264W of CFL's, Stealth Closet 1st grow


Well-Known Member
Wellp I got the X30 jewelers loupe in today... I took a look at the trich's and it seems that there are almost 50/50 clear/cloudy and MAYBE like 3% amber... Also probably about half the hairs have turned amber...

So I will begin the pre-harvest flush tomorrow, and will be awaiting the ever so exciting moment of about 20% amber trich's... Then it's a chop chop time! :hump:


Well-Known Member
50% not 20% well i guess unless you want a more upitty high!
Yea I'm going for the uppity high, I like to snowboard and play hockey and shit when I smoke, so the uppity is more of what I like...

thats cool u got yout scope, i just found out my big girl is seeded,
Holy SHIT are you serious Mc to the P???
That fucking sucks dog! I'm sorry! How'd that happen? Did she hermy, or did you have a male somewhere? DAMN man... at least you've got some more brewing, but Fuck that sucks!


Well-Known Member
i found one sac the other day that was unopend, and i took it off, and ever since ive been keeping a close eye on it and didnt find anything, i just just check again for like 20 mins and found no male sacs


Well-Known Member
looks great, did u take the photos through ur scope, or just a regualr cam
Thanks man! I took the pix through the 30X scope yea... But with such magnification, ANY little movement you can see in the pix, making them blurry... I HATE that! lol, so I'll try to find some way to get *clear* pictures.

P.S. Sorry about your big girl man..... That's sad!


Well-Known Member
thats cool u can take a pic through ur scope, i wish i had a real camera instead of my phone for pics, and ya it sux about my baby thiers some photots of herdown in my journal


Well-Known Member
Alright so I got some pix of the whole plant and some buds..... Starting to look FAT guys! And fucking STANKY!

Lemme know what ya think, god I wanna smoke this girl!



Well-Known Member
man thats a nice looking plant, gonna have to try that my next grow but wouldnt have enought room with the amount of plants i have growing nowbut she sure is looking good bro


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks guys! Each day that goes by makes it harder and harder for me not to chop the girl down... She's looking SO close to finishing! Almost all of her hairs have "receded" back into the buds... Just not seeing a whole lot of amber trich's... So I'm not sure, maybe I'm not looking close enough, I'll have to do a better inspection tonight when I get home from work.

Oh, and just a little FYI here, my clone from this plant ROOTED! I took the clone on Jan 14th. And just discovered the roots on Friday Feb 5th.
The clone was taken when LACY (moma plant) was already 4 & 1/2 weeks into 12/12, and I've read that it's a lot harder to root a cutting from a flowering plant, and that sometimes the cutting produces just crazy branches. We'll see I guess. Here are a few before and after pix of the cutting.

First 3 pix are on Jan 14th, day of cutting.
Last 3 pix are on Feb 7th. 3 days after I discovered the roots (which were quite abundant, BTW)



Well-Known Member
thats cool it rroted congrats man, did u pull it out to check for roots, and ya when u clone from a flowering plant it does get some pretty crazy branches, the only thing is they take a lil bit longer to veg cuz they have tio reveg a bit first, but they will be crazy plants


Well-Known Member
Yea I'm excited to see what happens with it!

I actually had it in a double shot glass, filled the bottom half of the double shot glass with soil, dipped the cutting into a rooting powder and put it into a rockwool cylinder type thing. Then put that rockwool cylinder thing on top of the soil in the double shot glass and keep moist. I checked the clone 2 weeks ago, pulled it out of the shot glass and saw nothing. It was still green though while the other 2 cuttings were crumbly, so I thought something may be happening. Then about a week and a half later I check it again, and it wouldn't just pull out. So I just took my time being nice and easy, and when I got it out there were roots ALL OVER the soil in the bottom of the shot glass! I was STOKED! So I planted it and that's where I am now.


Well-Known Member
sweet, i dont want to check mine cuz i heard it can make them take a lil bit longer, but im sure theirs roots forming down their, so i guess ill have to see what happens


Well-Known Member
The new clones I got, and a few seeds that I've planted. Saw a couple more amber colored trich's on my girl in flower aswell!

Pic#1=Strawberry Caugh
Pic#2=White Russian
Pic#3=Lacy's Clone
Pic#4,5,6= planted bagseed
Pic#7,8=The Veg box.



Well-Known Member
ah u got the new clones thats cool. the lacysclone looks like it was takin in flower, but im sure she will be a beutiful lady in a few weeks, and how far are ur lights away from the tops