250w HPS Club And Help Guide


Well-Known Member
As much as I'd love too, there is no AC.

I raised my light, set three fans going and I'm praying that this heatwave passes soon.


Well-Known Member
match i think you can get that.decent goal.grazz post up the new girls
Not much to see yet but..


I am trying coco this time around.. no more stepping on those damn hydroton pellets ;)

Here are some pics of the dwarf girls that herm'd on me..




Well-Known Member
If a herm was planted out in the bush and allowed to pollinate itself, would those seeds be 'feminized' or would they be sterile?


Well-Known Member
If a herm was planted out in the bush and allowed to pollinate itself, would those seeds be 'feminized' or would they be sterile?
generally they would be feminized, like most feminized seeds they would have the hermi traits but more unstable. My mutant seeds are from a grow I had a while back that were heat stressed, all of the seeds that I have used from that grow have been female. If you use seeds from a hermi you just have to be very careful during the grow.. no stress and they will be fine.


Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Just picked up a 6 inch carbon filter. Thing is HUUUGE. I think it'll be overkill for my one plant lol
Hell yeah brochacho.

I have the 400cfm 6inch phresh filter... thing kills it... also loving my 6 inch max fan 330cfm.. so quiet I can't hear it over my oscillating fans. Though i'm running 400w now :(

I can't find a good 400w club :(


ya the lady bugs i got 300 from amazon for $8 dollars delivered. i put them in the fridge till i need then add 6-10 when i dont see any or see small webs. they come alive quick from fridge.


Active Member
Well I am officially in the club... Right time right place, walked into a closing sale and nabbed this 250W MH/HPS Switchable for 110 bucks... Also got 2 bags of Fox Farm Ocean Forest, wanted the happy frog but they didnt have it...

Transplanted into the 1gal today and put under the MH for another week - 10 days before switching.
Have my intake & the white fan blowing on the plants and the bulb, put my hand under it and can feel the heat from the light, and the cool air from the fans.

Added a little fan to suck hot air out the top, going to tighten it up and add a duct

Temps are reasonable I think, 77 is as cool as it can get, its sits around 82 most of the time once closed up
IMG03 (1).jpg



Well-Known Member
Hey all sorry for the delay still settling in and getting set up. Ran into a couple of snags but all is well, should have the computer set up hopefully by tonight. Set up probably tomorrow, keeping it short and sweet as I'm posting from my mobile phone. Thought I'd post here as I have gotten some messages of concern from other places. Soon.... keep it up all, great job!!


Well-Known Member
I just set up my DIY Rubbermaid CFL box, I put the test plant in already (the one I was going to pull). I'm using it as a temp tester, if it gets worse fast then I'll have to figure something out for better temp control. I put a new fan in the exhaust, and used the large comp fan as my internal air mover.

-2 Rubbermaid totes
-aluminum tape
-3 blue cfls
-1 red cfl
-small computer fan for active intake
-large computer fan as internal air mover
-personal plug in fan for active exhaust

I'll let you know how the test plant fares. It is stunted as it is, so the only indicator that I'll be looking for on it is leaf curling and die off.


Active Member
A couple questions:
1: how far off the light for 2 week old plants? I have mine about 15" now.
2: Do you start your seedlings under a 250W, or do you use flo's?

I still have my T5, but would like to sell it and try to get some of the cash I put out back ans was hoping I can just use this switchable for all stages...


Well-Known Member
You can start them under the 250 if you want, I use my LED :)

you want to keep it just over a foot above for small seedlings, shouldn't be too hot for them!