300 watt CFL journal/log test grow


Active Member
how tall is your area you grow in? can you measure your pot to top of the plant & size of room?
Will do, but it'll have to wait until tomorrow since it's lights out right now!! Quick estimate off the top of my head would be 2 ft wide (left to right), 1.5 ft front to back, and about 3.25 ft top to bottom. No idea how tall they are from the top of the pot to the top of the plant and whatnot...I LST'd the fuck outta them too, and have never really measured anything in their ever...so, yeah I'll get back to ya on the AM, after I run the measuring tape around everywhere...Why do you ask tho???


Active Member
I believe she's done!! Got the ratio of amber to cloudy that I've been patiently waiting for. Also, she hasn't made any new pistils recently and about 80% of them are red now, and shes has lost most of her large fan leaves....but my CPU is acting up on me again...so I'll upload pics as soon as I can. Plant 2 is also getting closer to the chop date (another week and a half or so)!


Active Member
Here's the pics I promised earlier...think I'll give her one more day of light tomorrow, then chop her down before lights turn on Wednesday morning (april 17th)...that would put her at the 8 week mark exactly, and it just feels right to me!!



New Member
I say yo ucan go another week comfortably bro. 8 weeks is prob the beginning of your harvest window.
Reasons I say so:
-Still a good bit of fresh pistils
-I don't see so many super swollen calyx's
-I see lots of green left in the leaves

But, I do dig it if you just wanna have some 4/20 smoke that's your own!
I just think you can wait a week!

My 1st harvest I pulled like 2 weeks to early and my most recent harvest I think I pulled right on time, and you can really see the difference in the maturation of the bud. They really plump up and mostly all those yellow pistils should have gone red/brown!
I say like 95% or better! Just my opinion tho bro!
Otherwise, everything looks very nice :peace:


Active Member
I say yo ucan go another week comfortably bro. 8 weeks is prob the beginning of your harvest window.
Reasons I say so:
-Still a good bit of fresh pistils
-I don't see so many super swollen calyx's
-I see lots of green left in the leaves

But, I do dig it if you just wanna have some 4/20 smoke that's your own!
I just think you can wait a week!

My 1st harvest I pulled like 2 weeks to early and my most recent harvest I think I pulled right on time, and you can really see the difference in the maturation of the bud. They really plump up and mostly all those yellow pistils should have gone red/brown!
I say like 95% or better! Just my opinion tho bro!
Otherwise, everything looks very nice :peace:
Right on, thanks buddy...I'll hold off on the chop date then!! Like I said before, I'm in no rush to harvest...so I'm gonna definitely wait some more.


New Member
Sounds like a plan boss! Hopefully someone else will chime in(in regards to what they think), but yeah, I saw you just wait it out bro. If you're not in a rush, wait it out. They literally have a few growth spurts we're they spew yellow pistils, so when you see no more new one and the one you have turning, then start scoping!
BUT you can harvest different parts of the plant you know that right?! So if you have a top with lots of amber, you can harvest it and throw the plant bag under the light, so that you got a little something ya know?!

I'll post some pics up later in my thread of my girls to show you what I'm looking for tho.
I could harvest them right now and you'll see that, but I'm just waiting until I feel like they're done producing.


Active Member
I know what ya mean about the spurts of pistils...I would think it was getting ready to be chopped one day, and the next day all the old red hairs would be covered by new yellow ones! I said it before, but I still can't believe how much she's changed in the past week, so I'm actually kind of excited to let her live a little longer!! Thanks again man...


Well-Known Member
I say yo ucan go another week comfortably bro. 8 weeks is prob the beginning of your harvest window.
Reasons I say so:
-Still a good bit of fresh pistils
-I don't see so many super swollen calyx's
-I see lots of green left in the leaves

But, I do dig it if you just wanna have some 4/20 smoke that's your own!
I just think you can wait a week!

My 1st harvest I pulled like 2 weeks to early and my most recent harvest I think I pulled right on time, and you can really see the difference in the maturation of the bud. They really plump up and mostly all those yellow pistils should have gone red/brown!
I say like 95% or better! Just my opinion tho bro!
Otherwise, everything looks very nice :peace:
All good observations and I agree, but I think prob. more than a week, and I still see some clear, and NO amber at all yet.


Active Member
Gotta be short friends......Bak said he saw no amber in my last pics (granted my camera is shit, and my images are all high-washed out [I'm poor and my life shows it]), either way, I thought I knew what I was lookin for in trich color, and I wanna make sure I got things straight...pic one above is a zoomed in shot from my last post (before this one), the other pic is from another bud off same plant 3 days earlier, and I thought that's amber as well!! Is this what I should look for, I check out all the buds and, they are NOT as amber as these pics, but I wanna be sure that's the color I should be hunting out!!! Thanks again ppl....


Active Member
That's definitely a bit of amber I see there. I would say depending on what you want you could harvest whatever part of the plant that is, or wait and have a little bit that is more mature but it'll feel really similar after you cure it all I'm sure.


New Member
Gotta be short friends......Bak said he saw no amber in my last pics (granted my camera is shit, and my images are all high-washed out [I'm poor and my life shows it]), either way, I thought I knew what I was lookin for in trich color, and I wanna make sure I got things straight...pic one above is a zoomed in shot from my last post (before this one), the other pic is from another bud off same plant 3 days earlier, and I thought that's amber as well!! Is this what I should look for, I check out all the buds and, they are NOT as amber as these pics, but I wanna be sure that's the color I should be hunting out!!! Thanks again ppl....
Make sure you scope them when you don't have them under the HPS as well.
Some trichs might appear amber under the lights, but not really be..
But I see too much amber for my liking in the pics you posted of the trichs, but at the same time, I see so much clear, so it's really kinda confusing...
What about the leaves? To me they look like they're siding on the side of Sativa, so you should also have a larger harvest window to work with..

But you can def. just chop you girl up piece by piece, as you see amber bro.
But to answer your Q, thats looks amber from here haha in the pics.
But to be sure, take some pics out from under the red lighting and see how goes it :leaf:
Yeah there's definitely amber there. Looks like you're in the harvest window...but id give it a few days and just check more spots to see how much amber etc. Guess a lot of it depends on how much amber you want. Right now it looks to me like 20% amber and 60% milky 20% clear. I'm @ same spot as you in flowering so im gonna check my trichs tonight too.


Active Member
But I see too much amber for my liking in the pics you posted of the trichs, but at the same time, I see so much clear, so it's really kinda confusing...
Lol I was thinking the same thing when I saw it. "Shit that's a lot of amber!" then "Shit that's a LOT of clear too..."


Active Member
Thanks everyone for your replies. I know a few people have suggested to harvest some areas and let the rest hang out a little longer, but I really wanna chop the whole plant all at once!! Also, I smoked a little bud off the middle of the plant today just to see whats good, and I surprise surprise, weed gets you stoned...also, I just realized that when I do chop her down that this is gonna be the most bud I've ever had, so I'm already happy with what I've got so far!! Thanks again everyone for helpin me out.


Well-Known Member
Those latest pics, I DO see a bit of Amber, but if I remember right, you said you were waiting for quite a bit, for the lazy feel.
If that was mine, I would pull within a couple days, but with all the clear you still have, I would wait to get what you described you wanted.
Make sure you use at least a 45 power glass......... I made the mistake last plant of using a double flip magnifyer for a while, and when I finally went and got out my stronger one, I was surprised at how I could see some Amber that was not visible with the other.
Here's a couple links to EBAY in case you need.
This is one I use.
Here's a link with a few choices.