300 pull a damaging flash mob at a WalMart


Active Member
Why take my post down is free speach not aloud my opinion is not always the best but that is my opinion i read posts on here that i find offencive.

You should wake up go to you tube and look for the rivers of blood speach then look at the state of my country now?

The man Enoch Powell he gave the speach and was branded a racist but he was telling the truth but hay hes a racist?

Enoch Powell could have been priminister of brittain but for that speach?

The French almost had the National Front as there countrys leaders?

And if you don't know what the National Front are look them up?


Active Member
I don't agree with your opinion. The surgeon that saved my nephew was black and the sweetest human being you would want to know.
Yeh they have to be nice to you if he was a cunt to you would he still be working there i am nice at work aswell don't stop me being a cunt?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
in the uk they' have those faces you could make out on front page very paper. they'd be hauled in front of a judge fined or jailed. last year we had riots in our cities, some people got 18 months jail for stealing an ice lolli.

i'm right wing but not racist and i didn't see a single non whatever the hell you want to call them.

saying the dude filming spent most of the time looking at watermelons. now that's borderline racism.


Active Member
Not trying to sound racist,but is everyone in that video African American or is it just my imagination?

Not it's not. This is what black people have started doing. I wish they would stop calling it a flash mob. a flash mob is per wiki
A flash mob (or flashmob)[SUP][1][/SUP] is a group of people who assemble suddenly in a place, perform an unusual and seemingly pointless act for a brief time, then disperse, often for the purposes of entertainment, satire, and artistic expression.[SUP][2][/SUP][SUP][3][/SUP][SUP][4][/SUP] Flash mobs are organized via telecommunications, social media, or viral emails.[
This video is a bunch a of criminal looters.


Active Member
Fuck racism! We live in 2012 grow the fuck up. It's not like they are going anywhere.
I think blacks perceive racism when it suits them. You miss speak a single bit and they fly off the handle. I was at work on night this lady came in and wanted to buy a bag of chips. She handed me her visa credit card and then while having her sign my copy of the receipt she asked "How come this don't have my balance on it?" Being the well versed clerk that I am I knew that only one payment type had a remaining balance on it. I answered saying. "Cause it's not a food stamp card" Oh boy did this black lady freak out on me. "just cause I am black doesn't mean I have a food stamp card. Not ALL black people have food stamp cards. I tried to explain to her what I meant I don't remember the next few words. But she did admit that is in fact had a food stamp card.


Well-Known Member
I think blacks perceive racism when it suits them. You miss speak a single bit and they fly off the handle. I was at work on night this lady came in and wanted to buy a bag of chips. She handed me her visa credit card and then while having her sign my copy of the receipt she asked "How come this don't have my balance on it?" Being the well versed clerk that I am I knew that only one payment type had a remaining balance on it. I answered saying. "Cause it's not a food stamp card" Oh boy did this black lady freak out on me. "just cause I am black doesn't mean I have a food stamp card. Not ALL black people have food stamp cards. I tried to explain to her what I meant I don't remember the next few words. But she did admit that is in fact had a food stamp card.
Maybe she bought it from that guy in the video...."I got food stamps for sale, for real dogg!"
LOL! It never gets old.


Well-Known Member
Hate is just a 4 letter word for Ignorant :) I was born racist but you know like our species I EVOLVED. Why does racism and hate go hand in hand with religion? Slow down christians I didn't single you out all religion fights wars over race or thinking different. Hell I just watched a documentary about the Black Jack Church a bunch of card counting, gambling pastors and ministers, but it's ok because as one of them stated "it's gods will for me to play, he deals my cards, he tells me to play" right just like all religious people, they can find a way to spin any situation into something they are supposed to do because of "faith" haha Faith is a term used to fill avoid in people that are too afraid to say "i don't know" or "that sounds like complete nonsense, but I don't wanna go to hell so I have "faith" it's correct.

Why hate, what does that achieve seriously? Sure you can hate the 300 blacks that looted walmart fuck them and the stolen cars they rolled in on and by all means feel free to hate Al Sharpton or Jessie Jackson for their ideals or beliefs but not for their color, hating on color or nationality or religion is just plain ignorant.


Well-Known Member
And why is the percentage of incarcerated African Americans so much higher than whites again?
There are several factors involved, poor people, having poor babies, making poor decisions, living in 3rd world conditions, mostly poor parenting I'm sure or lack of parenting. I find it hard to blame a 7 year old criminal for something they do, but with no guidance at home they find the path of crime.

Look at predominantly white areas, they have the same issues in their trailer parks, poor people having poor babies making poor decisions.

This is why there should be a Parenting license issues for each child you have, you should be able to show your "business" plan on how you will supper this kid in 1 year, 5 years, 10 years. If you have no plan and no money saved prior to having it, you shouldn't be issued the license. I realize its not something we can police (yet) and human rights groups would swarm all over it, but it would make for a better environment for every child to grow up in that is born.


Pickle Queen
Why take my post down is free speach not aloud my opinion is not always the best but that is my opinion i read posts on here that i find offencive.

You should wake up go to you tube and look for the rivers of blood speach then look at the state of my country now?

The man Enoch Powell he gave the speach and was branded a racist but he was telling the truth but hay hes a racist?

Enoch Powell could have been priminister of brittain but for that speach?

The French almost had the National Front as there countrys leaders?

And if you don't know what the National Front are look them up?
Ur writting not speaking silly ;) your comments offended many including myself and violated site rules.

If ur a bigot that's ur choice but ur choice of words is not acceptable on this site. I'm in Canada I don't tolerate that shit, not in my section, not on my watch. Have some respect for your brothers and sisters before you bitch about freedom of speach, what about their rights buddy!!!


Well-Known Member
This is why there should be a Parenting license issues for each child you have, you should be able to show your "business" plan on how you will supper this kid in 1 year, 5 years, 10 years. If you have no plan and no money saved prior to having it, you shouldn't be issued the license. I realize its not something we can police (yet) and human rights groups would swarm all over it, but it would make for a better environment for every child to grow up in that is born.
I take it you've yet to breed and have kids of your own lol..


Well-Known Member
I take it you've yet to breed and have kids of your own lol..
You betcha don't ya know. Hell I was 32 when I first got married. My wife knows that when she is ready, she has to come to me with a proposal of how we are going to make it happen, I want at least 10k in the bank first and to be owning (buying) the house we're living in, she's 28 so we got some time :)


Well-Known Member
Well when you finally have that nice house and all that money saved to spend just on what you have it planned for, let me know how it is trying to keep up with a 3 year old when your 65?? Do you expect them to finish growing on their own?? Who will they call for advise for their Baby when your dead and gone from old age? I had my kids at 22 years old.


New Member
Well when you finally have that nice house and all that money saved to spend just on what you have it planned for, let me know how it is trying to keep up with a 3 year old when your 65?? Do you expect them to finish growing on their own?? Who will they call for advise for their Baby when your dead and gone from old age? I had my kids at 22 years old.
why the hell does every thread ...............
oh hell with it