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  1. YoungClover

    Oh SHIT EVery one Must Read this and tell me why this odd phenomana happened!

    This is new to me, but I have had a seed come up and grow sets of three leaves instead of 2. The false leave(round fake ones) also had three. Unfortnately, I forgot to water in 107 degree weather and it died.
  2. YoungClover

    question on 2 day dark period before harvest

    giving the a dark period is definitely worth it, and the second time you do it I would go like a week or two, it will ooze thc (not literally, but you get the point). quick side note: if you leave a plant in the dark till its real yellow, it'll taste great. (The buds may not yellow as muck as...
  3. YoungClover

    question on 2 day dark period before harvest

    It kinda depends on the strain, but 99% of the time it will be entirely fine. Some less stable strains may suffer mutations or other problems that though they wont kill the plant, may set back growth. I highly doubt any plant will die and most plants will be unaffected.
  4. YoungClover

    Weirs Seedling

    I planted some seeds a couple of days ago, and one of the seedlings came up with three fan leaves and three of those thick round leaves. Has anyone else ever seen this?
  5. YoungClover

    TrueBlue (Blueberry) I need tips

    Its time to put the plants out, and a friend gave me some blueberry seeds last fall that I'd like to try. He told me they were only suitable for indoor grows, but i have no room in my closet and would like to grow them outside against his advice. Please help me prove my friend wrong by telling...
  6. YoungClover

    Are you a solo toker?'ve

    Unfortunately, Its much simpler than that, if you found this site your addicted.
  7. YoungClover

    YoungClover's Indoor/Outdoor Grow Log

    Today, I clipped four clones, two from my Jamaican clone, and two from my other clone. I'm expecting them to root within the next two weeks, and then I'll keep them inside until mid to late april. I'll also clip atleast two more clones in about a week or two. YoungClover :joint:
  8. YoungClover

    YoungClover's Indoor/Outdoor Grow Log

    Didn't realize I needed to give people permission to post, so go ahead and post.
  9. YoungClover

    YoungClover's Indoor/Outdoor Grow Log

    I have been growing, and frequenting the site for quite some time now. I have actually used info from the site since way before I sign up in my grows. I have three females & one seedling currently, but I have a much bigger outdoor grow coming. I decide to start Journal, so I can post my...
  10. YoungClover

    How would you use Miracle Grow (B.B.)?

    How often should I water with the nutes, Box says 7-14 days, but can I feed them in shorter periods without killing them?
  11. YoungClover

    How would you use Miracle Grow (B.B.)?

    First let me say, If your here to criticize miracle grow, then please leave. I started my plant out with 1/2 Tbsp per gallon. How fast do you usually increase the amount of M.G.? Also, how often did you water with M.G. water :?: NPK is 15-30-15 Edit: I'm not asking for instructions, I'm...
  12. YoungClover

    Weird Growth!!

    The original branch seem to have stopped growing, but another branch has started to deform. Then new branch slit and is now two branches. Ill post a pic of this as soon as its big enough. I think the strain is probably a very unstable one. Edit: Plant is also a hermie, so as soon as I see...
  13. YoungClover

    Hairs turning brown??

    It is my brothers plant, but I grow it for him along with my plants, so I keep replying as if it is mine. The plant is same strain as my plants, which is why I say my strain. The strain has been within my hands for 3 1/2 years, and before that my dad was growing this strain. Admittedly this is...
  14. YoungClover

    Hairs turning brown??

    It could be stressed, I'll let u know if I find anything out.
  15. YoungClover

    Hairs turning brown??

    I checked my PH like you said and it is normal. about two inches away, if not less. (CFL Grow) I have no Idea what strain it is, but I have had it for 3 1/2 years and haven't had this problem so far. It hasn't seemed to worsen yet & hopefully it won't.
  16. YoungClover

    Stems continue to grow...

    About a month ago, I chopped down a male and put the stems in a ziplock baggy. I just looked at the baggy for the first time since then, and the stem have new growths on them. The growths are still alive and appear to still be growing.
  17. YoungClover

    Hairs turning brown??

    First of all, I'm am not an idiot. I may be new to the site, but I have grown many times, and have watched many people do so. I can spot an irregularity when I see one. My strain has never had brown pistols this early. BTW: If you don't like helping people (which I sense you don't), then simply...
  18. YoungClover

    Hairs turning brown??

    6 weeks 12/12
  19. YoungClover

    Hairs turning brown??

    I am no where near harvest
  20. YoungClover

    Hairs turning brown??

    Probably about 6 weeks