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  1. B

    How Will Cold Temperatures Affect My Grow???

    I've gotten some advice on this thread, thank you Ripz. But I haven't had any answers about how it will affect my crop in any way. Does anyone have any answers for me?
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    How Will Cold Temperatures Affect My Grow???

    I'm not sure what you mean.
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    How Will Cold Temperatures Affect My Grow???

    Unfortunately, that's not possible as I don't have enought space in my grow room for that. I was thinking of getting one of those pet heating blankets that they sleep on. I would put it under the pots to try and keep them warm. Do you think that would work or at least help?
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    How Will Cold Temperatures Affect My Grow???

    The temps are starting to drop where I am, especially at night. I'm half way through flowering and now the temps are starting to drop to around 0 to -2 at night. When my lights are on during the day the temp stays around a constant 27 to 30 degrees celcius, and I can keep it that way, but at...
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    2700 Year Old Pot Stash Found

    Wouldn't you just love to try some 2700 year old strain. bongsmilie bongsmilie bongsmilie
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    2700 Year Old Pot Stash Found

    A 2700 year old stash of pot has been found in a tomb in China. The funny thing is that it wasn't some Chinese guys stash but a white guys stash.
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    First Time Growing in a New Enviroment

    Thanks. There are three girls in there again now. I had taken some clones from the original girl. Two of them are about 6 ro 7inches tall now so I have repoted them and placed them into the grow chamber on a 12/12 cycle. They took of better than I thought. I have one more clone but she's...
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    Leaves curling under and in on themselves, also yellowing-HELP PLEASE. with pics

    Here's a link to my grow journal so you can see some updated pics.
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    First Time Growing in a New Enviroment

    40 views and not even one reply. Come on guys! Someone's got to have an opinion on my grow.
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    First Time Growing in a New Enviroment

    Bumpity bump.
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    how to sneak weed through an airport.. onto a plane and to my destination.?

    Not true! They're not trained to smell out the smoked product or if you've been in contact with a bit of weed. You'd have to have been covered in it or rubbed it all over your body. I have on several occassions I've smoked joints right before entering an airport and had also been handling it...
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    Security Token Missing???

    How do I do that?
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    First Time Growing in a New Enviroment

    No one has any comment, toughts or advice for me?
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    Security Token Missing???

    Tried all that, no luck. Everything except for the "authenticated sessions" as I don't know what that is.
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    First Time Growing in a New Enviroment

    We'll try it this way.
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    I Can't Post Pictures Anymore???

    For some reason I can no longer post pictures up with my posts (thumbnails). I keep getting a message after it loads the pics that a security token is missing and it says to contact the administrator. Well, I've contacted the administrator yesterday but have received no response. It's...
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    Security Token Missing???

    I posted in the Journal Forum and was put up a few post with pics and the last time i tried to post pics I got a warning message saying "Security Token Missing" and won't let me post the pics. Does anyone know what this is about or how to fix the problem? Thnaks for your help in advance.
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    First Time Growing in a New Enviroment

    And these are pics of my baby today, 19 days into flowering and going strong. I'll keep updating photos as they progress. What do you think so far? Okay I've tried twice now to put the photos up but keep getting some warning that I don't have a security ticket or somethinglike that...
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    First Time Growing in a New Enviroment

    These are a couple of pics of my grow chamber. These pics were taken when the plants were sick. They're better now.
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    First Time Growing in a New Enviroment

    These pics are of what's available to me in the way of gardening supplies. Most of the bags in the pivs are decoratine rocks to put on top of the soil to make it look pretty. Sorry for the quality of these pics but they were taken on a cell phone camera.