23 Days, Yellowing Fan Leaves


Well-Known Member
9/18 Next watering. Started with half strength bloom nutes. Made final adjustments to LST. I got a bit rough with this adjustment since I had to pull around some branches through tight spaces.

9/26 Latest watering. Watered with full strength bloom nutes.
So it has gotten nutes twice in a row correct? When did this problem start exactly? What did it look like from 9/18-9/26 compared to now?

I usually leave the runoff for up to 12 hours and dump anything still there, but it's rare the plant doesn't drink it up in a few hours. This could be slowing down the time between waterings too. I honestly have no idea why I do it this way so if it's a bad idea, let me know.
So you leave it sitting in water? I am not really sure what you mean here.


Active Member
haha well i am from indiana and our water is hard as shit. i had to use RO water filters for all my nutrients. if your on a budget man, get the PH testing kit from General Hydroponics. its less than $20 bucks and its always accurate.

Are you referring to the green liquid squeeze bottle method? Hardly accurate. Off by at least 1. Caused me growth problems.


Active Member
Yep, twice in a row. The directions say 1/2 tsp every other week or 1/4 tsp every watering. I'm doing the 1/4 tsp every watering since that seemed to be the most common way people seem to be using Jack's.
The containers have trays under them to catch runoff. I usually leave the runoff water in there and it's gone within a few hours (I only do that once the root system has grown into the container, prior to that I just dump it immediately since the roots aren't soaking it up anyway).
I had taken pics on day 20 (9/24) that can be seen in the first post. The plant is showing some slight signs of beginning to yellow there but doesn't look bad at all. I noticed more yellowing than normal on 9/26 when watering. Then on 9/27 (day 23) I noticed even more yellowing and it was obvious there was a problem (there are pics from this day on the first post also).


Well-Known Member
Yep, twice in a row. The directions say 1/2 tsp every other week or 1/4 tsp every watering. I'm doing the 1/4 tsp every watering since that seemed to be the most common way people seem to be using Jack's.
The containers have trays under them to catch runoff. I usually leave the runoff water in there and it's gone within a few hours (I only do that once the root system has grown into the container, prior to that I just dump it immediately since the roots aren't soaking it up anyway).
I had taken pics on day 20 (9/24) that can be seen in the first post. The plant is showing some slight signs of beginning to yellow there but doesn't look bad at all. I noticed more yellowing than normal on 9/26 when watering. Then on 9/27 (day 23) I noticed even more yellowing and it was obvious there was a problem (there are pics from this day on the first post also).
Next time you water, try just h20 ph'd properly and let's test the run-off. If it's not especially hot or acidic then we are most likely looking at a def., although I never thought I'd see an N def plant in miracle grow!


Active Member
Will do. The soil seems to be drying a little more quickly after that last watering so hopefully in the next couple days it will need to be watered again and I can test it.


Active Member
More pics taken this morning. Soil is starting to dry a bit so hopefully by tomorrow night I will be able to water and pH test. I would usually wait a bit longer to water, but just this once should be okay a day or so early.



Well-Known Member
More pics taken this morning. Soil is starting to dry a bit so hopefully by tomorrow night I will be able to water and pH test. I would usually wait a bit longer to water, but just this once should be okay a day or so early.
Well no matter what it is, you're going to be ok. The more I look at these pics, the more I think it is just a N def. I get some of what you are seeing on my larger soil plants, just not as much.

Either way, you need to give the soil just straight water this time in my opinion it's not a good idea to feed with every watering. Hopefully the Jack's will start to kick in over the next 7 days or so.


Well-Known Member
i was thinking that it was an immobile nutrient at first, that is why i suggested what i did...but when was the last time you fed them N? alot of people cut that out at like the 1st. week of flowering...the deficiency is showing up top mostly, and a few in the middle...but it is starting on the fan leaves...everything is stored there...and used up first there as well...if its been a while since you fed some N that could also be a problem. but to narrow it down...heres what i think could be the problem...cal/mag, iron, or N.


Well-Known Member
i was thinking that it was an immobile nutrient at first, that is why i suggested what i did...but when was the last time you fed them N? alot of people cut that out at like the 1st. week of flowering...the deficiency is showing up top mostly, and a few in the middle...but it is starting on the fan leaves...everything is stored there...and used up first there as well...if its been a while since you fed some N that could also be a problem. but to narrow it down...heres what i think could be the problem...cal/mag, iron, or N.
He is using a 10-30-20 Bloom Booster, once at half strength, once at full strength, consecutively.

Post #40...you must have missed it....
Ok so I condensed my journal on this plant. Here's the major events in it's life:

8/10 Purchased blue cheese clones and repotted in 1 gallon container using Miracle Grow

8/11 Clones infested with mites, started neem treatment

8/15 No more sign of mites, continued spray every 3 days for 2 weeks

8/31 Replanted in 3 gal container using Miracle Grow (I thought I fed with veg nutes a couple times before that, but I don’t see that in the journal… I must have been thinking of the clone I kept for a mother)

9/4 Switched to 12/12

9/9 Did initial LSTing after first watering since going to flower (actually first watering since repotting on 8/31)

9/18 Next watering. Started with half strength bloom nutes. Made final adjustments to LST. I got a bit rough with this adjustment since I had to pull around some branches through tight spaces.

9/26 Latest watering. Watered with full strength bloom nutes.


New Member
ok from what i can see your ph is out to lunch most likely giving you a defiency what i would do is flush medium with 6.8 to 7.0 water catch your returns till you get min 6.8 ph pluck all the yellow leafs off your plant there useless now wait about 3 hrs and give your plants a feeding after flush about 1/4 strength let medium dry out and hit them hard wilth full strength
what you could also do is purchase some Iron and Zinc foilage and mist your girls lights off that will stop any diefiencys goin on and you should be back to growing good bud :)) heres some pics of my girls 5 weeks into see there all green

also i would like to mention theres no need for so much nitrogen you nedd more P and K in flowering something like 1 - 4 - 3 ratio you got to much nitrogen useing 20 - _ - _


Well-Known Member
ok from what i can see your ph is out to lunch most likely giving you a defiency what i would do is flush medium with 6.8 to 7.0 water catch your returns till you get min 6.8 ph pluck all the yellow leafs off your plant there useless now wait about 3 hrs and give your plants a feeding after flush about 1/4 strength let medium dry out and hit them hard wilth full strength
what you could also do is purchase some Iron and Zinc foilage and mist your girls lights off that will stop any diefiencys goin on and you should be back to growing good bud :)) heres some pics of my girls 5 weeks into see there all green

also i would like to mention theres no need for so much nitrogen you nedd more P and K in flowering something like 1 - 4 - 3 ratio you got to much nitrogen useing 20 - _ - _
This sort of confirms my line of thinking. I just didn't see how it was an actual nutrient def in MG soil after getting two feedings this month of 10-30-20. :joint:


Well-Known Member
MG is known for producing deficient plants...if your not careful. to much of a good thing is never a good thing...with all the added nutrients in the soil, it is very easy to get a salt build up, which would cause a lockout...and then deficiency...i agree to an extent...i think the line " check your PH" is used way to much...especially for soil. i have grown some fine plants with a PH of 7.6...maybe even a bit higher. anyway...a ramble down, i think flushing would be the right way to go as well.


Well-Known Member
ya...sorry bigjessie, i did miss the last post...idk man, i guess different strains do react to changes differently, and it very well could be a PH issue, in my experience though limited...PH in soil isnt as important as people think.


Well-Known Member
i think the line " check your PH" is used way to much...especially for soil.
For most first time growers, their issues are caused by incorrect pH. Glad you have had success.

ya...sorry bigjessie, i did miss the last post...idk man, i guess different strains do react to changes differently, and it very well could be a PH issue, in my experience though limited...PH in soil isnt as important as people think.
I couldn't disagree more, and my experience is not limited. We will have to agree to disagree. :joint:


Well-Known Member
MG is known for producing deficient plants...if your not careful. to much of a good thing is never a good thing...with all the added nutrients in the soil, it is very easy to get a salt build up, which would cause a lockout...and then deficiency
Salt build up doesn't cause lockout. It makes the soil highly acidic (pH problem) which then in turn locks out nutrients :joint:


Active Member
ok from what i can see your ph is out to lunch most likely giving you a defiency what i would do is flush medium with 6.8 to 7.0 water catch your returns till you get min 6.8 ph pluck all the yellow leafs off your plant there useless now wait about 3 hrs and give your plants a feeding after flush about 1/4 strength let medium dry out and hit them hard wilth full strength
what you could also do is purchase some Iron and Zinc foilage and mist your girls lights off that will stop any diefiencys goin on and you should be back to growing good bud :)) heres some pics of my girls 5 weeks into see there all green

also i would like to mention theres no need for so much nitrogen you nedd more P and K in flowering something like 1 - 4 - 3 ratio you got to much nitrogen useing 20 - _ - _
It's 10-30-20, so it's at a 1:3:2 ratio, so it's still a bit nitrogen high but not too far off of 1:4:3 (like 20-x-x would be).

I am really liking this plan of flushing until the correct pH runs through. I was afraid trying to adjust would take forever but I think this would make it much easier and faster. One concern though before I do this... since this miracle grow crap has time release fertilizers, should I be worried about flushing releasing any of these nutrients? It's been about a month since I repotted from the 1gal to 3gal so hopefully it would have all been used up by now but idk how long it actually lasts.


Well-Known Member
It's 10-30-20, so it's at a 1:3:2 ratio, so it's still a bit nitrogen high but not too far off of 1:4:3 (like 20-x-x would be).
since this miracle grow crap has time release fertilizers, should I be worried about flushing releasing any of these nutrients? It's been about a month since I repotted from the 1gal to 3gal so hopefully it would have all been used up by now but idk how long it actually lasts.
I have the same concern but at this point, I think it's the best option. If more is released at least whatever pH problem you have will be cleared up and the plant will be able to use whatever is in the soil.


Active Member
True. I put a fan at container level in the tent so I could get the air circulating down there a bit more so hopefully I'll be able to do this soon. Need to set out some extra water too in case I go through a lot doing this. Anyhow, I'll provide updates as I go. Thanks again for all the help. I wish I could give more rep but it looks like I'm all repped out for now.


Well-Known Member
No worries on rep it's not something I am really worried about. I like passing it out though, people really get a kick.

Normal flushing is 3x the container amount. 3 gallon pots right? So that's at least 9 gallons.