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  1. S

    First Legal Grow in Colorado!!

    About 7 weeks into flowering. Ran into a little spider mite issue which is now more or less under control. The old soapy water trick has worked. Unfortunately it took a little while to discover them. They seem to be in 3 different stages. See below for pics. Thanks! First grow Began ~ Mar 1st...
  2. S

    First Legal Grow in Colorado!!

    I'm hoping for 5+ oz's... But whatever, time will tell. Also, tomorrow I'm taking a drug test. Anyone ever used synthetic urine? I bought a product called ultra pure. Let me know your thoughts. Regards!
  3. S

    First Legal Grow in Colorado!!

    Bueller? :(
  4. S

    First Legal Grow in Colorado!!

    Here we have my babies after about 4 weeks into flowering. Looking yummy :) I know this question is rather vague, but any guesses on dry weight after harvest? Each plant has 4 main cola's and 2 of them have smaller shoots that will produce much less.
  5. S

    First Legal Grow in Colorado!!

    Thanks for the advice guys. I couldn't imagine 12 plants! Nonetheless, I do want to clone these so I can keep the process going. Wilksey, I'm sure they sell seeds in Colorado, but I had these laying around so I figured, why not? Like Grow4myfriends said, I got very lucky for 3 females! I hope...
  6. S

    First Legal Grow in Colorado!!

    Hello again. Here is an update after about 2 weeks of being under hps and 12/12 lighting. Its been just shy of 3 weeks since my last update and comparing the old pictures, they've grown a lot! I'm very pleased. I am very luck, too. I planted 3 bag seeds and I have 3 females! :) Now I'm...
  7. S

    First Legal Grow in Colorado!!

    So I don't see signs of sex yet, but the two best plants are starting alternating nodular growth. :) I'm slowly going from 20/4 down to 12/12... about an hour per day. When I hit 15 hours or so I will switch to hps. I am also super cropping the top branches. Will update in another week or so...
  8. S

    First Legal Grow in Colorado!!

    7 weeks since seed. Probably going to switch to flower pretty soon. Should I switch to 12/12 and the hps light both at once?
  9. S

    First Legal Grow in Colorado!!

    So I went away for the weekend. Watered before i left and was gone 4 days. Came back to this: I immediately watered and within hours they looked much better. Here's a couple progress pictures over several hours.
  10. S

    Starting MMJ Grow Business, am I in over my Head?

    I've given this a lot of serious thought, too. By office do you mean storefront? Are you just whole-selling this bud to dispensaries? 90 plants is a lot. What medium will you use?
  11. S

    First Grow in Colorado!

    UPDATE: Plants are looking good. I'd like everyone's opinion. I am 5 weeks since i started the seeds in paper towels. You can see the 1 on the left is smaller and slightly yellow. I've added some more nutes and will wait to see the results. Question: I am curious as to how early you can flip...
  12. S

    First Legal Grow in Colorado!!

    Getting light to new areas by taping the tip of a leaf to a side of the pot. (get it?) haha I have a stubborn plant though. I'm treating him the same, but he is not growing and is light yellow. :/
  13. S

    First Legal Grow in Colorado!!

    Here is around week 5. Looks female. Y/N? Technical issues. Pics not loading. Give me a minute
  14. S

    First Legal Grow in Colorado!!

    Here is an update. Week 4 from seed. I have no idea on my temps and no idea on my rh or ph. Running 400w mh at 16 inches above the tops.
  15. S

    First Grow in Colorado!

    Any recommendations for fertilizer? I used a very small amount of some MG shake and feed, but i just read this is high in sulfur which raises the pH levels. Thanks!
  16. S

    First Legal Grow in Colorado!!

    Bueller? :) Please share your input on my babies...
  17. S

    First Grow in Colorado!

    Just to confirm. Food = nutes? This may be better asked in the newb central, but regardless, I appreciate any advice! Anyone else have thoughts/advice?
  18. S

    First Grow in Colorado!

    So I've been holding onto some bag seeds for a while now. I successfully germinated 3 out of the 5 and here are my babies. They are about 3.5 weeks since seed so I think they're doing pretty well. I have nothing to compare to, so any input is much appreciated. On week 3 i moved them from about...
  19. S

    First Legal Grow in Colorado!!

    Here we go. Thoughts?
  20. S

    First Legal Grow in Colorado!!

    Here is an update: Moved under 400w Apollo MH light and transferred to large pot. I replanted closer to the cotyledons. 5 days have passed and all the babies have a new layer of leaves! I began to notice the cotyledons yellowing which I read is normal. However, now i am noticing the bottom...