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  1. lavender

    my Big Budda Cheese was found!

    Too bad you had to cut your girls. Fortunately we live in an area where we legally grow and are protected by the local sheriff. There are several gardens in this area and we look out for each other. When teenagers or strangers are looking too closely, they are questioned and pictures taken. That...
  2. lavender

    How do i start growing

    Try putting them in the sun at first. The lights will make them weak and spindly. you want them to start strong. A short thick stem is the best for the plant later. They just want water and light right now. Then put them under the lights. No fertilizer yet. You don't need that for about a month...
  3. lavender

    idiot refresher. how long till seeds viable?

    Check the PH of the water too. I have had that be a problem in germinating. Keep it around 6.5
  4. lavender

    idiot refresher. how long till seeds viable?

    I like to have mine age about a year before I use them. I have used some just off the flower and a little longer. But they usually aren't as successful as letting them age. I put them in a jar and label them date picked and plant picked from. If I know, what it is crossed with.
  5. lavender

    MALE???? HELP please my first time!!!!

    I don't understand why you look at males as a bad thing. I have been growing probably as long as some you have walked this planet. If you have quality seeds then you have the start of your own seed bank. Let them come the first grow and get your bank, then the next one weed out the boys, because...
  6. lavender

    hermie or female?

    I think this is what is called a femanized plant. It fertilizes itself. The seeds are much sought after and if you have a good strain you can make some money. You will have a few pollen sacs and you can pull or not depending on how many offspring you want. Good find!!!
  7. lavender

    Did I just screw my plants with this stuff?

    That Bayer is crap anyway. All it does is kill everything and when the mite eggs hatch, because they aren't effected by the chemical, they just take over. I had the same problem this year. My timing for the ladybugs was off, I got them too early. The ladybugs had moved on by the time the surge...
  8. lavender

    Breeding plants

    I just pollinated some of my girls very successfully using one bamboo chop stick dipped in the pollen, first dipped in water for the pollen to stick, and touched where I wanted to pollinate. I ended up with one seed at the bottom of the buds where I touched. shake off the loose pollen first, it...
  9. lavender

    mixing dolomite lime

    I use 55gal barrels to mix the lime with the water. use about 1/2 cup as the water is filling. leave over night and in morning your ph is down. The next day I ad nutes to the water then use a hose to water as needed till empty.
  10. lavender

    willowing...PLEASE HELP!!

    It doesn't look like mites to me either. Looks like a nute problem. Ever try blood meal? and check the ph of the soil and water. Needs to be 6-6.5 for best results.