4th grow, 1st 400 watt hps and lst grow


New Member
just bought a new fluoro that had that blue shite on it it was a bitch to peel it off.
yea shit man, I thought that's the way it was supost to be, like a little blue for the spectum maybe? But I guess you're supost to peel it off lol
Good job on the plants so far, and nice catch on the plastic before something really bad happened. Hopefully now the brighter light will help them take off for flowering.

I'm in the middle of my 4th grow, and this is my first time with a 400w HID lamp. We are using Roots Organic soil, Advanced Nutrients, and Smart Pots. We vegged for 40 days, and topped all the plants, attempting to FIM them. We had to tie down the tops of the tallest plant to conserve space. The only one we did correctly turned out to be a male. :cry: Still expecting a good harvest though. Here are the plants at 3 1/2 weeks into flowering, or about 61 days since sprouting. The two in front are almost 5' tall. We should have started flowering about a week earlier, or bent the tops more.


Thanks man. I'm not sure what they are, I had two different types of chronic bag seed, one I got in Colorado which they said was Turkish Brown or something which sounds like crap to me. The other I got in Montana, and the original grew purple hairs. I bred them two rounds ago and these are the result. I'd guess they're mostly indica, probably some kush. Going to cross them with some sweet sativa clones soon and see what happens.


New Member
right on sounds good, I'd like to know the genes and pheno's if I was to breed, I'd like to know a little about the back round of the mother/father


New Member
Last night was the first night of 12/12, I looked at them this morning and they must have streched 2 inches already, oh yea my girls are doing the strech, come on girlies


New Member
Here are my girls 2nd 12/12 day, I thought was the first but it's the second day here's some pics, they got their stretch going wild already, man, I love to watch the stretch, it's the most exciting time for me, and 6-7 week of flowering when they pack the weight on.


Nice, you should definitely get some sweet tops out of that group. Looking nice and healthy. I'm hoping to try the lst/scrog method one of these times. I only bred my seeds out of necessity, cuz I ran out of seeds and didn't want to order any. Luckily they turned out alright. Stretching a little much, but that might be from us raising the light early on; we didn't want to burn the little ones.


New Member
Today I was looking over my plants and I think I have my first ever male plant. Of course it has to be my fav one. (except for the mother =0) )
I hope not, cause I was expecting a good yeild off that one, It's so big and strong and lots of colas


New Member
Well I'm back from holidays, and my expectations were right, my fav plant is male. Chopped the prick down, first male I ever had.
Well 3-4 from seed isn't bad. Camara is still down, no pix they are on thier 11th day in 12/12, all have pistell's starting.
Try and get some pics up soon
Also did some more heavy Lsting, to get the middle going on, lots of bud sites all over my bitches.


New Member
12th day in flowering, the growing is slow..............didn't get as many pics as I wanted but here are some


Active Member
i see why you said lst is to be done from the beginning.. the 3rd pic is sick.. very very nice job.. :weed: cant wait to see more pics..:joint:


New Member
looks good to me ,be careful with all the wiring in there it looks shady,stay safe
yea I got the power cord outside the room, the only thing is the fan wires,but seems to be ok, I don't mist the girls and the humidity is 30% so I think I'm ok. Thanks for stopping by


New Member
Well the year's not getting off to a very good start for my ladies, found a bunch of dead and dying leafs on the bottem of the mom and some brown rusty looking spots on the very top of the plant. So I prolly over did something or did too much to help it but will find out.......
1st I sprayed my plant with the insecticide I got for them just in case it is those damn flying fuckers that are all around them,
2nd I made up a solution of 10 drops of super thrive to a gallon and foliar sparyed her, cause the leafs were getting light
3rd I made up a half strength flowering solution and foilar sprayed her, because I belive that my ph is high, so says a couple sites, says I'm low on Iron, Mag, and Zinc, and usually these 3 go together because of high ph. Don't have a ph tester, but will go and get one on Thursday and also some Cal/Mag and ebsom salts.
4thly I flushed her with 2 and a half gallons of water and then watered with the half a gallon of half strength bloom nutes.
I hope this works, she's my pride and joy, would hate to loose here, she has over 40 tops and the spacings are sooooo close, she will be my best yet