1st HID Tent Grow- 600w


Active Member
Hey nice grow you got goin on. Very simple but very potentially successful. Im stickn around so i'll keep an eye on you. And i wanna see how those canna nutes work out for you. If you wanna take a look at my grow. Im 31 days into a 600w Blueberry Kush and Blue Mystic grow. And im updating with new pictures tomorrow. Good Luck


Active Member
Sub'ed....I am also on my first grow...but you know WAAAY more than i do. I saw that you put down what kind of nutes your giving the plants, but what do they do? Which ones would you recommend i use and how often?
Ha, no worries, thats what we are all here for right? I know what I'm doing in theory, but not in practice...as long as everything is going good, I'm know what I'm doing, but when problems arise, I definitely need pointers still.

So the thing about the nutes is a huge pool to dive into, but basically its the food the plants need. They require more nitrogen during veg, and more P&K during flower, so there are basically just two essential things you need, your veg nutes and your flower nutes, everything else is supplimentary. So many different companies that the possibilities are endless. I just chose CANNA becuase I have heard good things. Advanced Nutrients is sorta recognized as the best stuff you can buy, but its also pricey. Their quality is never up for debate, tho their cost is.


New Member
AN is garbage....been busted by the state of Oregon to not even contain what the label says is in it...is a fact...google it


think of making it rain as a version of hydro which closely mimicks nature by replicating what happens when it rains


Active Member
Hey nice grow you got goin on. Very simple but very potentially successful. Im stickn around so i'll keep an eye on you. And i wanna see how those canna nutes work out for you. If you wanna take a look at my grow. Im 31 days into a 600w Blueberry Kush and Blue Mystic grow. And im updating with new pictures tomorrow. Good Luck
Thanks for joining my gorw Guerrilla, yours looks amazing, happy to have you on board so I get get some of your knowledge aswell.


Active Member
SO, I am having trouble keeping my humidity up, that plants seem to be doing lots of transpiring and could use a litte more moisture. So i try to kill the lights once a day to spray them all down with plain ole water. They seem to like it. ANyone have any tips on maintaining humidity levels in a tent?


New Member
the one i purchased does...is a little off but I adjust it according to my hygrometer...look in them ...some have the setting knob some don't...i have a sunbeam and a honeywell...the sunbeam is better imhho

hope it helps



Active Member
the one i purchased does...is a little off but I adjust it according to my hrgrometer...look in them ...some have the setting knob some don't...i have a sunbeam and a honeywell...the sunbeam is better imhho

hope it helps

Awesome, I need to start making a christmas list, hahaha.

Quick question about PH. Does it take some time to adjust? Like, if I put 10 drops of PH up in a gallon of nutrient treated water, and check it, then I see it needs more, so I add 10 more drops, and check the water again. IF I waited like 30 minutes, would the ph have adjusted more? ( am gonna run this experiment on my own anyway, I watered stinky just now. lemon skunk still has a little weight in those buckets, stinky's are ready tho, so I got the water to 6.5, But I saved part of the gallon to check again in an hour). I'll keep ya'll posted.

ALSO, just a theoretical question, I know PH is an exponential thing, so like IF 6.0 was 10 times more acidic than 7.0, meaning 5.0 would be 100 times more acidic than 7.0, etc....(keep in mind I'm just making up these numbers), then would it also follow that same rule with the amount of PH adjuster used?
EX- if it took me 5 drops of PH down to go from 7.0 to 6.0, then would it take 50 drops of PH down to go from 7.0 to 5.0? (or 45 more drops if you included the initial 5 drops that took me from ph 7 to ph 6?

I hope that question was comprehendible. I'm just trying to get a feel for what exactly I am doing, I want to understand instead of just follow instructions.


Active Member
How long do you let your potting trays stay full of runoff? I used to think it was good, b/c the plants would suck the water back up from the bottom, but if it hasnt happened in 2 hours, should I remove the excess?

My run off was a ph of 5!! yikes, why is that, what what should I do about it?

ILL- is "making it rain" method the same for veg as flower? My lights are on 24/7 right now so there really isn't any "sleeping" time for them right now


New Member
The light has nothing to do with sleeping...lol....they are the same veg or flower...I am running 24/0 this rip to see...and so far I like it

get a ph meter



New Member
Awesome, I need to start making a christmas list, hahaha.

Quick question about PH. Does it take some time to adjust? Like, if I put 10 drops of PH up in a gallon of nutrient treated water, and check it, then I see it needs more, so I add 10 more drops, and check the water again. IF I waited like 30 minutes, would the ph have adjusted more? ( am gonna run this experiment on my own anyway, I watered stinky just now. lemon skunk still has a little weight in those buckets, stinky's are ready tho, so I got the water to 6.5, But I saved part of the gallon to check again in an hour). I'll keep ya'll posted.

ALSO, just a theoretical question, I know PH is an exponential thing, so like IF 6.0 was 10 times more acidic than 7.0, meaning 5.0 would be 100 times more acidic than 7.0, etc....(keep in mind I'm just making up these numbers), then would it also follow that same rule with the amount of PH adjuster used?
EX- if it took me 5 drops of PH down to go from 7.0 to 6.0, then would it take 50 drops of PH down to go from 7.0 to 5.0? (or 45 more drops if you included the initial 5 drops that took me from ph 7 to ph 6?

I hope that question was comprehendible. I'm just trying to get a feel for what exactly I am doing, I want to understand instead of just follow instructions.

Best to add a little then wait 15- 30 minutes...I have been so fortunate as with the nutes I am using woth my ro water when I get through mixing it it comes out 6.3 -6.6...awesome

But I have to drop it for the rain as it is 10 ph out of my ro...but a little does wonders in clean water

As you do it more and more you will get a feel for it...can't remember the factors right now and really isn't needed ....a meter would make your life much easier...lol...but no it only takes a few drops....never even close to 50

Hope it helps



Active Member
Ha, that is totally lucky for you!! I want an RO water filter but I have a feeling that may be one of the last things I purchase due to limited funds.....However, I am going to make it a goal to have a ph pen, and a ppm pen asap.

oye, wierd ph issues today, I NEEED a meter. So I mixed up nutes for the two stinky's this morning and it was super acidic, so I raised the ph.... but this evening, as I mixed nutrients for the lemon skunks, I mix what I assume was the same amounts of everything, but when I tested the ph, it was right in the 6.0 - 6.5 range, so I didn't mess with it and just watered. anyone had a similar situation ever?

I will take pics tomorrow so you can see the growth :)


New Member
Ha, that is totally lucky for you!! I want an RO water filter but I have a feeling that may be one of the last things I purchase due to limited funds.....However, I am going to make it a goal to have a ph pen, and a ppm pen asap.

oye, wierd ph issues today, I NEEED a meter. So I mixed up nutes for the two stinky's this morning and it was super acidic, so I raised the ph.... but this evening, as I mixed nutrients for the lemon skunks, I mix what I assume was the same amounts of everything, but when I tested the ph, it was right in the 6.0 - 6.5 range, so I didn't mess with it and just watered. anyone had a similar situation ever?

I will take pics tomorrow so you can see the growth :)
Yes have had my ro water come out at 7.1 and still only changed to 6.4 when I mixed my nutes...gotta love smoke'n'grow and dynagro...awesome products!!!

I never have acidic pure water...too much limestone in the ground here

Namaste' :leaf:


Active Member
Whats up peeps. Got some new pics today. My stinky's seem to be thriving...The lemon skunk doesn't look terrible....but I have these wierd twistings on some of my leaves? Does anyone know anything about this?

The stinky's are drinking water way faster than the skunks too...makes me wonder how the roots are doing in those skunks. it seems like the bottom few inches of the container retain some weight. Anyone know How I can encourage the roots to fill that lower space better?

I took some close ups of the twisting skunk leaves which for some reason are the 1st and last pics to upload, (I don't know why it doesn't load them in the order I took them, lol). The pic with all 4 plants, stinky's are in the back, lemon skunks in the front



Well-Known Member
Whats up peeps. Got some new pics today. My stinky's seem to be thriving...The lemon skunk doesn't look terrible....but I have these wierd twistings on some of my leaves? Does anyone know anything about this?

The stinky's are drinking water way faster than the skunks too...makes me wonder how the roots are doing in those skunks. it seems like the bottom few inches of the container retain some weight. Anyone know How I can encourage the roots to fill that lower space better?

I took some close ups of the twisting skunk leaves which for some reason are the 1st and last pics to upload, (I don't know why it doesn't load them in the order I took them, lol). The pic with all 4 plants, stinky's are in the back, lemon skunks in the front
Note: When your done uploading pics go to "Preview Post" so you can see where the pics lineup and then go back into manage attachments and move to appropiate place that you want them to line up in order. If that made sense.

Ok that seems to be a possible Lockout coming your way. Reason I say that is I had the exact same problem, watch the tips, they will start to crisp and fall off. Your pH is prolly messed up or something, screwy pH!!! Thats a reason why i choose to make it rain....I had a build up of shit in soil and it tweeked my pH and I had a lockout after that. Here are the pics of what happened. The fix....Making It Rain. But I am a nOOB trying to help ya. I hope that helps too.



Active Member
Thanks BKB, I am going to buy a ph pen tonight...The ppm meter will have to wait.

SOOO, the problem with why I can't make it rain just yet is that the Lemon skunk is drinking/drying very slowly. It is still heavy from my last watering on 12/2. I was able to pull the stinky;s out of the pot and could see a full and healthy root mass that has taken the full form of the container that it is in, but on the skunks, i can't pull it out of the pot, it still feels "stuck", or that if I pull too hard, I'll tear the stalk away from its roots...

My amateur opinion is that when I transplanted them initially, I put some soil in the bottom 4 inches of the container before I put the plants in for space for the roots to go into, and i think that the roots haven't crawled down to that dirt yet, so when I made it rain, it saturated all this dirt that has no roots, AND which is at the very bottom of the container, so its not drying out? That is just my guess?

The skunks are going to be skipped on watering until the dirt feels totally dry. THEN, i think I may try to water those skunks just by putting water in their runnoff dishes to absorb up into the dirt, perhaps the "bottom feeding" will encourage the roots to dig down into that lower area in search of water.

What does everyone thing about my theory on the root/dirt situation, and do you think, my solution is a valid one, or does anyone have any other suggestions?


Active Member
Thanks BKB, I am going to buy a ph pen tonight...The ppm meter will have to wait.

SOOO, the problem with why I can't make it rain just yet is that the Lemon skunk is drinking/drying very slowly. It is still heavy from my last watering on 12/2. I was able to pull the stinky;s out of the pot and could see a full and healthy root mass that has taken the full form of the container that it is in, but on the skunks, i can't pull it out of the pot, it still feels "stuck", or that if I pull too hard, I'll tear the stalk away from its roots...

My amateur opinion is that when I transplanted them initially, I put some soil in the bottom 4 inches of the container before I put the plants in for space for the roots to go into, and i think that the roots haven't crawled down to that dirt yet, so when I made it rain, it saturated all this dirt that has no roots, AND which is at the very bottom of the container, so its not drying out? That is just my guess?

The skunks are going to be skipped on watering until the dirt feels totally dry. THEN, i think I may try to water those skunks just by putting water in their runnoff dishes to absorb up into the dirt, perhaps the "bottom feeding" will encourage the roots to dig down into that lower area in search of water.

What does everyone thing about my theory on the root/dirt situation, and do you think, my solution is a valid one, or does anyone have any other suggestions?
Yea that sounds about right. How long has it been since yu transplanted? I would try the bottom feeding method to encourage those roots to grow.

Check out my grow. I got a update up yesterday.later


Well-Known Member
Thanks BKB, I am going to buy a ph pen tonight...The ppm meter will have to wait.

SOOO, the problem with why I can't make it rain just yet is that the Lemon skunk is drinking/drying very slowly. It is still heavy from my last watering on 12/2. I was able to pull the stinky;s out of the pot and could see a full and healthy root mass that has taken the full form of the container that it is in, but on the skunks, i can't pull it out of the pot, it still feels "stuck", or that if I pull too hard, I'll tear the stalk away from its roots...

My amateur opinion is that when I transplanted them initially, I put some soil in the bottom 4 inches of the container before I put the plants in for space for the roots to go into, and i think that the roots haven't crawled down to that dirt yet, so when I made it rain, it saturated all this dirt that has no roots, AND which is at the very bottom of the container, so its not drying out? That is just my guess?

The skunks are going to be skipped on watering until the dirt feels totally dry. THEN, i think I may try to water those skunks just by putting water in their runnoff dishes to absorb up into the dirt, perhaps the "bottom feeding" will encourage the roots to dig down into that lower area in search of water.

What does everyone thing about my theory on the root/dirt situation, and do you think, my solution is a valid one, or does anyone have any other suggestions?
Well I lace the bottom of my containers with straight Perlite about 3" deep. I also drill more drainage holes on the bottom of my container too. I can see the perlite on the bottom so I can check the color to make sure its not getting stained=build up. But I am not sure that you will have a gap in the bottom of your container, especially if you attempted Making it Rain cuz the flush would have your soil compacted if you didnt have good drainage. So I am interested to hear whats going on with it but one thing for sure your pH has to be out of whack. Def get that pH meter bro also I would recommend flushing your plant again so you have a clean slate. If you are going to flush make sure you have that pH pen so you can catch the immediate run-off and test the pH of it. But either way keep a close eye out on all your new growth tips and make sure it doesnt get out of control.

I hope I am helping somewhat but I am a nOOb so if someone else can verify or help us both understand whats going on. I want us all to get EYEZ plants back on track!!!


Active Member
Ok I am conflicted, its been 4 days since I did flush and feed those lemon skunks, and they STILL feel heavy. I really want to flush them again, cause I finally got a PH pen (Its an Oakton EcoTestr ph1), but at the same time, I want the bottom to continue to dry. Tho my leave tips on my new growth for sure look like yours in that pic you posted BKB. I want to flush but I want the soil to dry and bottom feed. What do you think?