12 Reasons You May Never Want To Eat Turkey Again

One day the genetic engineers will save us. I look forward to the day when I harvest a watermelon, open it up and pull out a standing rib roast.

As a software engineer I'm not eating any genetic engineers products until 20 years AFTER THEY eat them! Oh yeah I have the same rule for chemist's products, too! It's why I have like a 3 drug pharmacopeia.
LMAO, you don't need to kill of animals to make room for produce. Plus there wouldn't be as many animals if factory farms weren't artificially inseminating them to produce more animal product to sell. Your logic behind not watching the video is simply your close-mindedness and ignorance.

The ironic comment in my post was my own hyperbole, and it was as obvious as day, but yet still you missed it.

Calm down dude, this is for fun, unless you really think you are instituting change here.
Is there anyone here who actually thinks eating meat is healthy? By the way, just because something contains vitamins and protein doesn't make it healthy. It's about the trade-off. And your body loses to the dead animal. So when you kill an animal and eat it, it ends up killing you from the inside. What's the difference if someone shot 10 deer or if someone walked into an elementary school and shot 10 children? Why is human life more valuable than animal life? Because some humans say so?
I do. I think we are evolved to eat meat.

A thing I noticed about the OP was that not one of the points impugned the nutrition or wholesomeness of turkey.
As a software engineer I'm not eating any genetic engineers products until 20 years AFTER THEY eat them! Oh yeah I have the same rule for chemist's products, too! It's why I have like a 3 drug pharmacopeia.

Good beef is software. Leave the firmware to the young of tooth, I say.
Most animals start to eat their food while it is still alive and suffering. The world is 90% water and that aint gonna change anytime soon. The human body is designed to eat both vegetation and organic life. Mother Nature knows that if you don`t thin the herds, they will all die. God knows that if people overpopulate the world, they will all die. Nature has always made a comeback from total annihilation, people will never comeback from it.

Next time you see an alligator grazing in the fields, or a mountain lion eating a cantaloupe instead of an antelope, or a shark eating a head of lettuce .....get back to me about food consumption.

You will never get a hard body off vegetation alone. You might look good, but you`ll be squishy !i
Nothing better than a turkey sandwich day after thanksgiving. Slap some crispy onions on hat thing and some mayo. Damn.
Turkey mmmmmmmmm. Dont forget to brine your turkys everyone. A good brine will add up to 14 percent moisture in your finished product. If you dont already do this your welcome!whats this thread about?
I agree that commercial turkey farms are usually inhumane but that's what the market bears. You can buy free range turkey but you're going to pay through the nose. I've seen those natural turkeys with price tags of over a hundred bucks. It's hard to justify spending that when you can get a bigger turkey for 20 bucks. Most people that buy turkeys are feeding quite a few people so there's not much appetite for shelling out an additional 80 bucks for a smaller bird.
Nothing better than a turkey sandwich day after thanksgiving. Slap some crispy onions on hat thing and some mayo. Damn.

Open faced sandwiches too. Thick sliced toast, first layer cranberry sauce, second layer sliced turkey, top that with stuffing and drip with gravy ...hot !i
That was an asshole thing to post an only Turkey taste like turkey. An who cares how they live or if they get aggressive we just gonna kill an eat them..
As a software engineer I'm not eating any genetic engineers products until 20 years AFTER THEY eat them! Oh yeah I have the same rule for chemist's products, too! It's why I have like a 3 drug pharmacopeia.
I like to wait at least ten and see a large body of evidence supporting safe human use before I'll start thinking about things. My days of playing guinea pig are over.
How do people with allergies to insulin survive? I'm sure you have a solution to this one. Can you even explain to me genetically why the propensity for this is even in our epigenome? How about Diabetes Mellitus (not type II), explain it's inclusion in our genome?

I despair..... jt PLEASE leave these topics to sunni and other less zealous proponents of vegetarian/veganism. You simply hurt the case and we need reason and rationale discourse, not hysterical lies to convince people to consider other avenues.
Because the traits that cause it can cause heterosis when we have them with normal traits and impart an advantage to a larger group of the population would be my guess. Or we have just done a crappy job selecting people with good genetics to breed future humans.
I would love for a vegetarian to raise some turkeys. After a year or so, the vegetarian might not want to eat the turkeys, but he will want to kill them.

Turkeys are nasty and stupid. When I would go into their giant pen to feed them, they would peck the shit out of me, drawing blood if I didn't wear big rubber boot and a couple layers. Muck the pen and I would get attacked. Fuck turkeys.
I agree that commercial turkey farms are usually inhumane but that's what the market bears. You can buy free range turkey but you're going to pay through the nose. I've seen those natural turkeys with price tags of over a hundred bucks. It's hard to justify spending that when you can get a bigger turkey for 20 bucks. Most people that buy turkeys are feeding quite a few people so there's not much appetite for shelling out an additional 80 bucks for a smaller bird.

I have a free range farm by me , and their not that much more money mayabe 10-20% more but it's fresh kill never frozen and taste so much better

I notice most people are so used to store bought meat that when they taste wild meat of the same animal they dont even like it or even reconise it sometimes
I would love for a vegetarian to raise some turkeys. After a year or so, the vegetarian might not want to eat the turkeys, but he will want to kill them.

Turkeys are nasty and stupid. When I would go into their giant pen to feed them, they would peck the shit out of me, drawing blood if I didn't wear big rubber boot and a couple layers. Muck the pen and I would get attacked. Fuck turkeys.

Stupid is right , they sometimes drowned by looking up in a rain storm

But I love them bolth alive and on the plate
Turkeys are nasty and stupid. When I would go into their giant pen to feed them, they would peck the shit out of me, drawing blood if I didn't wear big rubber boot and a couple layers. Muck the pen and I would get attacked. Fuck turkeys.

I got fucked up by a turkey when I was like 5. All the adults were inside drunk, and nobody told me the guy had a turkey in the backyard.