300 watt CFL journal/log test grow


Active Member
This post is mainly about plant 1...

Ok, so as you may have read before, plant 1 is much father ahead of plant 2 (in terms of maturity)...even tho they started on the same day, began flowering at the same time, are the same size, AND the seeds came from the same plant! I've never had this happen before, but it is what it is! Anyway, I decided to snip a tip and check out the trichs, and was quite surprised at how much amber there was already. It has about 30-40% red hairs, and 35-45% amber trichs, many of the lower leaves are yellowing out now. She's about 6-ish weeks into flowering now, so I feel like this is all happening a little to soon....what do you guys think???? Oh and plant 2, on the other hand, has no red hairs, no amber trichs, and few yellow leaves...BUT shes is filling out beautifully, so I'm just gonna let her take her time!

***all pics are of plant 1, since plant 2 is nowhere near ready, and the last two pics are macro shots of the trichs***


Clip from bottom of the buds too..I wonder if too much heat or light amounts quicken the conversion to CBN (amber crystals) on the top of the bud.


Active Member
It's lights out right now, and I have a 4 hour exam tomorrow, so it will have to wait until after that...but I'll get to it sometime tomorrow and let you all know whats good. Thanks!


Active Member
So, apparently the pic I posted before (of the clipping) is the farthest along compared to all the other buds...I took a few more clips today and most of them were 60-70% cloudy, 30-40% amber, and 0% clear....I'll post some pics of them later as I don't have my camera on me at the moment. Also, the bud that I took the initial clipping from is directly in the center of my tent under the 125 watter, so it makes sense that that one would be the farthest along in terms of maturity (I guess). I'm trying to go for more of a relaxed body high vs cerebral energetic high....so that means I should harvest late RIGHT?


Active Member
I found this post on this site, and I think I'm gonna let Plant 1 go for a little longer before rushing to harvest...I've always wanted to let a plant go for a little longer, but have never had the opportunity until now. I also have Plant 2 coming along nicely and as the name of this threads states, "test grow" so I'm gonna experiment a little! I found this info below to be quite interesting.

Even though it's been posted a million times +rep for posting accurate information.
I'd just like to elaborate on bud "ripeness"a bit further.

I'm personally of the opinion that 90% of the growers on this site (And probably in general) harvest too early. By letting the plants go a little longer you're ensuring that the've plumped as much as they're going to.
Despite popular opinion to the contrary(and don't fool yourself, the jury is still out on this one) Recent studies have shown ;contrary to what was previously believed, that THC itself (And its predecessor THC-A) are quite guilty of causing the confusion and drowsyness associated with burnout and other cannabinoids (our friend CBN, and a handful of others) to be the catylist (along with THC) to being 'high' rather than 'baked'
Regardless, whether or not theres any substance to the aforementioned study, its easy to get the high you want.
If you want a soaring 'cerebral' high: Get yourself a tropical sativa that contains a high level of THC-V and grow it until it is ripe.
If you want the narcotic couchlock stone, grow a rugged indica until its ripe.
Notice a pattern of growing it until its ripe? Its a really good rule to live by.
OF course we have to remember that there is more to a good high than just THC. At last count there are at least 66 cannabinoids, and we don't know what most of them do.

Now alot of people will tell you that you should harvest based on the colour of your trichomes. But (again, in my opinion) that is far too simplistic and there are too many variables to make that an effective strategy. I've made that point a million times before and i'm not going to re-hash it here, but rest assured there is more to the picture than just trich colour.

A ripe marijuana plant will be filled in, will have an amber tinge to the buds. The pistils should have browned (or orange-d) off and receded into the buds. The seed bracts should be swollen and the trichomes should be sticking straight out with bulbous ends. Also, because you're coming close to the end of plant's life cycle, the leaves should have yellowed off and started to die.

one of my plants, 3 days before chop-chop.

Another very important (imho) reason to let your plants mature is Terpenoid production. Terpenes are responsible for alot of the complex (And enjoyable) flavours that cannabis produces. Some of the most intense flavours are produced on the "downslope" of cannabis's life cycle. My personal experience with this came when i was growing GH cheese. One of the plants i harvested at 8 weeks and it tasted pretty nice and had pretty dense buds. The other i grew until about 9 1/2 weeks and it had most amazing, sour, skunky, delicious taste with rock hard buds.


Active Member
Not a lot going on atm, plant 2 is showing her first few red hairs (that immature bitch), but it makes me feel better considering how far along her sister is (plant 1). Getting pretty excited to chop!!!


Well-Known Member
I found your thread reading this one

240+ watt cfl grow Og
you've got some commendable skills with the CFLs my grow plans keep getting delayed but fuck it
ho I'm studying before the test is what I call it for now I'm just preparing everything and mentally getting ready for the journey



Active Member
Thanks buddy!! Good idea to plan ahead, and to do some research instead of just jumping right into it all...my first grow was a major learning experience for me as I just winged it as I went. IMO anyone can grow buds, the difference to me is being able to grow dense potent buds that burn well and smell great, overall practice helps and knowledge makes perfect, you'll be in a better boat for your first grow compared to me if you keep reading up.


u got a ways to go man u want trichs covered when you harvest ur plant looks like it still needs to develop just my 2cents


Active Member
u got a ways to go man u want trichs covered when you harvest ur plant looks like it still needs to develop just my 2cents
There's two plants, one of them is just farther along than the other....Plant 1 (the one I believe you're referring to) has about 2-3 more weeks left in her IMO, and Plant 2 has about 5 more weeks to go!


Active Member
I took some macro shots today of Plant 1's calyxes since some people told me that the leaves usually show amber trichs earlier than the buds themselves (so the ideas that calyxes would give me a better idea of where shes at)...check out the pics, IMO I see mostly cloudy and some clear with no amber at all. I'm in no rush to harvest at all and I want more of a "couch-lock" high so I'm obviously gonna let her keep flowering along! Plant 2 is still fattening up, but I haven't included any pics of her in this post...I'll take some overall plant shots tomorrow of both the ladies and post 'em up!



Active Member
No problem no harm in sometimes letting them go the other week or two. should bumb yeild up also.. just watch thoses triches


Active Member
phepundusaree, if you're a real person and not spam, well then your a fuckin douche! I don't know what all that trash is posted above, but I reported it all as spam...so we'll see what happens with all that! Sorry everyone else who's following along with the grow, not really sure what's going on with all his repeated posts of the same jargon!


Well-Known Member
Very nice job bro! Was havin a look around and came across this gem! You're gonna be even happier here in about 5-7 weeks!Cheers to success and props on the pot artwork!:joint:

Where all the MG haters at these days??? Hahaha u and Bakatare seemed to have calmed them down!
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  • You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Sincerely420 again.



Well-Known Member
This post is mainly about plant 1...

Ok, so as you may have read before, plant 1 is much father ahead of plant 2 (in terms of maturity)...even tho they started on the same day, began flowering at the same time, are the same size, AND the seeds came from the same plant! I've never had this happen before, but it is what it is! Anyway, I decided to snip a tip and check out the trichs, and was quite surprised at how much amber there was already. It has about 30-40% red hairs, and 35-45% amber trichs, many of the lower leaves are yellowing out now. She's about 6-ish weeks into flowering now, so I feel like this is all happening a little to soon....what do you guys think???? Oh and plant 2, on the other hand, has no red hairs, no amber trichs, and few yellow leaves...BUT shes is filling out beautifully, so I'm just gonna let her take her time!

***all pics are of plant 1, since plant 2 is nowhere near ready, and the last two pics are macro shots of the trichs***
Man, don't worry.
I have a son and daughter from the same mother, my boy is bigger than me, and his sis is a little runt, smaller than her mother or me.
Kids just grow diff, that's all.
I am very impressed with what appears to be your first grow.
It shows that you did MUCH reading and researching BEFORE even coming with pics.
Plus rep to ya man!:mrgreen: