55b's Bagseed Grow. 150w HPS.


Active Member
Yes that would be the perfect time to try to clone them if you plan on topping !! I took 8 clones and only 5 made it so its not easy I don't care what anyone says or you read But I did topp a small plant and just stuck it in water with nothing and it started roots !!! It was a male i just wanted to see what it would do I've been abusing it for about 2 1/2 or 3 months now it pops right back its tough !!! Now if it was female it would have died prolly !!!! Peace


Active Member
Good afternoon everyone! Cold as shit, but warm as hell in here thanks in part to my girls:bongsmile:. I just love how noticeably different the room I keep my girls in is from other rooms. Its more upbeat, better energy, warmer, and easier to breathe :bigjoint: so glad the computer and xbox is in there. I get to spend alot of my time there.

clones root best when they are taken from the top, a great time to clone is when you top. trying to clone side branches can sometimes be a pain, they take longer to root for some reason.
Thank you for clarification +rep!

So for example, if I grow my girls 6 nodes high and top down to 2 nodes. Would that be 1 cutting? Or could I make a few cuttings from the side branches or only the main stem? How many leaf sets should a stem have before I use it for cloning?
Also, last one for a minute, the steps are:
1. Take cutting
2. Soak in water for it to soften a lil
3. Take seperated cloning gel and dip cutting in gel
4. Then I can take it and put it in a jiffy pelt
5. Then I water a little bit more and put a enclosed clear plastic dome I'll probably make out of a soda bottle.
6. After that I just keep it under lights and not let it dry out?

Yes that would be the perfect time to try to clone them if you plan on topping !! I took 8 clones and only 5 made it so its not easy I don't care what anyone says or you read But I did topp a small plant and just stuck it in water with nothing and it started roots !!! It was a male i just wanted to see what it would do I've been abusing it for about 2 1/2 or 3 months now it pops right back its tough !!! Now if it was female it would have died prolly !!!! Peace
Your project male is insane, I can't believe its still alive! Haha wow, I thought you had killed it 10 days ago. Wish I could give ya some rep, but I gotta spread it around or some bs.


Active Member
Sorry, I got all caught up in reading and writing and reading and when I finished I got a big smile on my stoned face and clicked 'Submit Reply'.

I forgot pictures. Here they are.

Pics 01-02: Flower
Flower is definitely.... small. Her herb shall be large in personality though. She's definitely a unique one.

Pics 03-04: Carmella
Carmella looks so beautiful! I think I'm going to cut those dead spots off with a blade and only get the brown spots. So much sugar on top.

Pics 05-06: Lady
She's brutalized from the initial nute burn, but she's not doing too bad now. Picking up speed as the day goes.

Pics 07-08: Fuddles
Fuddles is lookin the best. But I'm worried about all of the twisting going on in her leaves.



Active Member
Mate Smoking Round Plants Does Not Degrade Them Thats Bulls..t also cloneing isnot a waste off money but it saves you money wher you would need your big light on 18/6 for veg seeds your clones need only one t5 tube light then they can go strate to flower :peace:You Got To Many Plants Under That Light Man


Active Member
We've already covered smoking around our plants, I share many bowls a day with them haha!

I don't think 4 plants under 6 CFLs for veg growth/seed sprouting is too many plants. Especially considering I plan on popping them into flowering 1 week after I top them down to 2 nodes.

Also, if clones can grow off of one T5, so can seedlings ;)


Active Member
Not much change. :weed:
Everythings getting bigger :hump:






2 of my seeds got some tap roots going. One of their tap roots was as long as the tip of my finger! Was fucking loooong for paper towels. We'll see how that goes. I'll probably keep planting more and more plants as time goes on, planning on keeping 6 in each space at all times once the first batch are ready for flower that is.


Active Member
i usually do 2 -4 leaf sets, 2 seems to be the minimum and 4 seems to be as much or more than is needed for most strains. unless you have been lsting the plants i wouldnt mess with the side branches, the main growth hormone is vey low in them unless they are close to even with the top of the plant. it can still be done i think it would just take a long time. just make sure that your jiffy pellets arent too wet and you should be good, too much moisture in the pellet will rot your stems. good luck man, plants look good, they will start growing very nice in the next week or 2.


Active Member
Thanks for the tips ^^
So typically I should just get 1 or 2 cuttings per plant at a time? And I should make sure that they're 2 leaf sets grown at the least, but anything up to 4 is alright.
I didn't think the pellets would rot stems like that, real glad you told me!

Anyone got any idea whats up with Flower?
Think maybe early PH issues may have fucked her growth?
Too much pot stunted her growth?
Killed her with kindness?
Plant version of a midget?

I want to grow her out, but I'm wondering if she's just going to die out because of her size.


Active Member
Mate 1 t5 wont veg seeds Yourl Have A Whole Lot Ov Stretch But Clones Will Be Ok As You Just Hardening Them Off Under It :cuss:Mate I Try Give You Advice But If Yu Think You No Best Then Away Yu Go lmao from the look ov your plants you need a hand lmao


Active Member
Mate 1 t5 wont veg seeds Yourl Have A Whole Lot Ov Stretch But Clones Will Be Ok As You Just Hardening Them Off Under It :cuss:Mate I Try Give You Advice But If Yu Think You No Best Then Away Yu Go lmao from the look ov your plants you need a hand lmao
:peace: Nah man, I never would assume I know everything. I always appreciate others input on subjects. Maybe you have a point about my veg box lights, but I don't plan on keeping my plants under CFLs, that is just for veg and seed sprouting.

Once a week goes by after I top/FIM them down to 2 nodes, or if I decide to do some other crazy stuff, they go to my flower box with a 150W HPS that I'll probably end up adding some side lighting in there with CFLs aswell.

I just assumed you were uninformed as to whats going on.

I do have to disagree with you on the shape of my plants. Sure they got some scars but they're beautiful :blsmoke:, and I'd rather have them grow with me then artificially. Because of this they're not perfect.

Stick around, its all love here man.


Active Member
Cool Man Soz If I Sounded A Bit Of A C..t And When I Mentioned The Light Not Been ANuff I Wass On About The Flower Light I Think It Might Be A Little Small Id Only Flower 1 Plant Under It If I Was You You Will Get Same As Putting All Them Under;-)


Active Member
Good afternoon! Last night I went out and got a plastic rigid bottle for a bong to make. And today I read what it says, its a sports drink Orange Mango flavor (:joint:).
In their description of their product it said (I'm not going to type it all, but I just liked this part.): "Almost everyone around you is half asleep. But not you. You've been up way before sunrise. And while the sleepwalkers are still dreaming, you have all the advantages ...."
Isn't it odd how out of random I picked this up and made a bong outta' it? I like that!

Flower: AHH SHE IS SO CUTE! All standing up and shit, I love it.

Carmella: First thing I said when I looked at them all "which one is Carmella?"
Well thats her! She is definitely perked up, can't believe she picked up those heavy leaves like that! All frosty and shit too.

Lady: She's falling behind, I guess the flush stressed her more then it needed to. :( I got too aggressive.

Fuddles: Very beautiful girl, still my least favorite. But she is doing the best out of them all. I only don't like the sativa dominance in her....

Well thanks for reading everyone, I got family coming over... Need to conceal the girls... ;)


Active Member
Wow, I had to go back and take a 7mp pic of Carmella's top. I'll upload this so you all can see the crystals. Mmmm! :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
OMG...Almost as sexy as the chick I had over this weekend...I love it man but I told you about that fuckin 8 tsunami flush...


Active Member
Hey lookin good my man keep up the good work and you will be rewarded !!!! And a few of my plants looked the same (nute burn ) when i started nute's but they enjoy them after that !!!!


Active Member
Sorry I missed yesterday friends, made brownies for the first time. Overdosed and passed out haha! I took pictures in the morning though.






Active Member
Good morning everyone! Beautiful day in life. :blsmoke:

So, I have 6 more sprouts in the veg box. 4 are from my current smoke, and 2 are ancient from my stash (who knows what they may be). So needless to say I have 10 pots in my veg box. Too much room taken up, need to move Flower/Carmella/Lady/Fuddles to flower soon. So I think I'll repot them and then top them and move them into flowering HPS 18/6 for a week then cut that off for 24 hours and resume afterwards with 12/12. Sounds solid to me!

Alright, well here's the pictures.


Carmella: She is getting big. Just comparing yesterdays pictures to today its crazy!

Lady: She's falling behind. I'm neglecting this one it seems, had to amputate a whole leaf....

Fuddles is smelling like a star. Mmm, skunky.:eyesmoke: