3 out of seven killed in drive by scissor cutting.


Well-Known Member
Happy Days are here again.
I got a job.
I start working on Friday.
Good pay good hours.
Great people.
I can wear blue jeans and tennis shoes to the office.

It seems like things are finally starting to look up for me.
I will be able to go to school some and work at the same time.
If all goes as planned I will be done with Radiology school in a year to a year and half.
Then look out.
I will start out making 3-4 x's as much as I am now.

So glad to have gotten the good news I had to put it in my journal.
Most of my good friends have moved out of town.
So I really do not have anyone to be happy for me.
Oh well I certainly am excited.

It is rough just sitting around all day with nothing to do or money to do it with.

The first paycheck I get I will get some sort of cam for my plants.
I feel bad about not being able to share them with you guys.
Believe you me as soon as I am able you will be the first to see them.

Then after I get a few things taken care of like new tires then I am going for the big time.
I want atleast one 400w hps if not 2.
I also want to start ordering some seeds.

I wish you all the same joy that I feel right now.
I am so damn proud of myself for landing this job,
it is downtown about 10 min from my apartment.

Hell who knows maybe I will meet some girls working down there.

Just wanted to share since no one else seems to care.


Well-Known Member
Congrats man!! Not only are you excited! I too am excited, We soon get to see your girls!! again Congrats on the Job.


Well-Known Member
Good shit Mid!!


Im leaving a job of 8 years to go back to school to finish my degree this fall. Changes for the better....gotta love em. BTW....If you work downtown ANYWHERE....you'll run into alot of nice EMPLOYED young ladies.


Well-Known Member
The ol' job is pretty f'in cool.

There are a few people working there that used to work with me at the last place I worked at before I got layed off last year.

Not many people work there as apposed to what I am used to.
I found out about 1 other person that works with me that smokes that I met the first time today.
They do not know I know yet.
I am sure that my rep will precede me in some situations and scenarios as usuall.
Sometimes it is only maters who you know.

I went and got me some more smoke.
Been OUT for lalmost 2 ds.
I have been getting really pissy according to the people around me.
F' them I say.

I am just so glad I started my new job making decent money no dt or back ground check.
I was beyond exstatic.

Anyway just got me a lil guarter of some Bc bud.
Pretty damn good.
Been getting the ish (roughly) from the same dude for the last 5 yrs.

I am happy as hell.

All the plants are well.

I got a seed from the dude of this stuff.
I have gotten a few before.
I am not sure if the last that I germ'd I just did not pay enough attention to or if they are just that much harder to grow.

In comparisson these seeds are smller and lighter ( alnost whiteish green ).
My midgrade seeds that I have picked and choosed the seeds that I kept.
I would bet mine against any of these seeds any day as far as survival rate.
I have been saving these mid seeds for a while.

I am going to germ this one lil supposed magic bean.
I do not have high hopes at all for it.

I do plan to give it more attention since I have got my mid going strong and pretty much on auto pilot.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the vote of confidence there Bloodshot.
Glad to see ya posting here.

I know everybody thinks damn this dude just likes to type.
He has no pics and just runs off at the mouth.

I get paid 2 weeks from today.
My bday is this coming tuesday I will be 32.

I hope to have everything squared like new tires and an cam for pics and some regular stuff from the fam like clothes and money.

Then I can show my grow bro.

Not being able to get a job easily really sucks.
I mean hell I am competting with f'in morons.

All I can say kids is stay in school as long as you can.
Everybody needs a degree in something nowadays just to sucessfully function in today's society.


Well-Known Member
I say get your associates of bachelors in something anything as long as it is a degree.

Then use that as a starting point.

I seen a commercial that said a GED could earn you up to 75k a year.
WTF kinda job is that is what I wanna know.

I got my GED in 93.

I got arrested for a gun charge in 2000.
Since then It was like I just got parolled from the prison yard or something.

People see that shit and it apparently scares the shit out of them.
If you are going to carry a gun get a concealed weapons permit is all I can say.
As far as I know I can never buy a gun again and it has also made me look like some sort of bad person that I am not.
Guns don't kill.
Stoopid ass people with guns kill.

This was the last straw for me and the law as far as I am concerned.
They are all the enemy now.

They have never caused me nothing but strife and grief.
Never have they protected or served a damn thing as far as I am concerned.
Now that was just the local pigs that I was talking about.
Them damn feds can go to hell and they can die.

I vote for my damn self.
Give me liberty or else I start the f'in revolution right now. (maybe next week not sure)

For real.
Once people in general get pissed off enough with the things that we are allowing our government to do things will finally start to fall in line.

We have given them to much power.
We need a peoples government.

These fools that have been on the hill have been there way to long.

If we were organized we could turn this country inside out.


Well-Known Member
I got a decent paying job and I can still smoke.
I have learned how to grow.
I feel that I am learning more and more each day about the kynde.

Victory is mine.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I never used to visit the journals for some reason. Now I found a few I could get into.

Your situation is not all that different than alot of people I know. We could do some talking. But I know how shit goes...when you get set all will fall in line.

Everything happens in its own time. Im stressing over not being able to work while I go to school. So i know where you're coming from. Luckily we have the plants to keep us sane. And my 8yrs there built up a nice chunk of a 401k. I'll be getting that out asap.


Well-Known Member
You sound like me 12 mo's ago.
That is what has allowed me to not work.

I got a severance package + I cahsed my 401k.
Then I got my unemployment.

I just want to slowly get my associates in science degree and finish my radiology degree.
I feel then things will finally start to be more secure for me.

I should be getting my pardon papers in the mail for the gun charge.
It used to be 7yrs was as far as they looked when doing a back ground check.
I went ahead with the pardon just to make things a lil smoother and give me some breathing room for job security.


Well-Known Member
Im going to use it to offset my education expenses....And get more seeds/supplies of course. Im hoping I dont have to supplement the income with the aforementioned....but may have to at least to some degree.

I know how it is...thankfully all my dirt was done...well...all the dirt I got caught for was when I was a juvenile. I dont have a spot on my adult record....well kinda but not really....just a charge....but it was tossed out. And Im 35....and in America.

Thats amazing itself. Seeing that I have smoked bud on a daily basis since 13.