300 watt CFL journal/log test grow


Well-Known Member
I took some macro shots today of Plant 1's calyxes since some people told me that the leaves usually show amber trichs earlier than the buds themselves (so the ideas that calyxes would give me a better idea of where shes at)...check out the pics, IMO I see mostly cloudy and some clear with no amber at all. I'm in no rush to harvest at all and I want more of a "couch-lock" high so I'm obviously gonna let her keep flowering along! Plant 2 is still fattening up, but I haven't included any pics of her in this post...I'll take some overall plant shots tomorrow of both the ladies and post 'em up!
Man, those look nice.
I like the fact you mention no clear, but all except for the last pic, I would pull since you say you WANT a couchlock. (I don't really care for the lazy feel).


Active Member
Man, those look nice.
I like the fact you mention no clear, but all except for the last pic, I would pull since you say you WANT a couchlock. (I don't really care for the lazy feel).
Here's the plan in my head right now, tell me what ya think...since I got two plants going, I'm gonna let Plant 1 (the one that's real close to harvest) go a little longer than I usually would...mainly to watch/learn more about how the plant changes in the last few weeks. I've always been rushed to harvest in my past grows, and have never had the chance to more or less experiment with harvest times first hand (early vs. late harvest)...all that said, I think I'm gonna let plant 1 go a little bit longer and harvest with more amber trichs, and then let plant 2 catch up and harvest her with mostly cloudy trichs...If that makes sense to you!


Active Member
Temps are okay (a little high, but nothing I can do bout that), termo says average is 79.2f with min of 62.0f and max of 83.6f...It had a huge spurt of new pistils a few days ago, and I've read that this is normal and to let it keep flowering along, so I'm just gonna let it do its thing!


Well-Known Member
Man, you are growing like all get out!
At this point it's up to you how late you want to wait to harvest, but just remember, the more amber= more degradation.
Your plants look great man, ESPECIALLY for a first timer, I can't stress that enough!!!!!!:mrgreen:
You are already showing skills, and I know you will have very successful harvests in the future!:clap:


Well-Known Member
Man, you are growing like all get out!
At this point it's up to you how late you want to wait to harvest, but just remember, the more amber= more degradation.
Your plants look great man, ESPECIALLY for a first timer, I can't stress that enough!!!!!!:mrgreen:
You are already showing skills, and I know you will have very successful harvests in the future!:clap:
Man, I'm still shaking my head.......
I can't recall a newb, or ANY first grow for that matter showing what pics you are giving man!
Just remarkable!


Well-Known Member
wow dude your grow is killer! and ive yet to find anyone with pics of plants that look like mine at an early age, except yours. im sure i'll be hittin you with questions and advice!not one to talk shit but most people just dont put forth effort. plant a seed ,hang a light, dont do research and wonder whats wrong with my plant! i read every day and try to learn all i can- its kind of overwhelming at times. anyway ive just read your whole grow, and if mine goes anything like yours, i'll be super happy! i just switched to 12/12 so its a wait game for me now to determine sex out of 8 plants! and if someone could please tell me how to subscribe or sub'd as you say i would greatly appreciate it!also check mine out if you would, its my signature down below. peace


Active Member
Man, I'm still shaking my head.......
I can't recall a newb, or ANY first grow for that matter showing what pics you are giving man!
Just remarkable!
Thanks a lot man for the compliments, this is technically my 3rd grow, but what I refer to as my 1st real grow! I think I'll give her a week or two more or pure water and molasses before chopping her down...I want more swell like I've been reading about, but well see! I'm keeping a watchful eye on trichs each day now to make sure I don't end up with too much amber and whatnot...thanks again for the compliments and for following along buddy!!


Active Member
wow dude your grow is killer! and ive yet to find anyone with pics of plants that look like mine at an early age, except yours. im sure i'll be hittin you with questions and advice!not one to talk shit but most people just dont put forth effort. plant a seed ,hang a light, dont do research and wonder whats wrong with my plant! i read every day and try to learn all i can- its kind of overwhelming at times. anyway ive just read your whole grow, and if mine goes anything like yours, i'll be super happy! i just switched to 12/12 so its a wait game for me now to determine sex out of 8 plants! and if someone could please tell me how to subscribe or sub'd as you say i would greatly appreciate it!also check mine out if you would, its my signature down below. peace
Thanks man, much appreciation! I too enjoy reading up on other peoples grows and the topic or growing in general. I'll check your grow out in a sec...and I'd be glad to help you out with any questions you may have along the way, but just remember that I'm still pretty new to the growing aspect of all this. I'm not really sure how to subscribe to anything yet...I actually had to look up what "sub'd" was on Google when someone said it in an earlier post (I felt real dumb after that one), so I'm not the best one to ask on that!


Well-Known Member
wow dude your grow is killer! and ive yet to find anyone with pics of plants that look like mine at an early age, except yours. im sure i'll be hittin you with questions and advice!not one to talk shit but most people just dont put forth effort. plant a seed ,hang a light, dont do research and wonder whats wrong with my plant! i read every day and try to learn all i can- its kind of overwhelming at times. anyway ive just read your whole grow, and if mine goes anything like yours, i'll be super happy! i just switched to 12/12 so its a wait game for me now to determine sex out of 8 plants! and if someone could please tell me how to subscribe or sub'd as you say i would greatly appreciate it!also check mine out if you would, its my signature down below. peace
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Active Member
Went in the closet today, before lights out to check on everything, and was surprised to see how much yellowing of the fan leaves had taken place in just two days! Also, Plant 2 appears to be catching up to her sister, with many pistls reddening out and whatnot. I didn't remove any of the yellowing leaves, I figure they will eventually fall off when the plant was done with them?! Oh and I could't snap any pics...so I'll take a few tomorrow morning, and post 'em up for you guys later in the day!


Well-Known Member
Good call man.
Even the yellow leaves are still helping her.
I forgot to take my weekly pics Sat too, so I'll prob. be putting some up tonight or tomorrow.


Active Member
Hey everyone! Here's the yellowing I mentioned earlier...It's working its way up from the bottom of the plant, and it's only occurring on the larger fan leaves, not the actual bud sites...check it out!! I'll post pics of the plants individually in a minute.



Active Member
Here's shots of plant 1...shes recently had another burst of new pistils that seem to almost bury the older reddening pistils. Also, she wreaks in the morning when the lights come on...I always smell it in the AM, but not so much at night! Anyhow, enough of that, here's the pics....



Active Member
Here's Plant 2...the top cola has become massive, It's like a little stairway of buds leading up to the light, lol . She's yellowing out just as much as plant 2, but looks great...so I'm just gonna let her keep doin whatever shes doin! + pics

(Pic 1 and 2 are of the top cola, and Pic 3 is the, "little stairway of buds" under the main cola)

