300 watt CFL journal/log test grow


Well-Known Member
I forget man, are you feeding?
They are HUNGRY!
Pic 3 of the first post especially.
Give your regular bloom nutes, and hopefully it has a little N in it also..........???


Active Member
I haven't really fed them much at all...just a few times I added 1/4 of the recommended amount of Miracle Grow for tomatoes (lol)...do you think I should add a little again? I've read that I shouldn't add nutes in the last 2 weeks before harvest, and that yellowing is normal at 6 or more weeks of flowering!?


Well-Known Member
I haven't really fed them much at all...just a few times I added 1/4 of the recommended amount of Miracle Grow for tomatoes (lol)...do you think I should add a little again? I've read that I shouldn't add nutes in the last 2 weeks before harvest, and that yellowing is normal at 6 or more weeks of flowering!?
I would give another shot of food, maybe the tsp end of the scooper per gallon.
I wouldn't worry about the 'last 2 weeks'..... Some guys do, some don't.
That is borderline asking to open another conversation of the ever present "To flush or not to flush?" debate.
Myself, and anybody that has tried my stuff doesn't mention anything, and I feed (Used to) MG all purpose all through veg, and through the third week of flower, then bloom nutes every other water, and a shot of MG maybe once a month if I started to get some yellowing.
Chances are, if you're only in week 6 of flower, you have AT LEAST 2 more weeks anyway.
If it was me, I would rather feed than lose them early.


Active Member
Cool, sounds good man! Oh and good timing, as I'm about to give 'em a good drink right now...so I'll be sure to mix in some nutes with that, Thanks!


Active Member
I checked my calender after I watered and realized I was counting days wrong...today is actually their 48th day of flowering, so tomorrow is their 7 week mark since the 12/12 flip, and now I'm posting it here so I don't forget!
Yellowing starting from the bottom of the plant is common late in flowering. I give a little more N than I probably should and am near your time in flowering and I have some yellowing at the bottom too with great looking leaves elsewhere. A couple leaves have even died and fallen off at the bottom. The plant is starting to make a final push for bud production and getting ready for its life cycle to end so its taking nutrients out of the fan leaves starting with the bottom ones first. Nutes right now aren't gonna hurt anything imo probably help pack the weight on.


Active Member
Yellowing starting from the bottom of the plant is common late in flowering. I give a little more N than I probably should and am near your time in flowering and I have some yellowing at the bottom too with great looking leaves elsewhere. A couple leaves have even died and fallen off at the bottom. The plant is starting to make a final push for bud production and getting ready for its life cycle to end so its taking nutrients out of the fan leaves starting with the bottom ones first. Nutes right now aren't gonna hurt anything imo probably help pack the weight on.
Right on, I gave 'em just a little today...your descriptions above sound just like what my plants are doin, so that's cool that I'm on track!


Well-Known Member
Don't feel bad man, even when I KNOW mine were born on 3/9, I still fuck up the dates when I label my pics.:wall:


Active Member
This a pretty loaded post so I tried to organize it a little...Got a few questions for you guys and pics, gotta love the pics!!

1.) Should I just throw away the leaves that fall off the plant?...just a few of them, and I figured they're trash, but wanted to double check anyway!
2.) Should I leave the fan on low when the lights are out at night? I've been having it turn off when the lights go out, but I've read that when it gets this late into flowering, it's nice to circulate the air at night to prevent mold and stuff on the larger buds!! Is this just a bunch of nonsense, or should I put a little fan in on low at night to keep air moving lightly? btw, at night temps are about 65-70f and humidity ranges from 25-40%
3.) Some sugar leaves have begun to turn purple at the tips on a few bud sites (Plant 2 only tho), Is this something I should be worried about? The last 4 pics are of Plant 2 and her odd colors. It is kind of hard to see the purple on the leaf tips, but I did my best to get some pics. I also noticed it in the tips of all the calyxes, but I couldn't get any clear shots worth sharing...the plant looks great tho., and the only thing I have changed is less nutes in their water, so let me know what you think, THANKS!

The trich pics are of of Plant 1, getting close...but still not there yet! The last 4 pics are of Plant 2!



Well-Known Member
Assuming you want yes or no answer to make it simple

1. yes- throw them away
2. yes- fan at night
3.no- nothing to worry it's something to pray for good genes


Active Member
You are my hero.
I have read everything and plan to do a VERY similar grow. I would put on the fans, throw the leaves and the purps on the tips could mean some cool flavours, nothing to be worried about I'm sure ;) Very nice grow bru, you have given me some inspiration for my next grow :)
Love from South Africa!


Active Member
You are my hero.
I have read everything and plan to do a VERY similar grow. I would put on the fans, throw the leaves and the purps on the tips could mean some cool flavours, nothing to be worried about I'm sure ;) Very nice grow bru, you have given me some inspiration for my next grow :)
Love from South Africa!
Hahaa, thanks buddy...much appreciation!! I will let the fan run and toss those leaves. Glad I could give you some ideas man, and good luck with your next grow...I take it you're going to be using CFLs as well!


Active Member
Assuming you want yes or no answer to make it simple

1. yes- throw them away
2. yes- fan at night
3.no- nothing to worry it's something to pray for good genes
Yup, that'll do man. I'll do the first two things and just let the leaves be...Thanks!


Active Member
Yes most definitely, looking at some nice big 85W or the 45W bulbs, just need to get my grow space clean, reflective and ready for my seeds, which will stay a secret until harvest ;)


Active Member
I've been keeping a close eye on Plant 1's trichs, and today I finally saw some amber!! If you've been following along, you already know that I'm aiming for a real good couchlock high (so I want a good bit of amber before I chop her down). I included 2 pics from the very top and bottom of the plant, and I plan to just harvest the whole lady at once (since I have Plant 2 following along nicely). It looks like about 5-10% of the plant has amber trichs right now, so I'm gonna keep checking her everyday till I get around 30-40% amber on the main colas before I end her life...do you think that will be enough amber percentage to give me the high I'm lookin for??

Pic 1 is from the top bud, and has amber showing in the middle of the shot and on the tips...It's hard to see from the pic, sorry it's the best I can get with my phone!

Pic 2 is of a bottom bud, It has some clear, mostly cloudy, and some amber showing near the middle and bottom right of the pic, again sorry if it is hard to see the trichs...for some reason the amber ones are hard to make out vs looking at the pics on my phone



Well-Known Member
I've been keeping a close eye on Plant 1's trichs, and today I finally saw some amber!! If you've been following along, you already know that I'm aiming for a real good couchlock high (so I want a good bit of amber before I chop her down). I included 2 pics from the very top and bottom of the plant, and I plan to just harvest the whole lady at once (since I have Plant 2 following along nicely). It looks like about 5-10% of the plant has amber trichs right now, so I'm gonna keep checking her everyday till I get around 30-40% amber on the main colas before I end her life...do you think that will be enough amber percentage to give me the high I'm lookin for??

Pic 1 is from the top bud, and has amber showing in the middle of the shot and on the tips...It's hard to see from the pic, sorry it's the best I can get with my phone!

Pic 2 is of a bottom bud, It has some clear, mostly cloudy, and some amber showing near the middle and bottom right of the pic, again sorry if it is hard to see the trichs...for some reason the amber ones are hard to make out vs looking at the pics on my phone
Very nice pics.
If your lower are already showing amber, I wouldn't be surprised if the higher ones already have more amber percentage.
Regardless, I don't think it will be more than a week to week and half before you see what you want.:clap:


Well-Known Member
Very nice pics.
If your lower are already showing amber, I wouldn't be surprised if the higher ones already have more amber percentage.
Regardless, I don't think it will be more than a week to week and half before you see what you want.:clap:
Again, nice to see a new member that has done his research and know what he wants/ is looking for!


Active Member
Again, nice to see a new member that has done his research and know what he wants/ is looking for!
Thanks a lot buddy!! So excited to get to chopping. Man it would be perfect timing if they finished up w/in the next week or so...no work till next Friday, and the family will be gone to Florida all next week...so lets hope!!! It's CRAZY how much the plant has changed in the past week in regards to trichs and swelling....so I'll keep updating everyday or two from here on out until I harvest (pretty much have been anyways).


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot buddy!! So excited to get to chopping. Man it would be perfect timing if they finished up w/in the next week or so...no work till next Friday, and the family will be gone to Florida all next week...so lets hope!!! It's CRAZY how much the plant has changed in the past week in regards to trichs and swelling....so I'll keep updating everyday or two from here on out until I harvest (pretty much have been anyways).
Things will progress quickly in the last few days.:mrgreen: