The ironic comment in my post was my own hyperbole, and it was as obvious as day, but yet still you missed it.
Calm down dude, this is for fun, unless you really think you are instituting change here.
Most animals start to eat their food while it is still alive and suffering. The world is 90% water and that aint gonna change anytime soon. The human body is designed to eat both vegetation and organic life. Mother Nature knows that if you don`t thin the herds, they will all die. God knows that if people overpopulate the world, they will all die. Nature has always made a comeback from total annihilation, people will never comeback from it.
Next time you see an alligator grazing in the fields, or a mountain lion eating a cantaloupe instead of an antelope, or a shark eating a head of lettuce .....get back to me about food consumption.
You will never get a hard body off vegetation alone. You might look good, but you`ll be squishy !i
I agree factory farming is not right.
I advocate hunting and raising your own livestock.
If you cannot kill it or process it you probably should stick to your big macs and let evolution take it's course.
I may get shit for this maybe not but even this country coon is fresher and more nutritious than the "fresh factory meat" you'll find at most grocers.
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(note this raccoon killed 4 of my chickens so yeah not a cold blooded animal killer here...)
As for vegetarianism it also has it's faults what with misappropriation of fresh water resources in under developed countries in order to grow gmo and govt subsidized soy and corn products.
Not to mention the toxicity of the nutrients leaching into our ecosystem based on large scale monocropping with heavy salt nutrients that leave the earth raped and barren of any soil life, no vegetarianism is not the answer either...
The Vegetarian Myth:
We must educate ourselves so we may learn to respect life in a way in which our ancestors did, every living thing a sacrifice for another.
Seed to sprout to feed to meat to waste and over again...
4. Turkeys are Sexually Molested And Abused.
Am I the only one that saw this statement and thought...
Dear God!...they are raping turkeys?.
Or am I just really stoned.
It's a sad affair when you can't differciante yourself from an animal.
Whats so natural about factory farms?
I would love for a vegetarian to raise some turkeys. After a year or so, the vegetarian might not want to eat the turkeys, but he will want to kill them.
Turkeys are nasty and stupid. When I would go into their giant pen to feed them, they would peck the shit out of me, drawing blood if I didn't wear big rubber boot and a couple layers. Muck the pen and I would get attacked. Fuck turkeys.
There's plenty of insects that show farming behavior.
A turkey wrapped with bacon is tasty.
Turkey BaterYeah that's what I thought until I read the article. I would hate to be the guy that is a male turkey "milker". It seems like they'd have a turkey sex toy for that. And that's not violating it... it's probably doing it a favor. I'm sure those bird feet don't feel good.
It's probably not an easy life for wild turkeys either.