1st time grower HAVING SOME ISSUES!


Active Member
Hi its my first time growing and im running into some problems.

I germinated the seeds about 8 days ago. The first couple of days, i let the seed grow from the sunlight from my window. Then i shifted to a desk lamp cfl.

The bulb is 5500k and uses 27 watts

Ive been giving the plants about 12 hours of light a day. I am not sure if that would be the issue? Also i used plain water up until yesterday.

I used the General Hydroponics Flora set.

Came back after watering them and they slumpt over.

idkkk what to do so help would be much appreciated. Here are pics attched.



Well-Known Member
i think you might be over watering but 12/12 should be good for your seedling. also those lights dont give off a whole lot of the kind of light plants need. also you should never use water that you wouldnt drink. if its tap or treated water leave it out at room temp. for 24 hours this will help bring the water temp to the same temp as the air. it also helps all the chlorine and what not to evaporate!!!
hope it helps!


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't suggest 12/12 on a seedling myself unless U already know what ur doin and just wanna see what happens but i digress.... First things first, one 27w bulb is not gonna be enough to grow somethin worthwhile. Now, u say u have it on a 12/12 lighting schedule, which is what u would switch to when u want to flower, NOT RIGHT NOW. There's a couple thing u gotta do if u wanna keep that thing around, First and foremost, SWITCH UR LIGHTING TO 18/6, 20/4, OR 24/7! Then u need to prop that thing up so it's sittin upright ya know? Get u a small fan so it gently blows on the sprout constantly, this will help create the thick strong stem u need to support the plant throughout it life cycle. See how tall ur plant is for it's size? That's from lack of light, and not having the light close enough. Get u some more light, a fan, prop her up, and hope she stiffens up.


Well-Known Member
Whoa, havent been here or grown for a while but. You've got a shit load of streching
And like the last post 12/12 is a flowering cycle, I suggest at least 18 hours of light.
The window light is what probably caused it to stretch. And how close is that CFL? Too far(4+ inches) will cause it to stretch. Keep that light close, but not close so that it burns your plants.

I hope you're not over watering them too much.
For now, put them in small pots with enough dirt to cover the stem a lot more. As in enough for them to stand on their own.


Active Member
Thanks for the advice guys. im going to switch the light to 20/4. Also im gonna go out and buy a grow tent and some more lights. Can someone tell me the best lights (CFL) for the veg stage and the best for the flowering? Also i have the General Hydroponics Waterfarm and im not sure if i could just put the cubes right in the hydroton??? and when should i put it in the system?


Well-Known Member
For vegging you want 6500K bulbs or something close to that, and for flowering something around 2700K.


Well-Known Member
go to home depot and by a 100 watt hps lamp. itll cost ya like 75 bucks. and its soooo worth it . im now using cfls and 4 ft t8s to veg for the next 20 days or so before my hps room opens up after this harvest, then im gonna stick all the babies into the 500 watts hps. (a 400 and a 100) im just worried about being able to veg under the floros now that ive seen what an hps does. but then again i can veg for as long as i want right?



Active Member
I dont think Home Depot even sells HPS lamps. If they did, that would be awesome but i was there the other day. Im gona take a trip bout 14 miles away to a Hydroponics store. Hopefully i ll have enough funds to pay for everything.


Active Member
I dont think Home Depot even sells HPS lamps. If they did, that would be awesome but i was there the other day. Im gona take a trip bout 14 miles away to a Hydroponics store. Hopefully i ll have enough funds to pay for everything.

i think he meant buy a security light and build yourself an hps light. but if you dont want to go through the whole process then the hydroponics store it is :mrgreen:


Active Member
Does anyone know how many seedlings i can put in one GH WaterFarm kit? I was thinking maybe 3 seedlings but im not sure if the plants would like that