2/3rds of an ounce of weed WASTED trying to decarb this month.

I ate the equivalent of a whole gram of weed using badkittysmiles method, exactly as it is posted on rollitup. The stuff turned red, looked the same... and nothing. no effect. I waited 4 hours on an empty stomache. That's double what it should take to bake my skull and I am DONE. Citric acid is a hoax. I can still feel purchased edibles so I know it isn't my enzymes, I can get baked smoking far less of the very same weed, so it is not the weed. Now after being unstoned all day, I'm not wasting any more of my weed on this HOAX, but I will fire me up a big ass bowl. Rather dissapointed. Unless someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong, I'm saying goodbye to two months of wasting weed and assing around with citric acid. All hoax reports that this works should be removed from every website.
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took the rest of it and stuck it back at 215 for another 1/2 hour. It did start out bubbling and end up flat, plus the color changed some, which it didn't yesterday.

I'll test it tomorrow tonight I'm getting my pipe and spoiling my baseline for further tests on this date.

I also tested the equivalent of a whole gram of citric acid extract (with the citric acid and lecetin, it was actually 2 grams of shit I ate) to no effect -- and this was a strict following of badkittysmiles method. No one who has done the citric has given me any response, therefore I conclude this entire idea of a no heat citric acid extract is a hoax and nothing more.
"I'm doing everything I can to decarb weed to make it active by mouth and nothing is delivering the goods part III"
what to do? Heat or chemical reaction (I can only conclude that citric acid extracts are a hoax until I am shown otherwise)?
I need heat that:
1. is steady and can be maintained
2. Does not rely on heating the AIR around the weed *cough* cough* oven *cough-mumble* as there are a number of atmospheric conditions on this planet, including atmospheric water content and pressure which muddle repeatability. If I can't repeat a method at time and temperatures described, atmospheric pressure and moisture content must thereby be a factor in the reaction. unless the amount of time plant material has been biologically inert and gets weathered is a variable. Even in this case , climate presents a variable difficult to control.
3. heats weed evenly, so that the texture of your weed (exhibit a: "break it up into rice sized grains" exhibit b: "grind it to a fine powder" exhibit c: "I just toss the weed in the oven whole and grind it after.")
4. is cost and equipment appropriate for someone who functions financially on the level of a post apocalyptic scavenger. Graywolf's page is amazing and extremely loaded with useful chemistry data. It also uses equipment I would need to be Snoop Dog, Willie, or Tyson to afford.
5.is capable of delivering a temperature wide range of temperatures between 225-300 degrees.
So this month's weed wasting experimentation is going to test my solution to these challenges.
I'm going to buy an iron from the thrift store.
Irons are designed specifically to evenly apply heat to a surface area.
I will also order a laser infrared kitchen thermometer to reliably confirm stability and accuracy of temperature.
I can grind the weed into a fine powder, put it between a couple sheets of paper, warm my iron, test the temperature until I am convinced it will not change, I'm going to start a timer and lay the iron on top of the weed and just sit there and watch this shit show until time and temperature corresponds to that VARYING times and temps I have been recommended:
225 for 1 hour
230 for 1 hour
230 for 40 minutes
240 for 40 minutes*
250 for 30 minutes
300 (or is it 305?) for 7 minutes
* most commonly cited temperature and time
I am assuming that I will fail at this experiment, as well as I have failed at every other method I have tried. Therefore my second round of experimentation will use lower temperatures to compensate for the only variable I can not account for-- how much the weed is ground.

I am actually assuming that no matter what I do nothing I ever try is going to result in cannabis that can be eaten by humans in order to get stoned.
I am wondering if I woke up one day in a parallel universe where it is a hoax that you can get high eating weed at all, but am somehow able to communicate with YOUR universe where decarbing weed is easy to do and doesn't result in complete failure.
I say COMPLETE FAILURE because it's not: "Oh this batch isn't very strong" it's "Jesus Christ it's been 4 fucking hours on an empty stomach and I feel absolutely NOTHING from the weed I eat."
If you have not read the other posts I made on this subject:
1. There is nothing wrong with my body. I can buy an edible at the dispensary and get wonderfully lit on 100 miligrams of THC. THAT IS A COST INEFFECTIVE METHOD. I would rather not pay $500 a month to consume food (I am en extreme faster. I am a Monk who constantly fasts) when $150 will buy me more weed than I can smoke all month.
2. The liver turns THC into a form of THC that is 5x as strong as smoked THC. I am NOT testing my results at that level. 1/2 a gram of weed, smoked, bakes me to perfection. I am testing each batch at 1/2 gram under the assumption that if it works it may be unpleasantly strong and I may have to sleep it off!
3. It will take me a YEAR to save up enough money to buy a fucking Avanti-FX or whatever the fuck thast stupid machine is called. the $60 cheap knock-off I bought was a complete waste and later I tested it and the 225 degree setting heated to 165. From now on I test temperatures BEFORE throwing my weed at it!
4. Last month I bought my usual ounce, plus a half ounce to fuck around with. At around the time of my first post here I had flung weed conservation to the wind in frustration and made and consumed several test batches a day. By this time I basically smoked my half ounce and fucked around with my full ounce. I've been eating so much weed my pee is green! At least I whopped that cancer I didn't know I had, lol. CONSEQUENTLY, my tollerance may have actually gotten slightly higher. Don't know how my tolerance can go up consuming weed that I can not even feel, but I think I need to smoke almost a gram now. I don't know because I am really sick of smoking and so my current smoking method is to take a modest draw of smoke into my mouth, allow it to cool for a few seconds, no less than 5, and THEN inhale the cooled smoke.
I notice that if I lose patience and just take a massive "if you don't cough you don't get off" toke it absolutely makes a difference, so I'm not really sure about my tolerance.

can a moderator move my 3 posts in "Rollitup Cafe" in the extraction forum? I just noticed that one today, and I just realized mods can move posts in real time typing this.
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Is Citric Acid Extraction a Hoax?
that's the only thing I can conclude from 6 failed batches over 6 weeks. I'd like to take a poll--
:bigjoint:or :wall:

:bigjoint:1. I have made orally active cannabis extract with this method, it is not a hoax.

:wall: 2. I've tried this method repeatedly and it did not work. it's a hoax.
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I say COMPLETE FAILURE because it's not: "Oh this batch isn't very strong" it's "Jesus Christ it's been 4 fucking hours on an empty stomach and I feel absolutely NOTHING from the weed I eat."

1 thing I found is empty stomach doesn't make it go any faster or be stronger. If I eat just a single 5 or 10mg gummy and then eat afterwards, it speeds things up, and may actually feel stronger. Fatty foods seem to work better for that.

As far as buying an iron to try shit out, save your money and do it right. You are having failures with tried and true methods. I'd quit trying to reinvent the wheel and figure out what's wrong.

If your oven is really inconsistent, look into the silicone boxes with thermometer that goes in the oven. It should be able to help regulate the temp much easier since it's a smaller space. Magical Butter has one for instance.
1 thing I found is empty stomach doesn't make it go any faster or be stronger. If I eat just a single 5 or 10mg gummy and then eat afterwards, it speeds things up, and may actually feel stronger. Fatty foods seem to work better for that.

As far as buying an iron to try shit out, save your money and do it right. You are having failures with tried and true methods. I'd quit trying to reinvent the wheel and figure out what's wrong.

If your oven is really inconsistent, look into the silicone boxes with thermometer that goes in the oven. It should be able to help regulate the temp much easier since it's a smaller space. Magical Butter has one for instance.
I wondered about that. When I drink kava it ALWAYS has to be on an empty stomach at first, but sometimes, if I drink kava and am not feeling it, if I eat food afterwards it hits me pretty HARD, and it is always stronger at that time than when I remain fasted.
A gas oven, at high altitude, in an arid climate is not doing it for me. I am not getting a RANGE of failures, I am getting COMPLETE failures. That is, if I wait two hours and don't feel anything, and then do it again, I am STILL feeling nothing. It isn't "weak" it just might as well be parsley.
I used an oven thermometer, everything I did was in spec and I checked many times during the heating, to see if the temperature fluctuated. And this is not working at all.
An iron is electric, it is designed specifically to transfer heat directly from one surface to another at a very precise temperature. I have said of myself several times "I wish I had some hands on trainng so I didn't have to re-invent the wheel." This is simply removing any variable that might have interfered with the process. I frankly can not think of a single device costing less than hundreds of dollars for lab equipment, that can so accurately and directly apply heat to the desired surface. Plus I remembered that some people iron kief to make hash, so this isn't exactly a brand new idea.
The problem is I'm doing everything according to instructions, controlling for all variables, and still failing. Visual cues, smell cues, and real time dialog are the things I am missing because I can't find anyone to actually come over and make a batch in my kitchen.
Asking questions on forums, is VERY helpful, but I am still having to do this by trial and error.
I am a pretty self taught guy, I experiment a lot. DIY has been my answer to everything unaffordable in life. I became a naturalist because when I left mom and dad at the age of 18 I realized I didn't live in Denmark and would have to pay out the ass every time I needed to see a doctor. I'm not new to kitchen chemistry, in fact 20 years ago I used to make strong cannabis tinctures. I've performed extractions, separations, oxidations, reductions, and simple kitchen synths of dozens of substances over the course of 30 years-- THC is the BIGGEST frustration I have ever experienced. I can normally crack tough stuff on my own, without asking any question in 3 test batches of whatever I'm cooking up or less. I have never in my life experienced anything like this. decarboxilization is hands down the most simple of all chemical reactions to conduct. I should have at the very least cooked up something that demonstrated a GRADE of failure rather than completely and utterly failing at every single batch.
The WIDE VARIATION of times and temperatures recommended tells me that if I fail, I should NOT fail 100%. I should have gotten at least one batch by now that gave me a teensy buzz after eating a few GRAMS worth of weed!!!!!
Truly this is mind blowing, how badly I have been failing. My next appointment with my sinus doctor is in October and when she asks me if I had switched to edibles, I'm going to tell her all of this.
Who knows. Maybe in a couple of hours P5P tech will work. Maybe there's a mold culture in my closet that ferments THC into a form as strong as LSD... wouldn't that be wild? stranger things have happened. LOTS of discoveries were made by apes who didn't know what they were doing tinkering with failed formulas over and over again.
In any case, I don't intend to stop experimenting.
There's a person who decarboxilates C5H6N2O4----------> C4H6N2O2 using YOGURT.
That's worth 1/2 a gram of weed and a few days to a week to find out if it works!
Not relying on it, understand, just an experiment. I can use hydrogen peroxide to oxidize C10H15NO ---------->C9H11NO
but if I applied the same method to safrole I would absolutely NOT get C10H10O2 -----------> C11H15NO2
I use the formulas because not too sure on this forum's rules regarding mentioning things other than cannabis.
Anyway I just filled three gelcaps with Weed + P5P that's been stewing away for a week and downed them. If it works I'll be really happy and won't have to slog on so much with trial and error.
The main feedback I am looking for is an explanation why I am failing. So keep those comments coming, if you can guess why. I utterly and absolutely cannot. I am mystified. Saying maybe I'm under a curse or in a parallel universe is just the natural way anyone would respond seeing themselves fail at something most people can do right away without any outside instruction. I don't want to put my weed in a god damned gas oven in the Chihuahuan Desert ever again!!!!!
T +50
slight nausea. felt like a buzz was coming on very briefly 15 minutes ago, only to be replaced with very mild, almost un-noticable nausea. Oh yeah. I put 500 mg of P5P in that! 200 miligrams of vitamin b6 is enough to cause bad side effects for me! That was 250 of P5P. Still waiting. Maybe I will eat half a stick of butter later to test the idea that you need to eat something afterwards.
bleh. hour and a half usually means I will be feeling nothing at all later on too. cross P5P off the list... doesn't work, makes you feel kinda yuck-- too much B6 is NOT a good thing.
okay moving on to my ethanol extract. wow. another dud. So waiting till the bubbles slow doesn't work and waiting for them to STOP ENTIRELY doesn't do the trick. This is an hour and a half at 215. I can point out many articles that say you can decarb at 212 (boiling) in 90 minutes. Next month: Iron Weed!
130c for 25 mins or 120c for 30 mins. stir at 200...

usually decarb after extraction, after the alcohol has been recovered, while in the column... under vacuum I can decarb waaaay faster. you're prob not gonna want to work with alcohol unless you are planning to work under vacuum to separate it.

one of the very best consumer grade edible makers is the magic butter machine. I think this machine will solve A LOT of your problems.
Damn. Well there it is. Two hours. Nothing. Guess I'll try putting the rest in the hot oil bath and waiting until more bubbles are gone. Hey! At least I know whether it is overdone or underdone now!

The first trick is to recognize the different between solvent bubbles and fizzy CO2 bubbles and the second is to recognize when you hit 70%. The pictures on my site should show the bubble difference, and if you are watching and stirring as you are decarboxylating, you will see a sudden reduction in bubble activity as it passes over the top of the curve and starts down. That is time to stop for maximum THC.

10.1.4 Decarboxylation 101 - GrayWolf's Lair (graywolfslair.com)
The first trick is to recognize the different between solvent bubbles and fizzy CO2 bubbles and the second is to recognize when you hit 70%. The pictures on my site should show the bubble difference, and if you are watching and stirring as you are decarboxylating, you will see a sudden reduction in bubble activity as it passes over the top of the curve and starts down. That is time to stop for maximum THC.

10.1.4 Decarboxylation 101 - GrayWolf's Lair (graywolfslair.com)
thanks!!!! super helpful! I'll check out those pictures!
Yeah! I noticed the difference in bubbles while I was stirring and now I know what I was looking at! Very cool. I think it will take some practice, but last batch I made was when I noticed those fizzy bubbles stop. Very helpful-- I love the Graywolf's Lair. Lots of very concise and well presented information on chemistry and very comprehensable. Exploring the site I can see that this person has a great deal of valuable equipment and knows how to use it, but I can scale it all to what I'm capable of at the post apocalyptic scavanger level. Thank you so much! I knew I was on the right track when I was directed to Graywolf's Lair.
I think you're feeling a difference in duration based on bioavailability from the mode of administration and your tolerance levels are such that the high is also less intense. The high from fat based edibles will last longer because of how they are metabolized. I do not think your issue is based on a failed decarboxylation.

Anyway I wish you well in your search.
you were right all along! I went ahead and bought some "shake and bake" draughts, kind of like the little liquor bottles they sell in states where that is legal. It took 200 mg for me to feel anything! Talking to my brother made me recall that when we lived together and I did dabs with him my tolerance was SHOT TO HELL the VERY NEXT DAY!!!!!!!!!
I also forgot that I took some butter on a road trip very early on to see my wife and was dissapointed, so I took a double dose when I got home and was absolutely overdosed-- yeah, all that experimenting was AFTER the overdose and I didn't realize you can mess up your tolerance with just one overdose! Yeah, I didn't "NEVER GET ANYTHING" I just breezed by that "sleep it off, Coz" moment without realizing it would make such a huge difference.
I think you're feeling a difference in duration based on bioavailability from the mode of administration and your tolerance levels are such that the high is also less intense. The high from fat based edibles will last longer because of how they are metabolized. I do not think your issue is based on a failed decarboxylation.

Anyway I wish you well in your search.
Have you tried putting some weed in butter in a crockpot or similar? Make some brownies?

Seems to me you are trying everything under the sun when there are tried and true methods out there.

For a quick wash I use 97% rubbing alcohol.

Put herb in mason jar with some alcohol, shake for 20 seconds and strain into a glass pan.

Warm water and put glass pan in water to float and slowly bubble off the alcohol. **Make sure it is done outside or vented area.**

Once it stops bubbling scrap out of pan and onto parchment paper and into the freezer.

Snap a piece off and get tuned up. Easy peasy
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So the thread IS about decarbing? I almost didn’t comment thinking it was about something else. I been making edibles for some time, on my 8th batch. Decarb never fails.

At first I thought my oven was too off to decarb with but like one said, it could behave a certain way that you aren’t familiar with just yet. I used to put different higher temps and open the oven to vent out extra heat which still made good decarbed weed but found leaving it be actually works better but your mileage may vary.

In instance, set oven to 235 or 240F, wait til it beeps, my temp gauge inside oven for extra measure says indeed 235F and when oven is opened, it senses it and corrects itself. Trying to do all that opening and resetting temp just made it over correct itself and read 255F or higher deapite temp set to 220F or so.

So turns out letting oven do its thing and a temp gauge inside worked perfect, no more machines needed. I just bake 1 gram buds uncovered for 40 mins then infuse for 20min at 220F which is ok to fluctuate because it is liquid that isn’t actually reaching 220F so I stir half way through since weed and oil separates and settles.

Oven stayed reading close enough to 220F. 225F since it is slightly over correcting due to opening. All my runs go something like this and I know it worked because I am buzzin off them every time. Im on them right now and reached a level in use that I don’t smoke as much because I am buzzed enough already.

I am a huge smoker so I must be feeling good if I am not dabbing and believe me, I am! Got someone else to verify that they work too. I noticed flame in flame out applies to edibles, better weed makes for better edibles IME. I recommend trying it once, heck, it is all I prefer to eat.
Yup bought thermometer put in oven to keep at 235 but checking on it open oven made temp rise 255 for 5 or so min cause oven is old so didn't want to leave unattended. Just got to get infusion buds machine decarb and infusion all in one. Comes with 4 stick butter mold, gummy molds,strainer, for 125$.
Yup bought thermometer put in oven to keep at 235 but checking on it open oven made temp rise 255 for 5 or so min cause oven is old so didn't want to leave unattended. Just got to get infusion buds machine decarb and infusion all in one. Comes with 4 stick butter mold, gummy molds,strainer, for 125$.
Not sure what machine you got, but before putting stuff in it, test it with a thermometer. I got a cheap one off Amazon and even when it was cranked all the way up, it wouldn't get hot enough to decarb.
i use one of those old shitty rice cookers.water gets around 130 just enough for our needs. put a stocking full of weed and a bar of butter let it cook for 30min or an hour and then let it cool down you should get some green butter swimming.
pro tip dont try to use cold water to make it cool-down faster it will just break the butter and make it shit.