2nd time on the G shit


whussup RIU this is my second indoor grow I originally started with sunlight from my kitchen window but I noticed my plants stretching so I whipped up this nursery from a small fridge I had sitting around in my room. They're currently under 24 hr light I also threw a small pc fan in there so get the stems to toughen up .the lights are 2 14 w cfls daylight not too powerful but will get the job done. They'll stay in there for about 3 weeks til I put em back under the sunlight from the window . I know the containers are pretty small but I'm conducting an experiment so to say ...ill top both so try and get the max yield from this which I know won't be much but I'm still curious to see how it turns out well that's all for now til I check back in . Happy growing bitches


MC Bud

Just wondering...does that thing have only three blades per leaf? And whats the other plant in there?


yea some of th branches have three leaves because I was moveing and had to leave it by a friends house for a while and it almost died I'll see if I cud find pics but I'll post some more pics later