250w HPS Club And Help Guide


Well-Known Member
What's up guys. Matchbox your scrog is looking pretty good man, what are the dimensions. here's my lady, day 22 of flower. I also have some 12-12 from seed in solo cups, but I made their soil too strong and they are starting to burn. how do I stop this? I'm thinking about potting them up but would at least like to have them sex first.
Cheers man!

My Screen size (because it's dished) is about 1m x 40cm whereas my cab is only W-80cm x D-40cm x H-85cm. Yay for surface area!

you can help the 12/12'ers by giving a good flush, run about 3x the amount of water as there is soil in the pots through, do it about 3 times over a week, that should leech out the worst of it, or you could pot them into 'cooler' soil when you pot up. It helps to pot up while they are still in the 'veg' phase of your 12/12 from seed :) that way your not overly stressing the plant too much when buds start to form.

Stay Frosty!


Active Member
Thanks man. I think I will pick the best looking of the plants and pot them up right now. Hopefully I get a few females. I have some root pouch fabric pots on their way in the mail but I think I will save them for the next grow because they likely won't be here until next Wednesday at the earliest and possibly as late as two Mondays from now.


Well-Known Member
thanks.im always on the lookout to find new or top notch strains.genetics has a lot to do with it.and if i find a bagseed i always pop it just to see if it can be a keeper. unfortunalty the 1 and only cut i did of this plat og died. oh well should pick up a couple more strains in a couple weeks.i droppd off a nug of pre98 to a good collevtive and the same day thay hit me up looking for a cut of it and a Lbow.glad to be in a area where good genitics are not too hard to find. i am really excited to try willie nelson i picked up pure landrace sativa. picked it up as a 3" clone about 9" now and a lot busier but know it will be a 12+ week strain. anyone tried harlequin?sp?. high cbd strain .


Well-Known Member
Well been a while since i have updated. Here are my babies at 19 days in flowering. I have decided to try something new with this grow. I run 5 days HPS and then 2 days MH. my PPM right now is at 920ish and my plants love that. i went to 1050ish and got little nut burn on the tips, so i dropped it and so far looks great. Water temp is 68. I had to move my plant from my wardrobe thingy to my closet. lesson learn dont veg for 5 weeks lol nxt time veg for 3 lol.


Well-Known Member
This is my poetry update, for which my words shall flow.
I shall tell you of my little ones and let you watch them grow.

Where I stated once, all beans had popped I may have spoke too soon.
Kaya popped, all on her own and is 2.5cm at noon.

My Lemon Skunk or whatever it was, is behaving rather oddly.
Six shot up, seven did not and the ones that did are scroggly.

Two at 5, one at 4, one is bent and one is twisted.
i just want one to survive the batch, so I keep them misted.

Hearty stock, that Kaya Gold. It's stem is thick already.
The Lemon Skunk is lean and tall. I'm still hoping for a Betty.

Temps are low, a breeze blows in and they lightly sway around.
My fan is box, the light MH, neither make a sound.

Too soon for smell, it matters not but when it comes the time.
A filter for it, I shall make of carbon, nylons and twine.

A dryer hose, and rubbermaid have always been my friends.
my unstealthy stealth cab will be with me till the end.

250 watts are all I use, I grow entirely organic.
the set ups cheap, the herb is good and I never need a mechanic.


Well-Known Member
Pretty cool, these buds were from 4 clones that I put under the last grow, they were dwarfed because they only got side lighting and whatever made it through the canopy. Dried weight is just under 1/2oz.. bonus bud :). I jarred it yesterday and when I opened it this morning, smells like cat piss? Here are some picks of the dried buds and the latest grow at 3 weeks.






Well I'm back for my second grow ladies and gentlemen! It's good to see Grazzmon's buds looking great as usual.

I'm using 5 gal buckets with fox farm soil for this grow. I haven't even used nutes yet and the plants are doing well 5 weeks in. One major difference in this grow compared to the first is the cool tube which I made. It allows me to get the light so darn close compared to without it! Should be great for flowering which I'll start within a week.

I have a good feeling the plant on the right is a male :( but lefty is looking great! :)



Active Member
Hey you guys im starting a new grow andi just bought a 250whps bulb now I have the socket for it with a cord but dont have a ballast can I still use it like that?


broseidon what were the temps before the diy cool tube (good job btw). and what are the temps after. heres my ladies still veg'n maybe a few more weeks till flip.



Hey you guys im starting a new grow andi just bought a 250whps bulb now I have the socket for it with a cord but dont have a ballast can I still use it like that?
just make sure the bulb is hanging the right way vertical or horizontal. but ya get a cheap reflector asap


Active Member
just make sure the bulb is hanging the right way vertical or horizontal. but ya get a cheap reflector asap
Thanks for the quivk response yea im going to make a reflector with a cooltube on it I just wanted to make sure if I needed the ballast or not its my 2nd grow hopefully everything comes out good and thanks for.this thread im learning alot :)


Well-Known Member
^mr get you a ballast you do need 1.if you didnt no one would buy 1. spend a couple bucks and get 1 you can do with out reflector but not a ballast.go vertical. i want to build a light mover a get another 250 so i can hang a MH vert.so far my plans involve a closet rail cut to size and old motor.need to work out the wheels i dont want them to get stuck while im gone and burn out. any1 got a suggestion as for the wheels? i want to get around 2 gpw. i think it would be easy using a light mover.i had already made a plant rotator works really good but not for very big plants just 2 much weight when they are full of water.

jw why do you think the right 1 is male bro.they look good short node distance.

look at those shiny leafs hempy!