1st Grow ~ 250W ~ Aeroponics ~ SCROG ~ Stealth ~ Great White Shark

Quick update with pics

Not much changed, but I can see some great growth appearing on the plants.... I am seeing noticeable growth everyday :clap:

Added two small fans blowing a weak breeze across the plants, this will hopefully keep temps a bit cooler but most importantly help the plants get a nice strong stem.

Also picked up a emergency blanket from the local store, put some holes in it and used it as a cover for my res. If all work to plan, this should lower my res temp since it is reflecting heat away from the tank. If not I can just throw it out.

Comments welcomed.... Thanks


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Once again another issue..... whats new.

Brown spots affecting only one of my plants. It probabaly has to do with the fact that I accidently lowered the Ph to 4.7 last night. and left it until this morning. now its sitting at 5.5

anyways here are some pics, hopefully its nothing serious. Brown spots, and the edges are very dry and almost crisp to touch. Dont think it is nute burn, or heat stress because the other 4 plants dont have any symptoms.

Any help would be amazing thanks.
Once again another issue..... whats new.

Brown spots affecting only one of my plants. It probabaly has to do with the fact that I accidently lowered the Ph to 4.7 last night. and left it until this morning. now its sitting at 5.5

anyways here are some pics, hopefully its nothing serious. Brown spots, and the edges are very dry and almost crisp to touch. Dont think it is nute burn, or heat stress because the other 4 plants dont have any symptoms.

Any help would be amazing thanks.

Hye budninja, yeah drastic changes to pH; either up or down, will have a negative effect on your plant. You should always increment or decrease pH levels by "." (point) increments. Check this link out, sort of looks like your problem.
Yeah man haha, I know that drastic changes to PH is a terrible thing... Just my PH up n down is so strong, I should probably dilute it with some water to make it more practical to use. I will make sure PH does not fluctuate past 5 ~ 6 PH.

But on the plus side, the other 4 are doing just fine. Even the little one that got damaged during the pump failure shows new leaves and growth. I am starting to do some LST to get some good side growth going.


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Hello bud ninja! One suggestion about using ph up and down. If you want to avoid wrong chemical reactions with using ph substances, mix your ph in a small amount of water and then mix it into your nutrients. This is the most efficient way to change the ph. For instance, the scenario if you are going for 1000ppm and 5.8ph; 5 gallon container, fill 3 gallons with tap water (assuming it's 6.9ph) and get a second bucket of tap water of 2 gallons. Put your nutrients as you would a 5 gallon in your 3 gallons of water. Assuming the ph is around 6.9 still, bring your second 2 gallons to 5.5 or 5.2 and mix together. It's extra steps, but this is how the masters thought me :)
Hello bud ninja! One suggestion about using ph up and down. If you want to avoid wrong chemical reactions with using ph substances, mix your ph in a small amount of water and then mix it into your nutrients. This is the most efficient way to change the ph. For instance, the scenario if you are going for 1000ppm and 5.8ph; 5 gallon container, fill 3 gallons with tap water (assuming it's 6.9ph) and get a second bucket of tap water of 2 gallons. Put your nutrients as you would a 5 gallon in your 3 gallons of water. Assuming the ph is around 6.9 still, bring your second 2 gallons to 5.5 or 5.2 and mix together. It's extra steps, but this is how the masters thought me :)

He speaks the truth I tell you!!! Better safe than sorry man, and if your like most of us that love to work on our grow and spend time with it I'm sure you wouldn't mind the extra steps as well.

She's looking good man! Pretty soon you'll really start to see her take off, as soon as those roots hit the reservoir....BOOM!
Looks good..i did top my girls...what are your plans for a scrog screen and changing your water...
Thanks for the comments, when doing res changes I add my nutes into a 5 gallon jug, put PH adjustments into another 5 gallon jug and then finally a final jug of plain water. But it seems like my res PH fluctuates often. My res PH rises from around 5.5 to 5.8 in a few days... is that normal? This always forces me to add more PH down directly into the res, without diluting it. And sometimes I add a little too much.:cuss:

Looks good..i did top my girls...what are your plans for a scrog screen and changing your water...

Thanks man ya I just topped the one that was the biggest. I am going to wait on the others until they have 4 true sets of nodes. I will start to do LST on the one I topped in a few days let it recover.

For a scrog net I have made a net out of string with a wooden frame. And for water changes I just have a secondary pump that pumps out the majority of the water. And for the remainder I use a hand powered water pump. But barely anything is left.

Here are some pics from today, the first pic is the plant that got topped. Three are doing great, other two are still recovering but still showing growth.

PPM bumped up to 220


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Photo Update - topped all three of the big plants.

PPM ~ 250


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So time for another quick update.

The plants are drinking up a lot of water now and the ppm dropped down to 120, I bumped it back up to 300 and hopefully this will last till next res change.

The plants are doing great, wow they are growing quick, almost touching each other already. Ill let the pictures do the talking.

One concern is that my roots are slowly turning brownish color, now I know when using organic nutes your roots turn brown. And espeially since I am using Bio Root from General Organics, but I just don't want a sudden case of root rot kill my grow.
None the less the plants are doing great, so we will have to see.

PPM 300 soon 350
PH ~ 5.8

But some comments about what it could be would be amazing, anyone else face the same issues?


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I am going to do a res change in a few days, so I put a light mixture of H202 into my res. This will hopefully help get some more oxygen to the roots and also help prevent root rot. This shouldnt effect my nutes at all, besides they are going to be replaced in a few days.

It is almost time for the scrog net, I just need to make some adjustments to it. Wow these plants have taken off they are huge! Pretty happy with the progress that my grow has had, cant wait to start scrogin and putting them into flower. But this wont be for a few more weeks.

And it seems like I picked a real good strain for SCROG, this plants got great branching, and is so short and bushy. I put a close up shot of some of the branching. It's where the plant had gotten topped.


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@778 really could use ur help im just a asian girl trying to figure out how to get my aeroponic grow started im a quick learn jus need some advice

some things I realized when starting my grow.
- Dont spend too much money
- Be committed
- Dont overreact
- Dont skimp out on nutes

Other than that just go through my journal, and if you got any questions just ask.

Im just a ninja trying to figure out my aeroponic system to.
So scrog is on now

dimensions of SCROG 34" X 36"

I have a feeling the plants will fill this in quick. And unfortunately during the installation of the SCROG I lost a few fan leaves.... Oh well


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Res change, and quick tucking of new growth.

Noticeable change in the roots and plant once H202 was put it. They got all perky and looked so healthy. Going to keep putting in H202 a few days before res change.

PPM bumped up to 550


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you on 12/12 yet if not i would be considering thinking about it stretch could fill that screen up from there i reckon

Yeah not on 12/12 yet, I was going to give it one more week. You cant really notice from the pictures but there are still a lot of open gaps that can be filled in. I do know that the plant will stretch a lot during flower, but I don't think another week will hurt.
Its a JUNGLE:leaf:, so much growth in 4 days... :-P
Screen almost full, going to be switching them over in 2 days. First I am going to give them 36 hours of darkness, then over to 12/12 lighting schedule. Not going to add any of the flowering nutes until next water change, I heard that the plant still needs a lot of nitrogen in the early phases of the transition.

went by the hydro store picked up flowering nutes:

- Botanicare Bloom and Bloom Soil
- Hydroplex
- Sweet

What do you guys think? I included a close up shot of one of the leaves, doesnt seem like its deficient in anything.


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Okay time for an update. It’s been about a week since the switch to 12/12. And as you can see from the pics the plants are doing great. The SCROG technique works really well for people who have height issues or for small stealth grows such as this one.

Did some trimming underneath the SCROG, pretty much got rid of any fan leaves coming off the main stem. And really anything that was really yellow, and some that I just knew wouldn’t make it. In all got rid of about a handful of leaves. This will help with ventilation and just get more air flow to the plants. I have a total of four fans going. Three small usb 4” fans, and also one 12” fan blowing air directly underneath the canopy.

Going to be doing a res change tomorrow, also bumping up the PPM to around 800. The nute mix I will use is a mix of 1/4 Grow and 3/4 Bloom ratio. So the plant can still have enough N for the stretch period. Also will be introducing Botanicare Sweet and Hydroplex.

Other than that I just did some final tucking of the branches and some minor maintenance and checked the timers and outlets.

PPM 500 -> 800
PH 5.5 ~ 6.5


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