idiot refresher. how long till seeds viable?


Well-Known Member
i rem reading that at least a month till i can use my seeds taken form my plannt, is that right? i have seeds from the plant all over my grow now. i got some in curing jars, i got some sitting out and i got some under wte towels on heating mat. i cant get one to germinate yet. i have tried. they a week to 2 weeks at most old. anythouhgts>???:dunce:


Active Member
I like to have mine age about a year before I use them. I have used some just off the flower and a little longer. But they usually aren't as successful as letting them age. I put them in a jar and label them date picked and plant picked from. If I know, what it is crossed with.


Well-Known Member
I keep self-grown seeds in paper envelopes, labeled. They need air and a certain amount of moisture needs to evaporate for them to become/remain viable. I try and store these envelopes in a cool, DRY environment. I'm basically curing seeds, without the sweating. This is how I've done it for 40-some years and it's super rare for me to find a non-viable seed, which I do by floating mine in water. Viable seeds sink after 6-24 hours. Of course, all sinkers go straight into dry-ish small planters at 1/2", which aren't watered until I see movement, then slowly so I don't flood the seeds out of place.

Some gardeners freeze hard to germinate seeds once, then plant them. (after a day at room temp?)

I've also stored in plastic vials, always slapping a little piece of tissue in the bottom to absorb any excess moisture.


New Member
Try curing the seeds with some bananas..the ethylene will make the seeds females,and it will help ripern the seeds faster,thus making them ready to be germed aot sooner..any more questions?


Well-Known Member
Try curing the seeds with some bananas..the ethylene will make the seeds females,and it will help ripern the seeds faster,thus making them ready to be germed aot sooner..any more questions?
Not proven. But probably wouldn't hurt to give it a try.