3 out of seven killed in drive by scissor cutting.


Well-Known Member
Nothing has changed except for the fact that I am seeing how close I can get the lights without burning them.

I have been moving the about a half an inch to an inch a day I decided to them a little closer..
They are probally right at 2" away now (CFL'S)
The zip ties worked great. (thanks recvry)
It is much easier to adjust alittle or a lot.

Now I like to move them 2-3 times during the lights on cycle to keep the lights as close to the tops as possible...

I figure atleast another 5 weeks in flower. They have only been budding for about 3 weeks..

My mother seems to be starting new growth.
Hopefully I pulled her out of flowering soon enough for it not to be too hard to get her to switch back to veg for clones.

I am trying to decide where I can put my clones and where to put the tub for the dwc.
I think I am going with 4 planters in the tub so that they have plenty of room.

Happy growing

Glad to see it worked out well for you!


Well-Known Member
Only news is good news.
I have not done a damn thing since the last post.

I have been keeping my clone mother in their with the other 3 females during the 12hr light and pulling her and putting her in the bathroom for light during the timed dark cycle.
I am actually glad I waited.
The clone mother is looking like she is ready to have a litter of clones.
I think I could probally get 8o or 9 right now.
I think I will hold for close to another week.
This time next weedend I think I will have atleast 4 if not 6 clones going.

I have decided that all I need is a tray or plastic box to hold the clones. Maybe a cooler..
Then I can transport them and keep them along with the mother.

I have been trying to figure out what else to do.
I decided that I do not want to put up another set of lights just for the mother and clones.

As far as going hydro or dwc I have decide to wait and slow things up a bit.
I am sure that I will do atleast 3 maybe 4 in hydro when they are rooted.
I fugure I would still like to have atleast 2 in soil though.

I guess it all depends on how long I flower my 3 girls.

I do not really want to over do it to much.
I have no intention of selling any I just want to have a replenishing supply every 3-4 weeks from now on.
I suppose these problems will solve themselves through time.

Happy growing


Well-Known Member
So I lied.

I went ahead and took 2 clones.
This is really an expirement to see what it is going to take.

I cut them at a 45 degree angle.
I chopped them from the bottom of the mother.
These branches had to have been 11-13" long.
I took my clones from the top halves of those 2 branches.
I cut off the lower set of fan leaves since they would be underwater otherwise.
I cut some of the top node fan leaves in half.

I will place the clones in a black cup that I have that has a lid.

I shook up my h20 that has been setting at room temp for 3 days.

I put 2 drops of molasses in and shook vigourously.
I added maybe a tsp of my potting soil.
Seems like one of the fan leaves fell down in there also.
I put this under the sink with a mason jar of water right beside it.
I plan on putting the black cup with the 2 clones in it on a shelf opposite my window.
This way it will be like 8 ft away from a window and have minimal light..

Don't worry I will be changing the water in the morning and probally daily after that.
I may try to pick up some rooting hormone tommorow.

I will be getting either peat pellets or rockwool.
whatever I can find when I get the rooting hormone..

As soon as I can get clones rooting I will start taking alot more.

I have decided that as long as I take my time this mother can give multiple clones.

I may have to end up giving some of them away.
At this rate I will be doing good to keep up with her to keep her stealth.

May your buds be big.
As I will it so mote it be.

This site has done tremendous things for my little forrest of spinach.


Well-Known Member
Ok I found this in growfaq.


and this one


Looks like I will be making alist and going to wallyworld and whatever else tommorow.

I already have a rubbermaid tub.
This tub is huge though.
I was going to use it for a veg/flower hydro.
If I can find a cheap smaller tub I will go ahead and get it just for clones.

Pump 9.99
2 Air Stones @ 2.50 ea.

I wonder about the temp of the tub.
I might have to get an aquarium heater.
I do not think they are much. probally less than 15.00

I guess we will just have to see.


Well-Known Member
Alright, I have decided smoking good herb while growing it tends to put an advanced level of procrastination into the mix.

I found me a good small bubble clone bucket/
It is a large Folger's coffee ruber tub.

I have not bought my airpump or stones yet.
I decided to hold up.
I was really high my last post.

I figure I can get 6-8 clones in this bubble tub.
Where I got this Idea it says that you can have roots in 7-9 ds.
I decided that is too soon.
I have 2 clones that I took a few ds ago.
They are doing great.
They have not wilted or drooped once. I was amazed.
This must mean the mom is healthy.

I got up this am and feed my plants a full meal
I started out with 1/4 bloom nutes at week 2 flower.
It is now 3 1/2 weeks and I am up to full strength.
I must say they are loving this stuff.
Apparently Miracle gro nutes do work if precaution is used.

I plan to wait another week or two before I start anymore clones.

Since I have limited space I want my flowering plants to be on their last leg of the flower cycle before I start all these clones going.

I think I have atleast another 4-5 weeks on this batch o' buds.
I could probally harvest sooner.
I just want maximum quality and quanity.


Well-Known Member
It will be five weeks in flower this coming Monday.
The buds are looking great. The top colas are looking really nice.
They probably range from 3"-5" in diameter and 4-7" long.
The smaller popcorn buds are what are suprising me.
I have been using side lighting.

I have not watered or gave them anything sense the last feeding.

Per my moisture meter they are still half wet.
I am thinking tommorow or Sunday will probably be their next feeding.

I took 4 clones several days ago.
I have them in water so they can root by osmosis.
They seem to be doing really well.

The clone mom looks like she is in contraction.
I decided to lst her so she will be closer to the height of the clones.

Oh yeah I have been able to set them outside for 5 hours a day when the Sun is the brightest.
They seem to be loving this.

I am not worried about bugs since the Orkin man comes reguarly and they are 4ft away from any vegetation sitting on concrete.

I got me some fruit safe bug killer spray just in case.
I don't mess around/\\
At least I try not to.

Happy growing


Well-Known Member
he he he he he eh eheheheeheheheeheh

I think I found a good exhaust fan.
I have my pc fan at bottom exhausting air and a 8" on high up top taking air in.

My pc fan runs off of 12v.

I was just checking the coolants in the old gm and I got to thinking about the radiator fan.
I could get one dirt cheap at local junk yard.
They run off of 12v

Diy fo the broke and unemployed.


Well-Known Member
Alrighty then.

I have 3 very nice plants budding.
Today is their fith week flowering anniversary.
I decided to go buy some beer since it is Mem day and My weeds bday.

Keep in mind I do not really drink very often anymore.
I must be getting old.
Weed is the only thing I can do and function to the fullest.

The buds are just starting to get red hairs.
I am saying maybe 3-4 more weeks (I hope) and they will be ready to be put to sleep.

Out of my 4 clones 2 have roots starting to sprout out.
I plan to plant them once the roots are about 1/2" long.

I will take 4-6 more clones once the 1st set are in the dirt.
The mother is looking really nice.
The second set are going to go in a bubbler with root hormone.
They will then go to a dwc.

I wish I could take pics.
My camera on my phone does not work anymore.

I might be able to get some pics by borrowing a cam sometime between now and the harvest.

Cheers and bong hits all around.
:joint: :joint: :joint: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :joint: :joint: :joint:


Well-Known Member
So I thought I would do an update since I am up so early.
My roommate just started working again.
I may be working again here in a few days.
Things are supposedly looking good for them to hire me as well.
I sure as hell hope so.
I have gone beyond the point of being bored.
I have been outta work for 10 months.

Now back to the plants.
I could see red haris starting on the plants yesterday.
I can see several more this morning.
At this rate they may very well be ready in 3-4 weeks.
I think it is the sunlight they are getting for about 4-5 hours a day.
Oh yeah damn, If I get this job I will be at work for the 4-5 hours of sunlight.

The mother looks marvelous. ( I thought about getting her some costume jewlery j/k)

The clones look like they will be ready for the soil in about 3-4 ds.
All 4 have roots and the 1 that started rooting first is at about 1/4" in length now (root).
I can definately see where a bubbler and root hormone would speed the rooting up tremendously.

Here is a swig of coffee and a bong hit to Rollitup and all it's glory.


Well-Known Member
yea, why have u been outta work for 10 months? what kinda work do ya do?
Im an electrician and been outta work for about 7 months, well actually i never worked IN the field, but I graduated from the electrician technical program about 9 months ago and havent put the degree to use yet. I cant even seem to find work outside of my degree either..what about you?

sorry for the rant, but I dunno, I thought U were kinda in the same boat as me..just nice to know im not alone out here.

edit: Im thinking about going back to school to study plants and develop the next big medical miracle with marijuana..maybe some type of engineer? biomedical or chemical maybe? but I gotta get a job in order to pay my bills and get my credit straight, then I'll do that stuff.

"All I wanna do is develop my herbal in a real lab, and get some head while Im doing it...feel me?"


Well-Known Member
How High? method man and red man//
I seen that the other day.

Yeah I got in some trouble some years ago.
I got a felony for a gun law violation.
This July will have been seven years since that happened.
My last job was with a phone company doing customer service.
I did that job for 3 years prior to the last 10 mo's.

Before that I had bs jobs here and there since I got in trouble.

I have been going to school on and off since I graduated high school.
I started the Radiology program last sem.
It seems pretty cool.
I think I can finish it up in less than 2 years if I work hard at it.

I was going for associate in science but the chemistry got me.
If I can finish Chem II I will also have an associate in science.

I think I might have a job doing customer service again.
I hope to hear something here in a few days.

Most companies will not even consider you with a felony.

People talk about piss tests.
I have to worry about background checks and piss tests.

The job I am hoping to get does not do either.
My roommate just started working for them.

Heres hoping


Well-Known Member
I clipped a top.
It was only about 1/16".
It got me high but not stonned like the weed these seeds came from.
Obviously they have still got some maturing to do.

The only reason I clipped it is because I ran out of my regular stock.
I am waiting.
My dealer is a girl.
That is seriously some shit.
Have you ever had to wait on a girl.

Just imagine a girl dealer.
It takes all I can to keep my composure when I get a text saying that she is shopping.
I think I f'd up a little.
A friend tried to hook us up a while back.
I decided not to go for it.
She can deffinately be a bitch sometimes.

I would hate to loose a weed connect to a disgruntled cunt. (if we did date and then broke up)

No offense to any females reading this.


Well-Known Member
yeah how high is my shit. I just downloaded it off of bittorrent the other day, gotta unzip it then straight to a DVD-R it goes

lol my girl connect has been out since christmas so i know how that is lol...

y not just finish up the chemistry? its just one class. I was acutally gonna get my ass. of science degree and then continue with a BA in electrical engineering a few years back, I got thru english and algebra then the electrician school told me it would take under a year to get that degree so i went for it.

I was gonna go for radiology, till I learned they only work 24-25hrs per week..and that was considered FULL TIME to them..if i have something that gives me 40hrs that will pull me away from growing and help me accomplish everything i need to do to get back on my feet. but I hope that works out for ya, and I hope you get that call U've been waiting for.

what method did U use to quick dry that sample smoke?


Well-Known Member
Ok the plants really seem to like the side lighting.
The lower buds seem to really be bulking up.
I am noticing more and more red hairs.

One of the colas has several red hairs.
I decided these are white hairs that are dying or drying up due to maturity.

The one cola with more red may be because I have the lights really close.
I am trying to maintain a constant 2" distance from the plant to the light.

All four clones were ready to go into soil today.
They all had little white root hairs ranging from 1/16th"-1/4".
I potted them in medium sized vitamin and tylenol plastic bottles.
I also put all 4 bottles in a tupper ware container to monitor the h2o drainage.
I did soak the soil right after planting them.

I also took 4 more clones.
This new set were much more mature.

So at this rate I will have 8 female clones ready to veg for 3-4 weeks and go into flower after the 3 budding plants are harvested.

After 3-4 days I will set the clones under 21" fluro 15w purple grow lights for 3 - 4 weeks and then to the flowering.

Happy growing


Well-Known Member
I was chillin wit my buds (my plants) smoking a bong.
I do not worry about the smoke since my closet could be used as a wind tunnel to test aerodynamics.
I have a chair and I can sit about 2ft away from them and talk to them while I am getting high.

Oh yeah back to the subject.
I have a rather large rubermaid tool box.

I have been trying to figure out what I want to do with the clones.
I want them to have the light they need and I need my other plants to get only 12 hrs light.

Apparently this thing is water tight below the lid inside.
Ok while editing I thought of something.
The plants have a shelf about 3 ft above the lights.
I am going to try to stop and light leaks from coming out of the tool box when I put lights in the lid.
I figure I can put 2-3 computer fans in it.
Seems like it would work for several clones if the pots are small enough.
I was thinking of using those little black plastic trays that have several mini pots conjoined.
They seem like they would be a step up in size from the containers they are in now..
I also think I seen mini green plastic potters at the store.

Anyway that is about as far as I got.
I wanted to write it down before my mind went somewhere else.
I'll be back with more info later.