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  1. O

    Help Starting seedlings under 150 watt for 3 weeks then putting them outside

    Okay so i want to put like 30 seedlings under a 150 watt hps so there about 2-3 inches tall in 16oz cups then transplant them into 5 gallon buckets outside for the rest of the year, i want to get the plants at least 3 inchs tall so they have better chance of survival in the beginning stages...
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    reserva privada kandy kush

    please post pics of your kandy kush :)
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    Animal problem now my leaf is brown help!!!

    There dead from just one day? Hopefully I can get them going!
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    Animal problem now my leaf is brown help!!!

    Okay so just planted my seeds in soil and put them in the sun and I came back 2 days later and some animal got to some of them but I maniged to find the tap root and seed and replant them I got scared and put a top on my box I'm growing the plants in and I just checked them and the 2 green...
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    Fox farm soil

    Thnx bro ya i do have to fox farm trio nutrients but i would be fine with getting and using Fox Farm ocean forest potting soil???
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    Fox farm soil

    Im looking to use Fox farm soil for my lowryder from seed to finish but my question is... What type of foxfarm should i use from seed to finish or should i add stuff with the fox farm soil???if so what???? Also if i use a 5 liter pot how mant pots can i fill with a bag of foxfarm???? if...
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    First outdoor grow ????

    Thnx bro i just read ur gurilla grow manual ha good shit I think im just gonna have 4 or 5 remote spots with 6 plants n then ill surround them with wire and dog shit to keep the deer and other animals out. How long would u say i stay them inside and then transplant them outside??? Maybe like...
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    First outdoor grow ????

    Thnx for the imput goose. Ya i was thinking about a couple holes in the bottom to drain too much water its just the bucket is really big for low ryders u kno. I would prolly nute them monday n then like on a saturday i did a hydro indoor just this is my first outdoor grow. Kinda nervous but...
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    First outdoor grow ????

    Thnx for the imput but with my bucket ill have some fox farm nutes n ill go back there maybe twice a week to water n give em some nutes. Sunlight wont be a problem they will have full sunlight. Not worried that much about bugs n shit cuz there arnt to many. Im using a 5 gallon bucket so...
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    First outdoor grow ????

    OK so i have alot of land behind my house and i want to plant some plants i need some imput if this is a good idea. Im going to spread my plants all over the woods, im going to have them in 5 gallson buckets then dig holes in the ground and place my buckets in the holes so there flush with the...
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    Well there dead im sure

    Thnx while im waiting i threw some potting soil in a pot and threw in a couple seeds added water and put it by a heating bulb maybe ill get lucky if not then no biggy Always next time :((( Love u all thnx!!
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    Well there dead im sure

    No inline fan to expensive and looud n the light is fine there lowryders anyways cuz thats all will fit haha ya i just sprayed water in there and put a tub of water in there to raise the humidity i think i can get the seeds to come back
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    Well there dead im sure

    Its hot because i turned the fans off last night cuz in the attic its like 30 degrees n this moring it was a nice day and warmed up n thats when i checked them it was 117 directly under the light i got the fans on now and the temp is 88 degrees
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    Well there dead im sure

    thoes containers are the domes to raise the humidity sense theres only 16% n they need like 90% humidity
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    Well there dead im sure

    OK at night the temp gets down to 30 degrees that why i keep the light on all day to keep it warm today it was alittle warm thats y i think its so hot today and i check them every day the onnly reason i let the temp get that high was because i just got the thermomter last night n put it in...
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    Well there dead im sure

    Here ya go
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    Well there dead im sure

    K im putting pictures on
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    Well there dead im sure

    FUCK this is the 2nd time this happened im pissed!!!!! shit is so hard n never works for me they never sprout!
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    Well there dead im sure

    well i looked in the rockwool and the water kept them cool and the rockwool cubes are still damp so i was thinking the rockwool insulated them so i put a dome over them and maybe they will pop