250w HPS Club And Help Guide


Well-Known Member
I think its looks fine. Better to have some extra then looking at a spot you wished you used.

Great job...
That was my thinking. even with 4 medium plants in 8 litre pots, topped and trained, there was still too much light reaching the floor for my liking, so rather then throw excess clones away, in they went :)

Thank you for the compliments. 3 weeks till harvest, may let one go another week, and I can't wait. I previously grew one plant as big as these, under CFL and pulled 21g dry, so I'm pretty confident I'll be pulling that off of both of these plants....Happy Days!!

Also just had a smoke of quick dried outdoor (conservatory grown) Blu Mystic - Fuck me!!! So fruity and tasty already. It was just a little taster nugget, when the 2 small plants come down in the next couple of days, they would have had 5 extra days flush and maturing, and will then be dried properly. One for instant smoke, one to cure. Only gonna get about 5g of each, but for no electricity fee, and only a couple of quid of soil and nutes, well happy.

BRETTSOG -Do an outdoor grow next year to keep yourself happy, not your girlfriend. what I heard about natural sun having a fuller spectrum and better effect on plants seems all true :)


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, life keeps getting in the way of my free time and I havent been able to do much besides lurk on this site for a bit. Looks like I missed alot though!

10acjed, sorry to hear about your partner in bud. Please tell me she got to sample some of your efforts before the end.

Crazy to think just how quickly we could all go, my advice is to anyone is to enjoy life and dont waste the limited amount you have being angry and hateful.

Doobieus, Dr. Kundilini, Hetty, etc., nice flowering pics.

Dr. Kund, the 250w is very underated in my opinion as far as performance/energy used. I would tend to lean towards 600w being the top dog as far as overall performance but I would say a 250w is a better option than a 400w if you want to stay smaller on the wattage.

Hetty, looks to me like you utilized your space well. As 10acjed said you would have looked at an empty spot wondering "what if?" the whole time. Looks like you will have a bumper crop too man, very nice!

Sorry to hear about the bud rot RC. I have "lots" of air movement, we're talking Hurricane Katrina in my grow box, and a dehumidifier on standby. These buds on my current grow are the most dense I've grown yet, and have no sign of moisture problems.

Here is my 2 at day 50 of flower


Mystery clone

Couple of canopy shots



Well-Known Member
Hey guys, life keeps getting in the way of my free time and I havent been able to do much besides lurk on this site for a bit. Looks like I missed alot though!

10acjed, sorry to hear about your partner in bud. Please tell me she got to sample some of your efforts before the end.

Crazy to think just how quickly we could all go, my advice is to anyone is to enjoy life and dont waste the limited amount you have being angry and hateful.

Doobieus, Dr. Kundilini, Hetty, etc., nice flowering pics.

Dr. Kund, the 250w is very underated in my opinion as far as performance/energy used. I would tend to lean towards 600w being the top dog as far as overall performance but I would say a 250w is a better option than a 400w if you want to stay smaller on the wattage.

Hetty, looks to me like you utilized your space well. As 10acjed said you would have looked at an empty spot wondering "what if?" the whole time. Looks like you will have a bumper crop too man, very nice!

Sorry to hear about the bud rot RC. I have "lots" of air movement, we're talking Hurricane Katrina in my grow box, and a dehumidifier on standby. These buds on my current grow are the most dense I've grown yet, and have no sign of moisture problems.

Here is my 2 at day 50 of flower


Mystery clone

Couple of canopy shots

please tell me what your doing to get such nice looking plants man. im really jealous. they look sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo nice


Well-Known Member
please tell me what your doing to get such nice looking plants man. im really jealous. they look sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo nice
Thanks Brettsog!

To be honest I think that I was more part of the problem this time lol. I swear by hempy buckets, 100% perlite mixture of coarse and fine. They are almost idiot proof. I feed them pretty aggressively, in fact too aggressively this round, and flush regularly, about 7-14 days. I am using buckets only 1.25 gallons in size, and have grown 2 in folgers coffee cans that yielded slighty over 3 oz total, so you can really maximize container size.

And the scrog is definitely the way to go on small scale grows. It took about 17-24 days from transplant to veg the canopy a worthwhile time investment in my opinion. Nice even light spread with my hood starting out about 4-6" from the canopy. I moved it up to about 10" around week 6 in hopes to prevent the foxtailing I had last grow. All in all the densest buds I have had, I am definitely happy.

Edit: Oh and I figured out my ph needs to be 6.0-6.3. Ive been hitting em around 6.1 and they are responding much better. The mystery clone was showing purple on the leaves, possibly a P def, and now she is taking in as much P as I can give her. The blueberry has responded real well to the ph change too which is strange since my last round with this strain I ran at 5.7 and experienced no burn or deficiency. But I picked up some cleaning solution and testing buffer for my meter and she is reading spot on now so 6.1 it is. Although I did read somewhere that a rise in ph is good late in flower.


Well-Known Member
Guten Abend Herr Stoneslacker,

A few things to ask:

Day 50 flowering? Is that from flip, or from first budd signs?? Either way, they are lovely budds. My 2 are at day 35 from flip, so just over half way, and looking pretty good so far, just hate waiting the last few weeks.

Also, what is fox tailing??

And are your screens supported by the plants stems themselves, and what are they made of. Other Scrog's i've seen have fixed screens, and this seems like it could limit working on the plants.

As far as raising the pH in flower, I'm with you on that, some one posted a very nice nutrient take up chart, showing which nutes are taken up best at which pH. Since then, I have bought a pen, and raised flower pH to 6.6-6.8 (in soil) rather then 6.2-6.4 and it has made the difference. Also, mentioned this in passing to a guy I was chatting to at my hydro shop, bumped into him a week later and he was really grateful...after years of growing my advice had improved his grow. I was particularly pleased because while he seems a nice enough bloke, he is also from a traveler family, and wouldn't want to upset him.
https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/536207-i-think-toxity-perhaps-through.html - second post

Good Growing :)


Well-Known Member
Well guys just wanted to say today I officially joined the 250 club!!! I got my tent setup and running and 2 of 3 of my girls are for sure female. They started throwing white pistils today!!! So they were put under the hps today. Hoping that they do good. Looking forward to the journey.


Well-Known Member
Guten Abend Herr Stoneslacker,

A few things to ask:

Day 50 flowering? Is that from flip, or from first budd signs?? Either way, they are lovely budds. My 2 are at day 35 from flip, so just over half way, and looking pretty good so far, just hate waiting the last few weeks.

Also, what is fox tailing??

And are your screens supported by the plants stems themselves, and what are they made of. Other Scrog's i've seen have fixed screens, and this seems like it could limit working on the plants.

As far as raising the pH in flower, I'm with you on that, some one posted a very nice nutrient take up chart, showing which nutes are taken up best at which pH. Since then, I have bought a pen, and raised flower pH to 6.6-6.8 (in soil) rather then 6.2-6.4 and it has made the difference. Also, mentioned this in passing to a guy I was chatting to at my hydro shop, bumped into him a week later and he was really grateful...after years of growing my advice had improved his grow. I was particularly pleased because while he seems a nice enough bloke, he is also from a traveler family, and wouldn't want to upset him.
https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/536207-i-think-toxity-perhaps-through.html - second post

Good Growing :)
They are 50 days from flip about 39 days from 1st solid budset. Foxtailing is when a small thin calyx growth starts to grow off the buds. I have heard its sometimes caused by too much light late in flowering, can also be genetic.

The screens are made with some small diameter metal rod bent into shape and attached with pieces of coat hangar duct taped to the sides of the bucket. I use nylon string for the screen and it gives me alot of flexibility when positioning during veg. I like having the screens separate and on the bucket rather than fixed as this lets me change the position of the plants and even out light coverage on the canopy. Also lets me water in a catch pan so its nice and easy, no mess.

I had much the same problem you are having, yellowing of the fan leaves and I burned them with extra nitrogen. Usually it is nitrogen that causes the burning and around week 5 I cut the N out, fixed my ph issue and they are eating P and K like hogs now.

Edit: What's a "traveler family", sounds dangerous lol. And perhaps you could tell me what "pukka" means too?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply. As far as fox tailing goes, I sometimes get new whit pistols burst out in a clump on the top of the main cola, even though the other pistols have started to recede. I thought that this was from leaving the plant past it's peak, and it starts to form new budd. Also, the whole less light thing seems to make sense as this would mimic nature as autumn approaches at the end of flower season. And as I keep readin, MJ has spent thousands of years evolving to work perfectly with the season cycle of the earth. Fortunately, my light could do with going up a couple of inches for the single plant in an air pot which is younger and taller, or maybe swap the plants round a bit in the tent.

With regards to the burning advice, that was an old thread and got round that issue, just added the link as the second post has a nutrient/pH uptake chart. But thank you for your help :)


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I am just wondering what you think the best way to vent my cool tube?? I have flexible ducting I'm thinking of running off one end running it outside my tent with a inline fan sucking air from outside across the bulb and exhuasting to the other end of the cool tube. I have a oscillating fan running in there and the lights are about 20" above the girls right now...What do you guys think? I'm open to all ideas as I want my girls to thrive.


Well-Known Member
Edit: What's a "traveler family", sounds dangerous lol. And perhaps you could tell me what "pukka" means too?
Travelers are also referred to as gypsies. Many now live in parks within static pre-built caravans. In brief, they dissociate themselves with "traditional society" and are a law unto themselves. I have had many traveler friends, and they can be very nice people, but do not get on the wrong side of them. Due to their lifestyles, they are very difficult to identify and trace, and not particularly bothered by the law.

Pukkha, is an Indian term (from India, not Native Americans), to the best of my knowledge it is used to describe things as "quality".



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply. As far as fox tailing goes, I sometimes get new whit pistols burst out in a clump on the top of the main cola, even though the other pistols have started to recede. I thought that this was from leaving the plant past it's peak, and it starts to form new budd. Also, the whole less light thing seems to make sense as this would mimic nature as autumn approaches at the end of flower season. And as I keep readin, MJ has spent thousands of years evolving to work perfectly with the season cycle of the earth. Fortunately, my light could do with going up a couple of inches for the single plant in an air pot which is younger and taller, or maybe swap the plants round a bit in the tent.

With regards to the burning advice, that was an old thread and got round that issue, just added the link as the second post has a nutrient/pH uptake chart. But thank you for your help :)
Ah thank you. You are a fount of knowledge my friend. Someone said that I had "pukka plants mate", and I knew it was a compliment thought it was some slang I did not know. :clap:


Well-Known Member
Hi all hows it hanging lol,well thats me in the 250 club from last night so ill be posting a few pics here and there,hope its as friendly as the 600 club:-P


Well-Known Member
Hi all hows it hanging lol,well thats me in the 250 club from last night so ill be posting a few pics here and there,hope its as friendly as the 600 club:-P
No its' not....fuck off! :):)

Welcome! moving down from 600 to 250, that must be a little upsetting


Active Member
Hey guys I am just wondering what you think the best way to vent my cool tube?? I have flexible ducting I'm thinking of running off one end running it outside my tent with a inline fan sucking air from outside across the bulb and exhuasting to the other end of the cool tube. I have a oscillating fan running in there and the lights are about 20" above the girls right now...What do you guys think? I'm open to all ideas as I want my girls to thrive.
I would pull cool air from outside and vent it back out of the tent, or at the least vent it to your exhaust. Dont let it dump the hot air in the tent.


Well-Known Member
im gonna post some pics up in a bit as i now have plants rather than seedlings,

thanks for the info stoneslacker, im planning on a scrog this time round so its good to know, im not doing hempy im in straight coco. im using lucas formula but im gonna switch to dutch pro for flower by recommendation of hettyman i think. lol

i made a screen from string and bamboo. its 1.5m wide and 0.5m deep, and im having it 14" above the top of the pots so planty of space to maneuver. im gonna be using my 250 plus 2 45w cfls for some side lighting to help cover the wider parts of the screen. ive got an ak48 from seed and an WOS amnesia from seed about 2 weeks behind the ak. i also have a clone from my last white widow to mess around with. so far i have topped it 6 times and im probably gonna keep going till my main plants are ready to flower. its only in a 15cm pot so its almost rootbound already. ill get pics up in a bit once my lazy missus gets out of bed so i can take pics without waking her lol