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2022 Senate Election Forecast
Latest forecasts and polls for the 2022 Senate elections from ABC News’s FiveThirtyEight
While we don’t always agree, you called this one spot-on so far.
Analysis: Donald Trump's poll numbers are making things very awkward for Republicans
126,091 views Sep 21, 2022 Recent polls show that voters' views of Donald Trump are about as low as they were when he left office. In today’s episode of The Point, CNN’s Chris Cillizza explains why the former President's standing is serving as an anchor for Republican candidates in the midterm elections.
2022 Senate Election Forecast
Latest forecasts and polls for the 2022 Senate elections from ABC News’s
all polls are based on "likely voters"...i think this year, the unlikely voters are going to make a big difference.Dems have underperformed relative to the expectations for quite a while, hope they swing the other way this time. I like 538s coverage quite a bit and think it's quite good, the stats basis fits me.
The big unknown will be the impact of abortion on the women's vote and the polls might be unreliable in this regard. If their reaction is anything like the women of Iran, the GOP is in deep trouble. The democrats would be wise to link the struggle for women's rights there against the "morality police", to the one in America against the religious lunatics.Look at the latest. The immigrant stunt seems to begin to have an effect on DeSanitary. Expect more results soon as the event/poll lag is timed out.
Florida : Governor : 2022 Polls
The latest political polls and polling averages from
that's still a big gap in desantis's favor...and florida is where the wild magats are bred...vast swamps full of them, competing with the gators for rotten dead animals...Look at the latest. The immigrant stunt seems to begin to have an effect on DeSanitary. Expect more results soon as the event/poll lag is timed out.
Florida : Governor : 2022 Polls
The latest political polls and polling averages from
I’m gonna wait a week. The immigrant shenanigan betrayed a depth of dishonest and high-handed practice that will probably show in the next days of polling.The big unknown will be the impact of abortion on the women's vote and the polls might be unreliable in this regard. If their reaction is anything like the women of Iran, the GOP is in deep trouble. The democrats would be wise to link the struggle for women's rights there against the "morality police", to the one in America against the religious lunatics.
Georgia, Florida and Texas are all vulnerable for red statewide offices and if Texas goes blue it makes fucking with the 2024 election a lot harder and if Texas went blue the GOP can forget the presidency. Margins are not that great in many races and an influx of mostly young unlikely voters could tip the balance, abortion is an issue that affects young women the most and they have male friends and relatives. The democrats don't need the "youth vote", just a small increase in turn out would do it because most young people don't normally vote. Say the republicans wanted to draft young men for an unpopular war, would that bring out the youth vote?that's still a big gap in desantis's favor...and florida is where the wild magats are bred...vast swamps full of them, competing with the gators for rotten dead animals...
i'll believe desantis loses florida when Crist takes his oath of office. i think it would be a better tactic to concentrate on those states that have a much closer split between parties first, isolating as many red governors as possible, making it harder for them to cooperate with each other, making their votes less and less effective as they're slowly eliminated. when we're down to about ten republican governors, then we kick off the campaign pointing out how fucked the people of their states are, how fucked their children are...
and the ones who remain? let em, then we'll know where they are, what they're doing, and who they're trying to conspire with. intellignet people can know not to move there, not to invest there, not to work there, not to vacation there...let those states slowly wither and financially die.
Every one of their fuck ups adds up, but the GOP appear to be the most worried about abortion.I’m gonna wait a week. The immigrant shenanigan betrayed a depth of dishonest and high-handed practice that will probably show in the next days of polling.
Not to put too fine a point on it —we ain’t Iran. Yet.
that's still a big gap in desantis's favor...and florida is where the wild magats are bred...vast swamps full of them, competing with the gators for rotten dead animals...
i'll believe desantis loses florida when Crist takes his oath of office. i think it would be a better tactic to concentrate on those states that have a much closer split between parties first, isolating as many red governors as possible, making it harder for them to cooperate with each other, making their votes less and less effective as they're slowly eliminated. when we're down to about ten republican governors, then we kick off the campaign pointing out how fucked the people of their states are, how fucked their children are...
and the ones who remain? let em, then we'll know where they are, what they're doing, and who they're trying to conspire with. intellignet people can know not to move there, not to invest there, not to work there, not to vacation there...let those states slowly wither and financially die.