20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

Dr fever how the hell did u become a mod. Your not supposed to go in ppls threads and argue with them.

Edit: I suggest everyone pms a real mod with screenshots until dr noob is demodded for abuse of power (deleting posts for no reason), spamming (all that law crap), and whatever else you can think of.
CG let it go i didnt mean to make it sound that way if it was i am sure the big hand of rollitup would of deleted my posts and i would of got my hand slapped but as you can see it wasn;t we are all on the internet and its real easy to think a person is being one way when he is not thats the problem in many forums and things get out of hand like the last 3 pages i didnt break any forum rules
even as a mod i am still a person like you or anyother member on this site

and also might i add you just contradicted your self saying your liegal then on other end postin this

You suggest I contact the DEA. Would that entertain you...me being marched off in handcuffs to spend a decade away from my wife and family

You have no idea how much of an ass you've made yourself to be.
First of all, the word is Illegal.
If I see you spell liegal one more time I swear I'm going to bring the dictionary definition of the word in here.

When you piss someone off, THEY're not going to be the one to let it go any time soon, that's a level of respect you have to earn buddy.

He is legal by STATE law, Marijuana is Illegal by FEDERAL law.
If you REALLY don't understand what this means, then you are CLEARLY not old enough to be involved with Medical Marijuana.

In which case, you certainly shouldn't be a moderator.
This is a website for us to help eachother garden our favorite flowers.
Not a place for little high school boys to troll around while they smoke their parent's weed.
CG let it go i didnt mean to make it sound that way if it was i am sure the big hand of rollitup would of deleted my posts and i would of got my hand slapped but as you can see it wasn;t we are all on the internet and its real easy to think a person is being one way when he is not thats the problem in many forums and things get out of hand like the last 3 pages i didnt break any forum rules
even as a mod i am still a person like you or anyother member on this site

and also might i add you just contradicted your self saying your liegal then on other end postin this

You suggest I contact the DEA. Would that entertain you...me being marched off in handcuffs to spend a decade away from my wife and family

There is no contradiction. None. The DEA is a federal agency. Cannabis is federally illegal. Anyone who grows cannabis is committing a federal crime, even you. In the eyes of the federal govt, you are no different than cg, I repeat no different. He is state legal, as are many of us. You continue to show your ignorance, and try to cover up that ignorance by deleting posts that call you on it.
Yes federal law supercededes state law but I'm pretty sure that's why cg is trying to keep his plant counts to a minimum, the feds have more important things to do then take down medical cannabis patients, if you want to take a side I suggest taking the side against Mexican cartels flooding over the border and growing hundreds of thousands of illegal plants in are own back yard, murdering people everyday. That to me is worth the fight not coming on a cannabis growing forum and giving legal growers a hard time, he has a good lawyer and am quite sure he knows what he is doing. I have to say drfever you are the worst forum mod I have seen on any site to date hands down so bravo (applauds) you my friend get the worst forum mod of the year award.
Yes federal law supercededes state law but I'm pretty sure that's why cg is trying to keep his plant counts to a minimum, the feds have more important things to do then take down medical cannabis patients, if you want to take a side I suggest taking the side against Mexican cartels flooding over the border and growing hundreds of thousands of illegal plants in are own back yard, murdering people everyday. That to me is worth the fight not coming on a cannabis growing forum and giving legal growers a hard time, he has a good lawyer and am quite sure he knows what he is doing. I have to say drfever you are the worst forum mod I have seen on any site to date hands down so bravo (applauds) you my friend get the worst forum mod of the year award.

i would like to thank you for Nominating me for the worst mod of the year award :)) i am not here to make friends so lets get that straight :)) secondly obviously this thread has bin monitored by a global mod if i was out of line in any which way or form my posts would of bin deleted and or i would of bin disciplined no different then any other member on this site
so please enjoy your stay on RIU and have a good evening or morning
also i would like to add if like yourself, or any others dislike me for my posts or anything THEN I AM DOING MY JOB YA THINK
Don't act like your so cool and you earned that mod job. Anyone could have had it. They picked whoever asked pretty much. I didn't want to be a mod because I don't need it to feel important.

Dr feve u are a damn noob. if you think a "global mod" reads every post in every thread and if its not deleted then its ok.

Whether we are rite or wrong this thread was going on fine without you, and now that your here its a big arguement. So why don't you do the modly thing, and get the fuck out, to restore the peace.

Your opinion is unwanted and unappreciated.
Amazing grow - well the first 93 pages I've read so far. Subbed for sure.

Hope those predatory mites ened up working out - hopefully you'll find a remedy for DrFever as well.
Everybody stop. Report him, but do not engage here. He has totally fucked up enough of this thread already. Let's get back to the grow. I suggest we do not reply to any of his taunts here. Let's deal with it on the report abuse level, and/or PM's to RUI Admin. We have, thus far, crafted the most positive thread here. There is no other thread this size with so little negative stuff going on. Well, makybe Kitty's. Anyways, we can't let some nobody drag the whole thread down. I'll take some pics today and post em tonight. That always gets things back on a nice tone.

Speaking of pics. My last public comment to Dr Fever is, I saw your pics...your plants look like shit.

Love you guys. Thanks for backing the thread. Anyone close to harvesting? Anyone got some good 8th week bud porn? The best I have is week 4...and a few week 7 plants in a test gone bad. They look like hell, and I really don't want to post pics. BUT, it may serve the group to see what can happen by just using the wrong container progression. Basically, Commercial J gave me some plants in little 16 oz cups full of rockwool croutons and perlite. That's how he grows. I cut out the bottom of the cup, and jammed it into a 2 gallon pot full of rockwool croutons, and top dressed with coco for moisture retention. Should be fine, right? Hell no. These plants have sucked their whole lives. Any plant that did not start life in a 4" block has totally sucked in my current grow. I MUST go from clone block, to 4" rockwool block, to 6" rockwool block. It can stop there, or the 6" block can go into a pot on top of croutons and perlite. It just depends on how much water the plant is using. This system works great for me. Commercial J uses no blocks, only the crouton/perlite combo in 10 qt pots that he disposes of every harvest. His plants are vegged in 16 oz plastic cups, then transplanted to the 10 qt pots when they go into bloom. His grow rocks serious ass. I tried this method and damn near killed all my plants. LMAO. I have no idea why.
Everybody stop. Report him, but do not engage here. He has totally fucked up enough of this thread already. Let's get back to the grow. I suggest we do not reply to any of his taunts here. Let's deal with it on the report abuse level, and/or PM's to RUI Admin. We have, thus far, crafted the most positive thread here. There is no other thread this size with so little negative stuff going on. Well, makybe Kitty's. Anyways, we can't let some nobody drag the whole thread down. I'll take some pics today and post em tonight. That always gets things back on a nice tone.

Speaking of pics. My last public comment to Dr Fever is, I saw your pics...your plants look like shit.

Love you guys. Thanks for backing the thread. Anyone close to harvesting? Anyone got some good 8th week bud porn? The best I have is week 4...and a few week 7 plants in a test gone bad. They look like hell, and I really don't want to post pics. BUT, it may serve the group to see what can happen by just using the wrong container progression. Basically, Commercial J gave me some plants in little 16 oz cups full of rockwool croutons and perlite. That's how he grows. I cut out the bottom of the cup, and jammed it into a 2 gallon pot full of rockwool croutons, and top dressed with coco for moisture retention. Should be fine, right? Hell no. These plants have sucked their whole lives. Any plant that did not start life in a 4" block has totally sucked in my current grow. I MUST go from clone block, to 4" rockwool block, to 6" rockwool block. It can stop there, or the 6" block can go into a pot on top of croutons and perlite. It just depends on how much water the plant is using. This system works great for me. Commercial J uses no blocks, only the crouton/perlite combo in 10 qt pots that he disposes of every harvest. His plants are vegged in 16 oz plastic cups, then transplanted to the 10 qt pots when they go into bloom. His grow rocks serious ass. I tried this method and damn near killed all my plants. LMAO. I have no idea why.
i truly am sorry for the reply to such ridiculous trolling, i honestly thought he was going to delete my post ;) anyway CG hope the op is going well and the ladies are thriving (and i know they are) im sitting at 6 1/2 weeks and here is one of my pics to calm some nerves. keep it safe, green and growing buddy.



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Hell Fucking Yesssss!!!!!

Great pics gang. I'm working on a video. Decided we needed something special to get over the hump. But, shit, with these posts I think we're over it. What a great collection of pure un apologetic BUD PORN. Have you people no shame???LMFAO.
Hey, Kit, that's a big ol' plant named after me. Really big. What are you trying to say? Seriously, is it a MOM? A production plant in bloom that has already stretched, but not yet developed flowers? Some kind of crazy test plant? It's fucking HUGE!!!

Wait. You can only have 35 plants. Guess it's not too big.
I have NEVER witnessed a moderator acting this way. Nor have I seen a moderator with such shamefull spelling and grammer.

I don't have any week 8 porn but I will throw in some week 2 porn cause this thing is going to be exploding on week 8..

right side of room... 6 plants. Ak-47, white widow big bud

Left side, same deal



that's a bottle of ph buffer behind that stalk :) I have 12 plants with stalks like that.

right side.JPGleft side.JPGbig stalk.JPG
Nice stalk legally. That's pretty impressive, I have one or two with stalks around 1-1/4" but nothing like that. What's your medium? You're a Dyna Grow guy aren't you? Or was it GH?
Hey, Kit, that's a big ol' plant named after me. Really big. What are you trying to say? Seriously, is it a MOM? A production plant in bloom that has already stretched, but not yet developed flowers? Some kind of crazy test plant? It's fucking HUGE!!!

Wait. You can only have 35 plants. Guess it's not too big.

they're a teeny bit bigger than we're used to, but that's about average size for our room. it IS some kind of crazy test plant.