12/12 From Seed and 1st DWC Too !


Well-Known Member
2 questions. How do you change your res when your plants are that big/ do you just place your plants to the side out of the solution while changing it? and also, with your HID going, your able to keep the temp down with just one fan? You think i would be alright with my area "3ft x 2ft x 4.5ft" with just one oscillating fan? The grow area is in one of those sliding closets wit mirror doors.


Well-Known Member
wow! nice grow man, i was kinda wondering what i was gonna see cause i seen it was your first dwc... buds is lookin nice! im havin my girl try to take some real crisp shots of buds, but i dont want her messin with the timer or the light... she should be able to do a decent job, cant wait til i get back home to take some real good macro shots...

edited to add:
almost forgot what i meant to ask, when you take pics with your lamp off, are you using some sort of background light so you can focus? i find that sometimes it would be too dark to really focus on the buds in the picture, and was wondering what some people do to get their crisp shots...

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
I like this formula :D 15% you say...
Everything in black is written by Rez, himself. This is his formula and words.

Badass post man i love seeing shit like this im gonna copy n paste it for future reference. Whats his grow stlye Flo he doing DWC as well? If so thats cool shit im actually doing genetics with some of his in the lineage. Good stuff
Thanks and glad you like it bro !
Yeah, that's what I did too. Copy and pasted it in Microsoft Word and saved it.

About time we got a sweet bud shot up in here! Quite nice if I may say so myself. :clap:

My plan is to ask my friend who has a sick camera to take some pics of my bud before we cut it too.
Appreciate the kudos, RayFox !
I hate clicking on them little ass photos sometimes.
Good ones should be blasted onto the screen !
Get that camera from the homie and post pics.

2 questions. How do you change your res when your plants are that big/ do you just place your plants to the side out of the solution while changing it? and also, with your HID going, your able to keep the temp down with just one fan? You think i would be alright with my area "3ft x 2ft x 4.5ft" with just one oscillating fan? The grow area is in one of those sliding closets wit mirror doors.
I use either my Drill Pump from Lowes ($7) w/ a 3/4 inch water hose.
Lift the lid and stick the hose in. Pull the trigger on the drill and let it drain into a 5gal bucket. Takes about 5 minutes to drain the cooler.
But I JUST noticed that Lowes sells a Wet/Dry shop vac for 5gal buckets !!
It fits onto the top of any standard 5gal bucket. Comes with hose and shit too.
Check the picture.
A 5gal Wet/Dry shop vac costs $40 at Wal Fart !!
This was $19.95 !! And $2.95 if you need a 5gal bucket from Lowes/Home Depot.
I SNATCHED that bitch off the shelf as soon as I seen it.
Will be trying it out in 3 weeks.

The blue filter is what I cut to fit and cover my air vents with on the OUTSIDE of my HomeBox Large tent.
I cut a big enough piece to lean against the tent.
Catches dust and shit REAL good. Just rinse, shake and replace.
Got 2 big sheets from Lowes or Home Depot where they sell all the home filters for a.c.'s and vents.
Costs around $4/sheet I think. Bought it almost a year ago so...............

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
wow! nice grow man, i was kinda wondering what i was gonna see cause i seen it was your first dwc... buds is lookin nice! im havin my girl try to take some real crisp shots of buds, but i dont want her messin with the timer or the light... she should be able to do a decent job, cant wait til i get back home to take some real good macro shots...

edited to add:
almost forgot what i meant to ask, when you take pics with your lamp off, are you using some sort of background light so you can focus? i find that sometimes it would be too dark to really focus on the buds in the picture, and was wondering what some people do to get their crisp shots...
ROFL...... Thanks Defcom !
It shocks me when I go in the tent, so I know it will catch others off guard too when they come look.
I didn't know what to expect going into this.
Been a Blessing the whole time !!!
For photos, I use 2 options.
When I use the "regular" shot mode with either of my cameras, I use my LED flashlight to shine onto the bud and to see the pic on the cam's LCD screen, turn the light COMPLETELY away and snap the pic w/ flash on of course.
One of my cam's also has 3 different macro modes.
The last mode has a little LED light that lights just the area being photographed during macro.

I go in to take pics WITHIN 15 minutes of lights coming on !!!


Well-Known Member

that was going to be my next question. now that I see even taking the res reading is harder now that the scrog is in place. So now i have to take a week and find a pump! FRAK!!! Ok cool beans, it will make my res change a piece of cake! Thanks again FG. Good thing u started prior to me. now we'll both finish!! Not sure it would be going so well if you were followin me dude...


Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Yeah, that Bucket Max should take no time to drain the cooler.
A hellova lot faster than that Drill Pump !
I'll have to do it twice per cooler since I have 10gal in each.
Anxious to use it, but not until I switch the Chem's to bloom nutes only, in 3 weeks.
Then again 3 weeks after that, when I harvest the Magic Monkey's !
Then 3 - 4 weeks after that, AGAIN, to harvest the Chem's !
A big kid with a new toy..................


Well-Known Member
Everything in black is written by Rez, himself. This is his formula and words.

Thanks and glad you like it bro !
Yeah, that's what I did too. Copy and pasted it in Microsoft Word and saved it.
LOL Flo thanks man. Could do some research i guess. What i was really trying to find out is if Rezdog grows DWC and if thats His actual nute program for His DWC with those particular nutes. Im still trying to perfect my my feed regimen with my particular nutes it would be cool to know exactly whats working and how peeps are feeding there plants in DWC tho. But guess thats for another thread n im done babbling n clogging this great grow with this type of talk. Good stuff man nuff said.


Well-Known Member

What Light cycle are you running during veg.? I'm asking because I'm on a 24/7 schedule and I just read that it is not good for plants, but there was no supporting evidence. I'll start my search now you know me dude...


Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
I have ran both, 18/6 and 24/7.
Neither one grows better than the other IMHO.

I prefer 18/6 for 2 good reasons:
1) Plants need to sleep, even just a little. The dark period provides that.
2) Save money on electricity.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for that, I've got multiple macro modes on my cybershot t100, totally forgot I could set it to shine that amber light first...


Active Member
Inspiring grow dude! I've decided to start my first DWC grow and I wanna do things right the first time (who wouldnt?)... so I'm going with the coolers for the res and I just want to clarify something... You're suppose to take the top off the cooler and replace it with the styrofoam sheet, right? Could you just cut holes in the top of the cooler and not use styrofoam? The more I think about it would probably be best to just take the top off cuz then I could reuse the cooler when Im down with the grow

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Thanks for that, I've got multiple macro modes on my cybershot t100, totally forgot I could set it to shine that amber light first...
LMAO....found mine by mistake, fucking with the buttons !

Just read the whole thread lovin the bud porn
Good lookin' out !
Don't be a stranger.
I've been slidin' in on your thread here and there too.
Keep it growing !

Inspiring grow dude! I've decided to start my first DWC grow and I wanna do things right the first time (who wouldnt?)... so I'm going with the coolers for the res and I just want to clarify something... You're suppose to take the top off the cooler and replace it with the styrofoam sheet, right? Could you just cut holes in the top of the cooler and not use styrofoam? The more I think about it would probably be best to just take the top off cuz then I could reuse the cooler when Im down with the grow
Thank you ! Keep dropping in.
Glad to hear you decided to rock the coolers.
Now is a good time too, b/c everyone has them one sell hella cheap.
You answered the question pretty much already. lol
Yes, I use the 2 inch thick insulated styrofoam at Lowes.
There's different ones to choose from also.
Yes, you can also cut a hole in the lid with a drill saw, but I may want to reuse my coolers.
The sheets are 4ft x 8ft for $24.
Had them cut it in four 2ft x 4ft pieces and threw'em in the trunk.
Buy ALUMINUM tape too. Got mine at Wal Fart.
It's like Reynolds Wrap with Duck Tape glue on the back !! lmao
Seriously ! lol
Drop in and post sometimes on the DWC Cooler Club thread too.

Also, ya'll wont believe how tall these fuckin Chem's are !
Tallest in the damn tent now ! ALL 3 OF THEM BIATCHES !!
Will post a pic later today.
My fault too. I lollipopped their ass too soon.
Shouldn't have done so much trimming during stretch, which caused them to strech even more.
It's STILL Chem, so OHHH WELLLLL..............rofl

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Had to bend and pinch 6 or so Chem tops over.
I don't care how they grow over each other right now.
They are so far behind in bloom, they'll have 6 weeks to themselves when the right side is done.
Use the clip on fan for referrence in the back, upper left corner.
Chem's are Day 41 today. Bloom Day 6 !
Monkey's are Day 59 today. Bloom Day 29 ! Minus 2 or 3 days......



New Member
Sweet flo. Couple questions:

How often do you completely change your water out? How do you do that? I ask because I just completely changed my 9 gallon tub today since my tap water was 780ppm (out of faucet) on my newly bought TDS meter. Ran out to get RO water (.01 ppm in 5 gallon bucket) and filled it up with 450ppm (FF Big Grow mild dose for seedlings) and ph at 5.8. 9 gallons was heavy as hell to take to my utility sink and completely change it out. Per my other thread my seedlings were curling and not growing as expected. I was using a drop ph meter and no TDS meter, so my water I think was almost toxic to the little guys(girls).