2022 elections. The steady march for sanity continues.

Hayes: UK Turmoil May Forecast The Fate Of A GOP-Led Congress—Only Worse

10,505 views Oct 20, 2022 Chris Hayes: If you think what's happening with the UK’s conservative party is a dangerous carnival, wait until you see Kevin McCarthy's House of Representatives, if that's what it comes to this November.

Hear expert's prediction about who will win midterm elections

117,082 views Oct 22, 2022 Elections expert Larry Sabato discusses the 2022 midterm elections and which party will control Congress.
8 in 10 Democrats, Republicans say opposition would destroy America if not stopped: survey
Majorities of Republicans and Democrats in a new poll said that the opposition party would destroy America as we know it if it is not stopped.
The NBC News poll, published on Sunday, found that 81 percent of Democratic respondents said that the GOP poses a threat to the country, while 17 percent of Democrats surveyed disagree.

By comparison, 79 percent of Republican respondents said that Democrats are a threat to the U.S., while 20 percent of Republican respondents don’t think so.

In addition to the findings on polarization in the U.S., 47 percent of respondents said that they prefer Democrats control Congress rather than Republicans, while 46 percent prefer a GOP-controlled Congress. Seven percent were undecided.

Fifty-seven percent of respondents, meanwhile, said this year’s midterm elections are more important than the previous ones, 37 percent of respondents said they are equally important and 6 percent said they are not that important to them.

The NBC News poll was conducted from October 14 to October 18 with a total of 1,000 respondents participating in the survey. The poll’s margin of error is 3.1 percentage points.

Voter interest at all-time high in NBC News poll
Nearly 6 in 10 registered voters view next month’s midterm elections as more important than past congressional contests, according to a new NBC News poll.

The network, which conducted the survey in partnership with Hart Research Associates and Public Opinion Strategies, reported the poll’s measure of voter interest is higher than any other time for midterm elections.

When asked to rate their level of interest in the midterm elections on a 10-point scale, 63 percent of respondents gave the highest possible rating.

Just 9 percent provided ratings in the lower half of the scale.

With the election now days away, the new poll also reflects an increased interest from recent months.

Fifty seven percent of respondents gave the highest rating in September, and the new figure marks the first time the measure surpassed 60 percent this election cycle.

Fifty seven percent of respondents in the new poll said this year’s elections are more important than past congressional elections, a 5-point gain from when pollsters asked the question prior to the 2018 contests.

Republicans make MASS EXODUS From RADICAL MAGA Party and share why WITH US Part 5

40,707 views Oct 23, 2022 Normal Republicans are being pushed out of the GOP in droves. They are being labeled ‘RINOs’ and ‘traitors’ by a fascist MAGA movement that bears no relation to conservatism. Many of these Republicans will be voting BLUE! These voters shared their stories with us on Twitter and YouTube. This is Part 5 of our series.
I hope they all show up on the courthouse steps when they send him away forever. Felon tour 2022, this is what leads the republicans, the worst thing you could do to America is to let them run around lose after the election. Mitch won't mind the house cleaning, but the lunatic racist base remains, and he will need to deal with them or join them.

Nobody knows what will happen during the election, the polls are not to be trusted and turn out is expected to be high.

Hope he's right,latest polls show Reps. gaining ground,sure as hell hope they don't win both houses,I've noticed over the years in our never ending pushing the envelope to shock in our culture,is like sand eroding off the beach,once it's gone it doesn't come back. this has eroded our civility and morals and common decency in general and I guess it was inevitable that this would extend to politics and it has reached a point where we as a people are accepting pols whose reps and careers would have been destroyed in previous generations and that is the result of pushing the boundaries for shock value. I know technology progresses and times change but I can't help but feel something has been lost. In another 10 yrs what will constitute "real news" in our society w/ all this disinformation on the net,customized news feeds bases upon algorythims,and the decline of print media,old time vetted news based upon sources that has to be vetted by a editor and overseen by an ombudsman,my hometown newspaper for a city of 90,000 is now all AP wire w/no hometown reporters. I apologize for this disconnected rant I just feel that for all the amazing technological progress mankind has also lost something and it's a little scary.