soil?

    Good question and I did the same by throwing out all my soil from my last batch because of the spider mites. Just didn't want to take that chance. What about powdery mildew? Is it safe to recycle organic soil of the plants that affected by the PM? Thanks
  3. CBDPower

    Noob mixing up all the left over goodies...Super Soil?

    ^^^Thank you for the link above. I definitely will be adding more perlite. I don't need anymore soil right now but I will add coco to my next soil mix. Do you like coco more than peat moss? Also my local store has humic acid for 50% off and I heard great thing about it. There is some humic acid...
  4. CBDPower

    Noob mixing up all the left over goodies...Super Soil?

    I am new to the organic growing and this will be my second organic run. I bought bunch of stuff on my last grow and have some left over. I have been reading about super soil and decided to mix up my own using all the left over. Here are the list. -3 cu ft. Fox Farm Ocean Forrest -3 cu ft...
  5. CBDPower

    Secret Jardin Dark Room 120

    I have both 2.1 and 2.5 model. The 2.5 is slightly stronger and the water proof removable tray is made of reflextive fabric. Both models are awesome.
  6. CBDPower

    Anyone here doing MMJ business legally in CA? If so...

    What bank willing to work with you? Thanks
  7. CBDPower

    My first cmh grow master kush(fem - nirvana)

    Also Just reread your very first post that you are using bare bulb. How is the heat w CMH?
  8. CBDPower

    My first cmh grow master kush(fem - nirvana)

    Awesome. What kind of CMH bulb are you using? Phillips Mastercolor 400 watts? Thanks
  9. CBDPower

    Which 1200 watts combo should I go with?

    Ok thanks for this great advice. So I ended up with (1) Phillips allstart 330, (1) Philips MasterColor Ceramic Metal Halide HPS-Retro White 400 watts (1) Hps 400 watts (forgot the brand) I'm using this in my 4x8 Jardin tent instead of 10x10. I am putting 10 plants in for...
  10. CBDPower

    Dr90t check out the review here ^^^
  11. CBDPower


    I have 2 Jardins and 1 Hydrohut. Imo Jardin is better over all. Jardin has much better light tightness and zippers are much thicker compares to Hydrohut. Hydrohuts do have a better frame structure (all metal) and much stronger than Jardin.
  12. CBDPower

    Powdery Mildew Issue

    Make sure to also clean your pre-filter on your carbon filter. I also light mist down my carbon filter with weak hydrogen solution.
  13. CBDPower

    Spider mite problem! Please help

    Good to know. I used just a dab of lavender essential oil on my dog in the past and it also kept the fleas away.
  14. CBDPower

    Spider mite problem! Please help

    Thanks for the info. I love there products but will pick up some lavender just to have it handy.
  15. CBDPower

    Spider mite problem! Please help

    I already have Dr. Bronners Eucalyptus and using it for household cleaning. Can I use it if I need to?
  16. CBDPower

    Spider mite problem! Please help

    Does it need to be lavender? Thanks
  17. CBDPower

    I Need Advice On A Tent

    You can't go wrong with Jardin darkroom. I have Dr120 also and just bought a Dr240w 2.5 (newest model) yesterday. Just got done setting it up and it is awesome. Very well made.
  18. CBDPower

    Should I get A Grow Tent?

    The frame is crazy strong. It called HydroHut Estate with total weight: 286 lbs . Ceiling holds 150 lbs on each side, 300 lbs total. Look at the picture on page 14. That's what my set up kinda looks like...
  19. CBDPower

    Should I get A Grow Tent?

    Here is my perfect solution (for me). I am using a large tent in my spare room but using the tent frame only. I bought a 10x10 tent to put in my garage and decided to set it in my spare room inside the house instead. This thing is huge and after finished setting up the frame, I decided to leave...
  20. CBDPower

    Merry Christmas...So anyone here got some goodies for your growroom? wife is totally supports my new adventure. She loves to bake goods and I can't wait to have some of the "magic" brownie that she made last night.