199 watt CFL's first indoor grow

Skinny yes the 180 watt ufo is what im using and this is the top branch of whats under it. I did veg my plants kinda long and they stretched so i applied lollipop to them.here is the top branch this branch is 21 inch long. but you are seeing 8 inches of it.
Powerlink999 on ebay. they now have a 300 watt 192 actual for 137.50. that would grow 1 plant perfect if bigger plants or 2 smaller plants.
ty. i have a nice mix of lights in flower room. ill be upgrading each led and the hps is in the mail tomorrow. i see hps has its strenghts and so does led. so its a mix grow im after.
dam, lookin good skinny, just great!! i like the way the leds make the plant look purple DC, real nice.
okay for 1 plant you can get a ufo 180 watt($95) or a 300 watt ufo($137) the 300 would grow 1 plant really nice. you just have to keep the led's closer since they are 3 watt diodes running at 1.9 watt. its proven if you saturate a plant with 1 actual watt diodes it will grow great weed. but to get a bigger canopy you need 5 watt diodes or the new cob style or the kessil which uses cob style. here is the 300 watt one http://www.ebay.com/itm/2014-300W-L...8284995?pt=US_Hydroponics&hash=item27dfca0bc3
these led's should get you .5-.8 gramss per actual watt. so the 192 will get you 100 grams too 140 grams of great taste strong high buds. cfl is great for veg. Ill be upgrading my led's this summer to ones that put out a bigger canopy i need a light that can stay same distance as my 600 watt hps for total led hps overlap.
okay for 1 plant you can get a ufo 180 watt($95) or a 300 watt ufo($137) the 300 would grow 1 plant really nice. you just have to keep the led's closer since they are 3 watt diodes running at 1.9 watt. its proven if you saturate a plant with 1 actual watt diodes it will grow great weed. but to get a bigger canopy you need 5 watt diodes or the new cob style or the kessil which uses cob style. here is the 300 watt one http://www.ebay.com/itm/2014-300W-L...8284995?pt=US_Hydroponics&hash=item27dfca0bc3

Do you know the average life expectancy of LED panels? Are the diodes individually replaceable if they burn out at different times, or would the whole panel need to be replaced? I'm so close to biting the bullet and trying out LEDs. A few years ago, they were prohibitively expensive, but it seems they're coming down in price.

Grows are looking great, guys.
the led's im suggesting are for small area coverage like 1 plant that is 16-24 inch max height. tehy have small grow area. the 3 watt diodes only penetrate 2 ft max. how big of plant and how big of space do you have. the marsII is 5 watt diodes running at 3 watt and has 36 inch penetration and can cover a 3 1/2x3 1/2 square area for around $300 its the 700 watt 350 actual. so they use 2.5 watts which is more than enough to grow good plants. that is what im looking at to put on each side of my 600 watt hps. now again if wait a few months so we can see how mohican grows with his kessil setup we will know how will they do. I look at it this way the new led's will grow great weed but the bug size is smaller than hps. so im gonna mix them so i get bigger buds that are super dank. give me another 2 months then ill have 5 plants harvested and then i can really tell you more.
Do you know the average life expectancy of LED panels? Are the diodes individually replaceable if they burn out at different times, or would the whole panel need to be replaced? I'm so close to biting the bullet and trying out LEDs. A few years ago, they were prohibitively expensive, but it seems they're coming down in price.

Grows are looking great, guys.
and sunny click on my thread in my signature and you will see the 180 watt ufo working. its doing great but i need a little more power since i have allot bigger plants and have to raise my led higher to cover the whole top of plant. i also have drop led's and a small 150 watt hps till my new 600 hps gets here Thursday or Friday.
skinny bro hows it going tonight?

Taking it easy bro. Got a new edition to my family so she's been keeping me busy. As far as plant goes watered with 3 gal. of plain water Saturday. Will water again tomorrow plain water problably 3 gal.

Also I've been reviewing ufo grow lights trying to narrow it down. Think I will problably go with a 180 for starters still not sure.
i would go with the 300 for 137.00 better coverage and will do allot better. or jsut wait and in a couple months you can have my 180 ufo.
Taking it easy bro. Got a new edition to my family so she's been keeping me busy. As far as plant goes watered with 3 gal. of plain water Saturday. Will water again tomorrow plain water problably 3 gal.

Also I've been reviewing ufo grow lights trying to narrow it down. Think I will problably go with a 180 for starters still not sure.
skinny i would get a shallow but long pot say 6 inch high 1 foot long and 6 inch wide. start the seedling on the left side of it. let it get 3 nodes. then fim/top it then let it get 2 more a bit taller and the new tops are coming in good. then water/feed her and wait 45 min then start pulling her over towards the other side of pot till you get her vertical to the soil, then stake or tie her down. and keep running her towards the other end. she will make allot of tops on the main stem that is vertical. this is if you are not using auto seed if auto dont fim/top and you need a deep pot for autos i suggest reg fem seeds. with that led and this style you will have 6-10 tops and it will be sweet and perfect for that light. i bet you could yield 100 grams or more of great buds. while keeping the light 6-8 inches from the plant. i hope i explained it good.
skinny i would get a shallow but long pot say 6 inch high 1 foot long and 6 inch wide. start the seedling on the left side of it. let it get 3 nodes. then fim/top it then let it get 2 more a bit taller and the new tops are coming in good. then water/feed her and wait 45 min then start pulling her over towards the other side of pot till you get her vertical to the soil, then stake or tie her down. and keep running her towards the other end. she will make allot of tops on the main stem that is vertical. this is if you are not using auto seed if auto dont fim/top and you need a deep pot for autos i suggest reg fem seeds. with that led and this style you will have 6-10 tops and it will be sweet and perfect for that light. i bet you could yield 100 grams or more of great buds. while keeping the light 6-8 inches from the plant. i hope i explained it good.

Great explaination DC. I would start something like that late fall. My plans are still the same for spr/sum/early fall. I plan to start some bagseed outside again, hopefully within a few weeks. I want to take clones starting in May and flower them indoors in 1L pots for an early harvest. I do also have plans on working with outdoor early flowering through light depreviation.