12/12 from seed CFL party cups

One seed wouldnt sprout so I had to remove it. Two wouldnt shed their seed covering and I helped them along but broke the top off of one, LOL, so I had to remove it.. Now I'm left with 5 seedlings.. They stretched a lot, and I had to bury the stem.. No biggie.. Do that all the time. Now I've got 84 watts on them, and will be adding the 55 watt CFL later in growth (cause i'm using it to finish a hermie)..

LOL, i've been waiting for a comment about the soil.. I've never had a problem with it, but the fertilizer in it sucks for herb, I always have to use extra nutes..
The last 5 I germed,one had so much Mycorrazae it fruited, which is a little mushroom type thing, in pot. Yes after three weeks it needs more nutes, I use different soil when I transplant...rw
oh ok well fair enough guys, whatever works for you by all means. ive just had bad experience with miracle grow soil. Ive had bugs develop and attack my plants so i started using sterile soil and food.. i did like only having to water before, made things simple if your soil already has everything in it. but again, bugs in my soil like wtf lol.. this happend a couple times. it happend with the "germination-seedling" soil (whatever its called) and it happend with the "potting mix" soil both by MG. And yes i also found out that the food in MG isnt the best for weed but i can understand germinating in it if it doesnt have any bugs like i did lol.
i only use water till i see its 2nd set of leaves, then i add a little nitrogen. Cant say ive started a seed in quite awhile tho, stuck to clones once i got the hang of it.
I believe you about bugs, actually I probably won't get anymore mg anyway, just had to rise to the bait. I do like it for seedling though...rw
Got two seeds in MG moisture control right now..going outdoors eventually. One LA Confidential and a WW..first time I've used it. Well, first grow actually, that could have something to do with it..
the bugs that developed in my soil didnt happen till about the 3rd week, then i just transplanted and it was completely fine. just in case that happends
Container: 16 ounce cups
Medium: MG potting soil w/ MG perlite 30%
Nutrients: Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Grow and Bloom
Additives: Botanicare Liquid Karma and Sweet
Lights: 55 watt 2700K CFL and two 42 watt 2700K CFLs (added for flowering)

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Started off by germinating 7 random bagseeds in a wet paper towel, they all showed tap roots within 48 hours and were placed in soil in 16 ounce party cups. 5 out of 7 have popped out of the soil and shed their seed cover. Today is day 2 since being placed in the soil.. I plan to flower in the party cups.. Not expecting a big yeild, just doing this grow to keep me occupied.. I love growing.. I welcome any questions or comments. Please subscribe to this thread for any updates..

Stay tuned, and stay high.. :joint: :joint: :joint:

cool stuff. I grew one like this for a contest and ended up with about 22 grams dry. It was a bitch watering though as I had to water up to three times a day during peak flower. It was still fun though. Good luck with yours.