3 out of seven killed in drive by scissor cutting.


Well-Known Member
The flowering girls buds are getting thicker and thicker.

I think I will prob post some pics this weekend.

I want to wait until they perk back up.
I have been trying to go as long as possible between waterings and feedings.

It seemed as if some of the pots were not drying out as quick as they are all different sizes and ages.

Only one of them is actually drooping.
I checked with my moisture meter.
It was completely dry.
The others were very close.

The mom that I am flowering seems to take forever to use up all her water.

I quess it is because her pot is so big.
She has a 4.7L and the others are in 6" pots.

I was trying to see how small I could keep them.

I do use my moisture meter to aireate the soil each time I check it.
I try to go all the way around the pot pocking the meters prongs all the way to the bottom.

I feel like that helps me get the o2 to the roots. It also breaks up some of the roots I am sure.
I feel like that keeps them from getting root bound.

I have not been here nearly as much as I usually am.
I just started working last Friday.
I have been working mid day.

I feel like I will be spending more time on the site during the weekends since I do not have much time during the week.

I don't know about you guys but I am sick of this heat.
It has been between 100 - 104 degs all week.

My ac is out on my car.
I can not hardly stand it.
Then the humidity on top of that.

Jees this is some rought stuff.

I hope to get my air charged in the car soon.

I almost got sick earlier.
I had ate a kinda greasy hamburger and ff's.
Then I went back out in this heat.
I started feeling naucious like I was going to puke.
I thought I had food posioning.

Must just be this infernal heat.


Well-Known Member
Looking at the trichomes this morning.

They are completely cloudy on the mother plant.
The babies are clear to cloudy 50/50.

I figure I should start seeing amber trichs here in the next 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
The mom's buds seem to be noticebly bigger every 2ds.

The clones are obviously are nipping at her coat tales.
They look great.

I plan to let this new mom that I am vegging go for atleast 4 more weeks before I start cutting clones.

Just got word from budy that some new seeds are coming this way.

You guys will have to start checing out my new grow journals.
I plan to start one for each strain.

Of course the midgrade will live on.

The ten plants I have right now all came from the same one lil seed.
I love clones.

I still have about 60 more choice seeds of this strain.

I am hoping to cross it with some of these new strains.


Well-Known Member
BUDs are everywhere.

The moms trichs are 80% cloudy and 20% amber.
I hope to let her go for atleast 2 more weeks maybe 3.

The lil plants that were grown in 12/12 from when they were put into the soil their trichs are about 80% cloudy and 20% clear.

Looks like I will start harvesting in 2 weeks and then probably harvest atleast 2 plants a week after that for 4 weeks.

These were grown from clones that were taken at different times.


Well-Known Member
It does.
This mom and her clones have a fruity smell.
The mom is one out of 4 from my original grow.

It has to do with the phenotype.
This mom smells totally different than the other 3 from the 1st grow.

2 smelt skunky, 1 fruity *mom* and 1 no odor.

I kept the fruity one because it was the minority.


Well-Known Member
Hopefully my seeds will be heaah by the weekend.

3 strains.
Not real sure what they are yet.
I know what one of them is going to be.

Supposed highgrade thc seeds from a friend who just got some in.
So stay tuned.
You may get to see midgrade grow highgrade.

I plan to graduate from cfl's to a HPS 400 for flower on these grows.

Don't worry the midgrade will live on.
I will be taking clones from clone mom deuce in a few weeks or right about the same time I get ready to harvest my current grow.

I want to take my time with the clones as I will have seedlings to deal with aswell.


Well-Known Member
That HPS will make a difference. When are you getting it in?

Get your venting stuff before or when you get your light. You'll need it.


Well-Known Member
I agree.
I hope to have lights and venting by the time I get ready to flower.

I want to veg the new seedlings for 3-4 weeks or until I feel comfortable enough to take clones from them so I can tell the sex.

Only seeds that I want from a plant are goint to be the ones I get when I intentionally cross one of my mid clones with new male pollen.

SOunds weird saying it but I hope I get atleast 1 or 2 males.
other than that we will see what we can do to make the rest females.

It has been quite awhile since I grew from seed.

I think I have the do and dont's down pretty good this time around.

I am also going to try dwc.
I am sure it will be a cheap as possible and lets see what it will do kinda thing at first.

I also plan to get some moderately priced nutes for this coming up grow.


Well-Known Member
That is what I am looking for.
I want something to supercharge my grow.

Right now it takes 2+ mo's to flower my clones in soil.''
Which from what I understand is about normal.

Maybe I can use the dwc to focus on speeding up veg or plant growth.

This set of clones that I flowering looks like they could have done with some vegging.

I put them straight into 12/12 about 2 weeks after putting them in soil.
The 2 weeks I would not even consider vegging since it wa very low light.
Just enough light to keep the plants alive.

I think growing slowly is just as important if not more than growing quickly.

To be able to speed up or slow down the plants growth and production.

Seeing as how I am mother natures son It fascinates me to have this ability to manipulate the plants progress.

I have taken a few bio classes in college.
To know what is actually going on all the way down to the cellular stucture seems to make think how when I figure something out it just clicks like of course that makes since.

As if once i figure it out I get pissed because if I had stopped and thought about it I already knew the answer.

It is amazing how I have forgotten more info about endless amounts of subjects.

Then when I figure it out again the second time it seems to graduate the memory to a readily accesible recall.

he he h eh eh ehe h e


Well-Known Member
The seeds are in.

2 ww
5 Fat bastard
5 WWxShiva

I also have 4 BC bud seeds that my bc bud dealer saved for me.

SO here in a few months midgrade will have a candy store of a selection of buds.

I get by with a little help from my friends.