264W of CFL's, Stealth Closet 1st grow


Well-Known Member
ok i understand why you cut and hung them now, i might not do the whole plant now that u metion it, cuz they will be close together and i dont want mold. and thats good that there in the dark light is bad, to bad u didnt have another one ready to go into flower as this one was gettin done.


Well-Known Member
ah now i see why u didnt dry it as a whole and now that u metion it i might not want to either if my buds are to close, but well see. i dont want to get mold. and thats good that there in the dark, very nice grow i tryed to rep u but it wouldnt let me. let me know if u start another journal for your vegging plants. actaully u got some pics of them yet


Well-Known Member
ah now i see why u didnt dry it as a whole and now that u metion it i might not want to either if my buds are to close, but well see. i dont want to get mold. and thats good that there in the dark, very nice grow i tryed to rep u but it wouldnt let me. let me know if u start another journal for your vegging plants. actaully u got some pics of them yet
Yea thats funny that you said that, cuz it's the mold situation that scared me! That's the real reason I decided to cut it up then hang it. And I really wish I had another plant to put into flower as soon as I cut this one down! But after the next harvest I will. I have it set up for a perpetual grow now. IF everything works out as I plan. hahaha

I will be starting another journal for my plants in the veg room before to long here. And I will post a link in the thread whenever I do. Pix of the girls in veg comin soon! :)


Well-Known Member
ok cool, just noticed i posted the same thing twice but worded differently, i thought i accidently deleted one so i rewrote it if that makes sens im baked already, just got a bunch of powerplant


Well-Known Member
Alright so tonight I'm going to do the trim job and then get the final weigh in. I'm fucking excited and just wish I was off work right now so I could go home, smoke a bowl, and do that triming. I guess that'll have to wait till about 5 tho. lol

And I've started a new journal for my new grow. Here's a link if anybody's interested. I have a clone I took off a bud in that journal, and it looks just fucking insane! With branches popping out everywhere! Very weird!



Well-Known Member
a couple harvest pix for you guys to gander at. I don't have a digi, just one of those really shitty hand held scales. And I really don't feel like weighing all this with a hand scale. So I haven't yet... lol



Well-Known Member
mmmm buds, i love the buds. nice job. that bud in the second pic looks delicious. and i dont evn really worry about weight anymore. i havent bought a scale since i was busted for selling, cuz i dont really need it anymore and dont want to spend cash on somthing that isnt gonna bring in cash. plus i am very good at estimating weights without a scale just by holding the weed. its a smal skill i picked up from deallin


Well-Known Member
lol yeah i member when i was younger me and my friends would bag up diff amounts and eyeball and shit till we got it down good. looks great man still cant believe my babies are gone especially day b4 12/12 /sigh still trying to fig out what i want to grow next prob sensi star indo and some purp outdoor if i can find a good spot. jealous grats again man this ur first harvest right? its so sick smoking ur own buds especially when they are better than anything u can buy!


Well-Known Member
lol yeah i member when i was younger me and my friends would bag up diff amounts and eyeball and shit till we got it down good. looks great man still cant believe my babies are gone especially day b4 12/12 /sigh still trying to fig out what i want to grow next prob sensi star indo and some purp outdoor if i can find a good spot. jealous grats again man this ur first harvest right? its so sick smoking ur own buds especially when they are better than anything u can buy!
Dude just read that shit. That's fucked up! I can't believe some hoe would do that shit! Sorry man, for real! That's BUNK!

Yea this is my first harvest. And I feel ya about smokin your own buds..... There really is NOTHING like it! And to be able to tell your buddies who come over to kick it that this is my home grown... Yea, nothing like it at all! I love it!

For sure let me know when you get your new beans in D83!


Well-Known Member
will do man im still trying to decide if i want to try and work it out with the ol'lady yeah what she did to my girls was fucked up but i still love her and we have a fam i want to keep together just not sure if it would work or not but when the beans come(lol so funny calling them beans) then fosho let you know and im just going to use the same journal like the name to much.


Well-Known Member
will do man im still trying to decide if i want to try and work it out with the ol'lady yeah what she did to my girls was fucked up but i still love her and we have a fam i want to keep together just not sure if it would work or not but when the beans come(lol so funny calling them beans) then fosho let you know and im just going to use the same journal like the name to much.
Oh yea man. I feel ya! Especially if you love her! Mad props to you for wanting to keep the family together! More people need to be like that now a days! +REP to you for that dog!


Active Member
a couple harvest pix for you guys to gander at. I don't have a digi, just one of those really shitty hand held scales. And I really don't feel like weighing all this with a hand scale. So I haven't yet... lol
Fucking nuts haha - amazing what one can do with a little creativity, eh? :lol:

Just finished reading the thread... loved it man. Too bad I can't afford any mylar like you hehe - almost everything in my setup was paid for by really good friends. Of course, they will get their investments back ;-) (I hope lol)

You planning on growing any more?



Well-Known Member
Fucking nuts haha - amazing what one can do with a little creativity, eh? :lol:

Just finished reading the thread... loved it man. Too bad I can't afford any mylar like you hehe - almost everything in my setup was paid for by really good friends. Of course, they will get their investments back ;-) (I hope lol)

You planning on growing any more?

Hey thanks for stopping buy and checkin it out Rich!
Dude I feel ya! I told a buddie of mine that I was thinkin bout growin. And he just had a kid so he can't. So he ended up giving me the Cannabis Grow Bible, and I told him the second that he gave it to me... You will be rembursed for this!.. lol, come harvest time!

And yea, I actually have another grow going right now. This journal was child's play... lol, I plan on pulling out a lot more (weight wise) this time around. Seeing as how that was my first grow, and now I have the "know how" so to speak. lol, Anyways here's a link to my 2nd grow... :eyesmoke:

Oh and BTW, if you go to a walmart, or ace hardware you can find those emergency "Space Blankets" for like $3 and some change. They are actually made up of mylar, just not very thick mylar. That's what I used to cover my walls... Workin with a budget, sometimes you find ways around the system! lol

Looks good, I use the same nutes, not the soil though. Keep it simple and stupid(KISS Method) i say
Hell yea! I'm all about the KISS method! Don't fix something that isn't broken... lol, seems I'm always trying to make the grow rooms better tho, somehow... lol
P.S. sweet fuckin name bro! haha


Well-Known Member
hey hooked, a grow room is never finished even if u have all the cash. and panda black film black on onside white on the other is really cheap and a lil more reflective then mylar and it also isnt see through. and for 3 bucks here at my hydro store for 3 dollors u could get a ten by 4 sheet of panda film wich is enough to cover a farly larger room, just some info though


Well-Known Member
no prob........................ just tryin to help out in a cheap way cuz i know cash is hard to come by these days. and im not sayin mylar is bad but i think its a bit spendy for the material.


Well-Known Member
Well guys... I decided to make a video of my Veg box and my Flower room. The first half of the vid is showing the veg box and flower room, the second half is showing the plant as it grows! haha, the video is only 3 minutes and it's got some killer music! So if you have an extra 3 minutes on your hands check this shit out!

And if you can name the Band and Song name I'll give you a +rep... Just cuz I don't know what else I could give you... hahaha

Here's a youtube link. I'ma try to put the video straight on here, but I'm not figuring it out...


Well-Known Member
its called southside westside by w.c.r.s, but i only new his cuz the name of the song poped up while it was playing, i dont really care to much for rep either though. and the video was pretty cool. looks like you could fit mabye 2 plants in that flower box


Well-Known Member
its called southside westside by w.c.r.s, but i only new his cuz the name of the song poped up while it was playing, i dont really care to much for rep either though. and the video was pretty cool. looks like you could fit mabye 2 plants in that flower box
lol, NOPE! haha, yea I saw that too, but YOUTUBE was wrong! haha, that's not the song at all! And I don't listen to rap! I mean, I know that was rap, but that band, and Eminem are the ONLY rap I listen to. Just not a huge fan. And yea I'm gonna be tryin to fit 3ish in the flower.

Thanks for checkin out the vid MC!