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  1. ClosetGrownTHC

    Bucket Grow, in tree. Anyone have experience?

    And even less for me... thanks for the link.
  2. ClosetGrownTHC

    Bucket Grow, in tree. Anyone have experience?

    In other words, "I think there is a needle in that haystack." Yeah thanks for the tip ha
  3. ClosetGrownTHC

    Bucket Grow, in tree. Anyone have experience?

    I am gonna try growing in a 5 gallon bucket suspended in the trees with a rope (like a pully system). I have drilled drainage holes in the bottom of the bucket, using roots organic soil, and a snap hook to keep the bucket suspended. Has anyone tried a variation of this grow method? Any tips...
  4. ClosetGrownTHC

    Seedling Tips Please

    I have the lights about a foot over the plants, and I run them all in order to keep the temp and humidity consistent as to what it will be during the entire grow. My light schedule is 24/0 and when should I start 1/4 strength nute feed? The plants are being started in peat pots.
  5. ClosetGrownTHC

    Seedling Tips Please

    I am germinating 3 Northern Light female seeds using the paper towel method, on a heating pad. After I transplant the seeds how high should i start my lights over my seedlings? My lighting set up is 4 40w CFLs at 6500K and 4 40w CFLs at 2700K. These lights are in a 36x20x60 inch grow tent w/...
  6. ClosetGrownTHC

    Brown Spots on Leaves. Any ideas why?

    Thanks everyone, appreciate the help. Ill be sure to keep an eye on them
  7. ClosetGrownTHC

    Brown Spots on Leaves. Any ideas why?

    Roots organic mixed with rice hulls, I did overwater them once prior to the spots showing up, but I am not feeding them any nutes at this point. Was gonna wait till about day 30
  8. ClosetGrownTHC

    Brown Spots on Leaves. Any ideas why?

    *New Grower These plants are on day 18 and the spots started coming in a few days ago. The bottom leaves in the first picture are by far the worst, but i am noticing spots appearing on other fan leaves also. Any ideas to what is causing this? and solutions to the problem? I thought maybe...
  9. ClosetGrownTHC

    Digital PH meter, any suggestioins?

    Thanks everyone, after seeing a friend use theres im gonna try it out, they have a soil meter and i liked how it worked.
  10. ClosetGrownTHC

    Digital PH meter, any suggestioins?

    Yeah Im looking for the pen looking ones, not the 24/7 ones (sorry for the confusion). Whats the name and model of the one you use?
  11. ClosetGrownTHC

    Digital PH meter, any suggestioins?

    I have been using ph strips to read my water, but have heard they are inaccurate and to spend the money on a ph reader. Any suggestions on ones that are accurate, reliable, easy to calibrate?
  12. ClosetGrownTHC

    Soil Suggestions?

    Any suggestions on what the best soil to use would be? Im starting my plants in Light Warrior then going to transplant them. I was going to use FFOF but have heard much about it being hot, and people having a lot of ph problems with it. Should I look to other brands or stick with FFOF?
  13. ClosetGrownTHC

    Leaves starting to yellow, any ideas why?

    I'm goin to look into getting a digital ph reader, any suggestions on a model? I currently am using strips. And yes I've been debating getting rid of it and using its lights on my other plant, but since it's my first grow I might keep it and use it to learn from.
  14. ClosetGrownTHC

    Leaves starting to yellow, any ideas why?

    Fox Farm's Ocean Forest soil and perlite, 70/30 mix. 3 gallon pot.
  15. ClosetGrownTHC

    First grow (2 plants/Closet/CFL) Please Help.

    Do you suggest germinating and letting them get there first set of leaves in Light Warrior then move them into FFOF? My thermometer is on the ground in between the 2 pots. I am going to move my plants into the RootTrapper II pots and add soil so they dont sit so low. Hope this helps with the...
  16. ClosetGrownTHC

    Leaves starting to yellow, any ideas why?

    My leaves have just started turning yellow the last 2-3 days any specific ideas why? This is my first grow and I have had problems with this one the whole time. It is northern lights, and on day 25. It is only bout 2" tall and I have had to cut some of the leaves off towards the bottom because...
  17. ClosetGrownTHC

    First grow (2 plants/Closet/CFL) Please Help.

    I did have them a little closer earlier, moved them back some in hopes to create some stretch. Thinking about adding 1 more 42w 2700k cfl to each of the plants here in the veg to help with vertical growth. Also, after posting and doing some research I realized i messed up with my nutrients. 1) I...
  18. ClosetGrownTHC

    First grow (2 plants/Closet/CFL) Please Help.

    I am adding 1 more fan in the room soon, hope that will help cool down the temp some, as well transplant them in to a RootTrapper II pot (heard great things about them). I do believe I need to look in to a way to circulate more air into the area. Definitely would benefit from that.
  19. ClosetGrownTHC

    First grow (2 plants/Closet/CFL) Please Help.

    Thanks for the input vostok, however the shelf and items on it must stay. This is a stealth grow and the only place that I am able to store all the equipment needed for it. Gotta work with what ya got i suppose. Also, I will check out the lighting article.
  20. ClosetGrownTHC

    First grow (2 plants/Closet/CFL) Please Help.

    First grow (2 plants/Closet/CFL) Please Help. This is my first grow and definitely a learning one (already many things I’d do a little different). I did a lot of research before I started growing, but nothing can beat experience. I am on day 24 since I...