
Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
It's looking great in there BigD...
I had a request if you don't mind...
can you take a pic of a male.. before you cull it?
I know what males look like, but I want to be able to sex them as soon as possible... I'm only 2 weeks into flowering, but i'm expecting some sure signs soon and don't want to mis anything.


The BEST DIY EZ walmart carbon filter for MICRO grows Zen style
Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker


Well-Known Member
I will when another one shows no problem...........question for the experts, can you root a clone just using light coming thru a window? I know you can start seedlings that way just wonderig if it would be sufficient for clones any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
I will when another one shows no problem...........question for the experts, can you root a clone just using light coming thru a window? I know you can start seedlings that way just wonderig if it would be sufficient for clones any thoughts?
I have cloned all kinds of different things doing just this, but never tried it with mj. I'm sure it would have to work. I have the bad habit of seeing interesting plants (half the time they turn out to be weeds) and I will take a spontaneous cutting and throw it in a burger king cup or something with some water and sure enough 9 times out of 10 it will grow roots after a few days/sometimes weeks if it is a woody cut.

Running out of room in the cab and starting to get greedy with the clones now huh??? It happens to the best of us!


Well-Known Member
I have cloned all kinds of different things doing just this, but never tried it with mj. I'm sure it would have to work. I have the bad habit of seeing interesting plants (half the time they turn out to be weeds) and I will take a spontaneous cutting and throw it in a burger king cup or something with some water and sure enough 9 times out of 10 it will grow roots after a few days/sometimes weeks if it is a woody cut.

Running out of room in the cab and starting to get greedy with the clones now huh??? It happens to the best of us!

lol yep they could all use a good topping and i digured throw them in the window and let them root, hell i have seen my mom do it 100 times with her houseplants


Well-Known Member
ok BigD this ones 4 u first of all i dont want to come off too cocky bcuz this my fisrt post ever on this site but i've been growing 4 well over a year and i pretty much know my shit. number 1 your temp is wrong 75-80 is the ideal temp this temp. will increase your yeild by 15%-30% and raise the THC levels by 2%-10% depending on your strain. also growing from seed won't allow your plant to fully develop to it's full pontential bcuz it takes a marijuana plant 6-10 weeks (most take about 8-9this is a safe estimate 4 most starins)to fully mature b4 it goes into flowering cycle this way when it starts flowering its already a full grown adult.its better this way trust me try it this as well will increase the over all yeild bcuz the plant is a full grown adult. now i'm not trying to tell u to vegetate for 2 months bcuz that would ruin your type of growing method/plan your using which is trying to haverst once a week so what you do is clone. find the seed that gave you the most or biggest buds this is probally the sexy smarter prettier sister you would want to date. just like humans, plants also take on their parents characterstics in diffrent ways sometimes one of your brothers or sisters comes out almost perfect but u dont thats bcuz they got the best of both parents but that doesnt mean your gonna get the same you might be stuck with all the bad genes so once you've decided which one or two was the strongest, clone and grow them for two months in vegetation(add two weeks to those two months if clones had small buds on them when you cut them off)and in bigger containers if possiable (the more root mass the bigger and faster it grows) after 3 weeks of vegetation growth cut the top part of your plant (the new growing stem n leafs on top of your plant)off completely off this will make all the little stems on your plants strech and grow at amazing rates once you see all the little stems grow about 2 and a half inches long cut the top of them off too like you did the middle stem when the 2 months are done you'll be able to get at least 20 clones from each plant this also insures you that their all female no more wasting time on grow plants that your going to end up throwing away. also by this time your plant should be a full grown adult and when you clone a plant its still under the impression that its an adult so it grows like an adult(real fast and strong) try it.. so now we have 40 clones that are about 1-2 and half inches tall it will take 2-3 weeks for them to grow roots and resume vegetation then all you have to do is vegetate them for 10-14 days they should be about 3-5 inches tall with at least three new leaf sets. now put them puppies to flower and watch them grow into 2-3 foot monsters without even trying.the clones think that they are the same age as the plant they came from so they grow like crazy.(once you master the art of cloning it should take 2 weeks to root) always try to clone b4 buds grow on plant. hope u find this information helpful...


Well-Known Member
also i forgot to tell you...inhale....exhale..... you dont have to wait the whole two months to start cutting clones off the two plants you've chosen to keep and clone. (mother plants is the proper term for them)you can start cutting as early as the first month as long as their avaliable on the plant so if you can cut five from each one at that time then you got your first 10 to start with... good luck.


Well-Known Member
ok BigD this ones 4 u first of all i dont want to come off too cocky bcuz this my fisrt post ever on this site but i've been growing 4 well over a year and i pretty much know my shit. number 1 your temp is wrong 75-80 is the ideal temp this temp. will increase your yeild by 15%-30% and raise the THC levels by 2%-10% depending on your strain. also growing from seed won't allow your plant to fully develop to it's full pontential bcuz it takes a marijuana plant 6-10 weeks (most take about 8-9this is a safe estimate 4 most starins)to fully mature b4 it goes into flowering cycle this way when it starts flowering its already a full grown adult.its better this way trust me try it this as well will increase the over all yeild bcuz the plant is a full grown adult. now i'm not trying to tell u to vegetate for 2 months bcuz that would ruin your type of growing method/plan your using which is trying to haverst once a week so what you do is clone. find the seed that gave you the most or biggest buds this is probally the sexy smarter prettier sister you would want to date. just like humans, plants also take on their parents characterstics in diffrent ways sometimes one of your brothers or sisters comes out almost perfect but u dont thats bcuz they got the best of both parents but that doesnt mean your gonna get the same you might be stuck with all the bad genes so once you've decided which one or two was the strongest, clone and grow them for two months in vegetation(add two weeks to those two months if clones had small buds on them when you cut them off)and in bigger containers if possiable (the more root mass the bigger and faster it grows) after 3 weeks of vegetation growth cut the top part of your plant (the new growing stem n leafs on top of your plant)off completely off this will make all the little stems on your plants strech and grow at amazing rates once you see all the little stems grow about 2 and a half inches long cut the top of them off too like you did the middle stem when the 2 months are done you'll be able to get at least 20 clones from each plant this also insures you that their all female no more wasting time on grow plants that your going to end up throwing away. also by this time your plant should be a full grown adult and when you clone a plant its still under the impression that its an adult so it grows like an adult(real fast and strong) try it.. so now we have 40 clones that are about 1-2 and half inches tall it will take 2-3 weeks for them to grow roots and resume vegetation then all you have to do is vegetate them for 10-14 days they should be about 3-5 inches tall with at least three new leaf sets. now put them puppies to flower and watch them grow into 2-3 foot monsters without even trying.the clones think that they are the same age as the plant they came from so they grow like crazy.(once you master the art of cloning it should take 2 weeks to root) always try to clone b4 buds grow on plant. hope u find this information helpful...
lol yes you sound cocky and you obviously know very little about growing and 0 about micro growing (did that sound cocky)...
and all you are doing is repeating incorrect info that the internet is littered with...here is 79 pages you can read and educate yourself on the growing method International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - 12/12 From Seed: A Different Way To Grow.............. and temps above 80 are fine weed grows best near the equator where the average temperature in 85, and the average day only has 13 hours of sunshine, sexual maturity in a plant has very little to do with age, that is why people can veg plants for 60 days and still it takes another 30 for sex to show in some instances, its takes a certain amount of a certain chemical in the plant to show sex and this can happen at different points in time, a plant wont show until its ready regardless of how many hours of light it gets........no offense to you I am sure you mean well but your information is simply incorrect and outdated,I have cloned before and at max its 7 days for roots, you can clone a budded branch, I mean pretty much everything you typed is WRONG, there is a micro grow revolution friend that is challenging all of the basic principles, even if I worked with moms and clones I wouldnt veg them, you may know something about growing but you dont know anything about MICRO growing so thanks for you attempt at helping, but sit back and enjoy the show leave the micro growing to me.............bongsmilie And if I wanted 2-3 ft plants I would grow in a closet under an hps not in 2 sqft under cfls.............


Well-Known Member
Quick update all the clones seem to be taking well and starting new growth, I have 5 ladies that are flowering, 4 clones, 5 sex unknown, 3 seedlings and 6 seeds germinating.........I will start tracking my weight when I harvest these 5 as I think they will be a good indicator, so sometime in the nxt 4-6 weeks we will see how its all going to play out stay tuned..............



Well-Known Member
growing is an art and many dont follow the rules but what rules? I think if the plants grow and get you high it does not matter as long as the grower is satisfied...
I use tap water that I leave outside for a couple of days, my closet reaches 90º sometimes and i dont even know if my closet is 100% light proof.....I dont measure the ph or humidity.....
but I give them Fox farm products and lots of love....I also talk to them all the time and that seems to be good enough for my girls..
i'm just trying to say that cronusoner and bigd are both right.....


Well-Known Member
I am going to try and do a big picture update later, but all is going great.......I have buds developing and pistils showing all over the place, I will get the numbers tgether when I do the pics but I couldnt be more pleased, I am still not 100 satisfied with what I am feeding alhough I am doing ok I think I could do better in that department, all 4 of my top/clones took and 2 of them are throwing pistils already:eyesmoke:, so taking the tops as clones and cloning in 12/12 was no problem, I think next time I will veg the clones for a bit in a window and then throw them in the box, but for the record I did nothing special with my cloning, I cut and then I put in a peat pellet, I had a make shift humidity dome for the first couple of days and then into there bottles, no bubler, no powders, no lotions or potions KISS (keep it simple stoner):joint:

Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
lol yes you sound cocky and you obviously know very little about growing and 0 about micro growing (did that sound cocky)...
and all you are doing is repeating incorrect info that the internet is littered with...here is 79 pages you can read and educate yourself on the growing method International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - 12/12 From Seed: A Different Way To Grow.............. and temps above 80 are fine weed grows best near the equator where the average temperature in 85, and the average day only has 13 hours of sunshine, sexual maturity in a plant has very little to do with age, that is why people can veg plants for 60 days and still it takes another 30 for sex to show in some instances, its takes a certain amount of a certain chemical in the plant to show sex and this can happen at different points in time, a plant wont show until its ready regardless of how many hours of light it gets........no offense to you I am sure you mean well but your information is simply incorrect and outdated,I have cloned before and at max its 7 days for roots, you can clone a budded branch, I mean pretty much everything you typed is WRONG, there is a micro grow revolution friend that is challenging all of the basic principles, even if I worked with moms and clones I wouldnt veg them, you may know something about growing but you dont know anything about MICRO growing so thanks for you attempt at helping, but sit back and enjoy the show leave the micro growing to me.............bongsmilie And if I wanted 2-3 ft plants I would grow in a closet under an hps not in 2 sqft under cfls.............
growing is an art and many dont follow the rules but what rules? I think if the plants grow and get you high it does not matter as long as the grower is satisfied...
I use tap water that I leave outside for a couple of days, my closet reaches 90º sometimes and i dont even know if my closet is 100% light proof.....I dont measure the ph or humidity.....
but I give them Fox farm products and lots of love....I also talk to them all the time and that seems to be good enough for my girls..
i'm just trying to say that cronusoner and bigd are both right.....

See... that's why I like you guys.... stubborn... breaking rules... seeing this less as a job, and more as an "art form"


The BEST DIY EZ walmart carbon filter for MICRO grows Zen style
Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker


Well-Known Member
hey Big, I transfered my 9 little clones into the flower closet, I'll be pokin some holes on the containers and transfer them to some gatorade bottle hempies like yours and see how it goes



Well-Known Member
since I dont know how to do the multiple pics in a post and explain what each is I am just going to do a couple of post with some pics to show what I have going...ok these pics are of a couple of plants that are budding they are from one of my first generations, and are still short may top out at 8 inches when done, but they have bud sites all the way to the soil level that seem to all grow into one budsicle, so we will see wha tthey yield



Well-Known Member
next up we have one of the 12/12 clones a pic side by side of mom and clone, i took the clones 10 days ago and they have new nodes already, and again nothing special just cut and plant......all in 12/12, the mom has thrown pistils so my 2 for 1 special idea seems to be working......tried to get a cloeup of where the cut was made on the mom



Well-Known Member
finally the pics I title progressbongsmilie, there are 3 plants pictured below the first 2 plants (going left to right) are the ones that are budding as you can see they are much smaller than plant number 3, number 3 is just starting to throw pistils ( its the mom fromm the clone) you can see it is nearly twice as tall and also has side branching and and probably 3X the number of bud sites.......I applied some basic logic to get to this point first off, if you grow 12/12 from seed the plants stay short normally, this reduces yield, to increase the size and potential yield, I decided to keep them 8-12 inches away from the cfls thus encouraging stretch, I have further found that the topping of the plant in 12/12 helps with the development of side branching, since the plant remains in a vegatative state due to the stress from the topping so it takes a week longer but you get more bud in the end I think..not sure if I explained that correct but I hope you guys get my point so far this seems like a very real way to produce perpetual bud without moms or clones, and making your own seeds isnt that hard, but hell you can buy a 20 sack of shit weed and get 20 seeds lol...thats a 32oz cup for size comparison:joint:.what do you guys think



Well-Known Member
oh and one more thing ( lol I am high as hell) ISO wash hash is the shit...........bongsmilie.........I am so fucking baked right now, I smoke all day every day lol I am a lucky sob lol.........anyway its easy to make and I did one bowl with one nug and a pinch of this iso hash and I am baked out of my fucking mind, you ever been scarry high lol???:bigjoint:..........any who I am going to go lay down and eat some fucking cereal lol......hope you guys comment on the pics from today.holy fucking shit I curse alot when I am too high lol


Active Member
i was wondering if i could get some quick help, i started out with 6 outdoor seedlings, 20 days ago, as of yesterday the 4 remaining i moved inside, 2 of the 4 are growing like there on steroids,the other two are small but very healthy, i was just wondering though what would be a generally good light routine for some plants that are 20 days old i mean from what ive scene in convo on the site the 12/12 looks good i have them sharing a 100 watt cfl there in tight with one another and ive got the bulb centerd above them just a few inches, so would 12/12 be the way to go