220 Watt CFL- Soil - Indica Dom Strains - 3 Females


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to show you guys what the plants look like in action. They are starting to fatten up. This is just with my cell phone camera so not too clear.

I have an extra 6500 bulb in there today too.

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Active Member
Yes molasses is the uberness as long as it is respected as it changes PH dramatically and can easily lead to lockout if overdone, or fruit fly's if overdone.

Loving the cola dude!


Well-Known Member
Ya I was thinking about giving the plant nothing during this watering cause it just got blasted with veg nutes and molasses the last time. and then give it veg nutes 1 last time after that.

Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
looking great grandaddy!! those buds are fattening up nicely! hippy makes a great point about molasses... it lowers ph by *about* 1 point when you use 1 tablespoon in 1 gallon of water. today i added to my normally ph-9 water: veg nutes & bloom nutes, then ph-up to get it back up to 7.5 or so, and then added molasses (the trifecta lol). next time probably plain ph'ed water. i think it's good to alternate.


Well-Known Member
Ya i feel you. I usually get my water from a filtered system and just let it sit out for a day. Then I put my nutes or whatever in and let it sit for a little and then adjust the PH cause it kinda changes around after you add nutes. But ya I barely had to lower it when I added molasses to my ~8 tap water.

Thanks guys on the complements on the ladies
I can't give rep to any of you guys haha


Well-Known Member
Hey I was wondering what tips you guys have for increasing potency cause im like 5 weeks into one of my plants and not happy with its trichome density. Is it just really dependent on genetics?

also just picked up some skunk. fucking hate tryin to break this shit up haha.

sicks string samurai

Well-Known Member
Hey I was wondering what tips you guys have for increasing potency cause im like 5 weeks into one of my plants and not happy with its trichome density. Is it just really dependent on genetics?

also just picked up some skunk. fucking hate tryin to break this shit up haha.
Hmm, In my experience the crystals is related to genetics, and some part, on your grow. I've been told, in flowering, is a good time to add bat guano. I've got a bag of happy frog bat guano, and i'm waiting for my next grow to use it. Other than that, don't let your plats dry out to the point where they wilt. Keep em watered, especially twards the end. I'm finding myself watering every day now.. up from every 3 days...
GL dude


Well-Known Member
now that my plants seem decently far into flowering they seem to be taking up less water than they did in the past. I usuallly water every 3 days but im finding i can easily wait a 4th. I do have small plants though

also i woke up with gnats all over the places (had seen like 1 or 2 before this morning) took plants out and sprayed the place down. Im gonna do some reading but from the looks of it they are dead.

Gonna let the soil dry out on each plant so they are for sure dead.


Active Member
just dropping in real quick and you can increase potency by giving it the perfect levels of all major and micro nutrients in the perfect levels at the perfect times and how do ya do that? experience. Find a strain you love and learn it's language. But the major potency controller is it's genetic makeup. hope that helps

fruit flies are a major problem for some growers especially if they overwater. They burrow in the moist soil and lay egg's you have a good wet dry cycle I trust? Hit up the dollar store and get some yellow fly stick trap things... yea know the ones that roll out of a tube... hang one in your grow area or cut a strip off it if it is too large to keep them under relative control and it is a good way to keep an eye out for whiteflys and other flying critters ya don't want in the grow area.


Well-Known Member
Plants are coming along nicely. The more sativa plant has pink hairs if you look closely. Furthest plant along is starting to get more crystally



Well-Known Member
just dropping in real quick and you can increase potency by giving it the perfect levels of all major and micro nutrients in the perfect levels at the perfect times and how do ya do that? experience. Find a strain you love and learn it's language. But the major potency controller is it's genetic makeup. hope that helps

fruit flies are a major problem for some growers especially if they overwater. They burrow in the moist soil and lay egg's you have a good wet dry cycle I trust? Hit up the dollar store and get some yellow fly stick trap things... yea know the ones that roll out of a tube... hang one in your grow area or cut a strip off it if it is too large to keep them under relative control and it is a good way to keep an eye out for whiteflys and other flying critters ya don't want in the grow area.
Ill have to try those sticky pads for the bugs, I feel like they would work well. Woke up and looked at the box this morning and there weren't very many bugs so I think im good for now. Ya right now im thinking about revegging the more indica plant cause I feel like i could increase the yield a lot now that I know how it flowers.

they are looking Great!! Love the one w/ purple hairs
Ya man, they started showing up after i threw in a 6500k and put the plants in the sunlight more.