60 Academics in economics and beyond support Sanders' economic plan over Clinton's


Well-Known Member
"In our view, Senator Sanders’ plan for comprehensive financial reform is critical for avoiding another “too-big-to-fail” financial crisis. The Senator is correct that the biggest banks must be broken up and that a new 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act, separating investment from commercial banking, must be enacted.

Wall Street’s largest banks are now far bigger than they were before the crisis, and they still have every incentive to take excessive risks. No major Wall Street executive has been indicted for the fraudulent behavior that led up to the 2008 crash, and fines imposed on the banks have been only a fraction of the banks’ potential gains. In addition, the banks and their lobbyists have succeeded in watering down the Dodd-Frank reform legislation, and the financial institutions that pose the greatest risk to our economy have still not devised sufficient “living wills” for winding down their operations in the event of another crisis.
Secretary Hillary Clinton’s more modest proposals do not go far enough. They call for a bit more oversight and a few new charges on shadow banking activity, but they leave intact the titanic financial conglomerates that practice most shadow banking. As a result, her plan does not adequately reduce the serious risks our financial system poses to the American economy and to individual Americans. Given the size and political power of Wall Street, her proposals would only invite more dilution and finagle.

The only way to contain Wall Street’s excesses is with reforms sufficiently bold and public they can’t be watered down. That’s why we support Senator Sanders’s plans for busting up the biggest banks and resurrecting a modernized version of Glass-Steagall."


red w. blue

Well-Known Member
Neather have plans that I would like to see implemented. As for the 60 economists and beyond we could make it 61 with the addition of carl marx he was a economist and beyond also. How many have died in implementing of marx plans over 200 million+. An academic economist is pretty much the definition of a socialist/communist/Marxist. The top three in order of the most deaths would be MAO, STALIN, and HITLER than dozens of others of the same ilk!


Well-Known Member
Neather have plans that I would like to see implemented. As for the 60 economists and beyond we could make it 61 with the addition of carl marx he was a economist and beyond also. How many have died in implementing of marx plans over 200 million+. An academic economist is pretty much the definition of a socialist/communist/Marxist. The top three in order of the most deaths would be MAO, STALIN, and HITLER than dozens of others of the same ilk!
Marx Whistle.png
Two minutes for looking so bad. Git yer ass in the box, Schultz.


Well-Known Member
Neather have plans that I would like to see implemented. As for the 60 economists and beyond we could make it 61 with the addition of carl marx he was a economist and beyond also. How many have died in implementing of marx plans over 200 million+. An academic economist is pretty much the definition of a socialist/communist/Marxist. The top three in order of the most deaths would be MAO, STALIN, and HITLER than dozens of others of the same ilk!
Could be Dr Keynes too...


Well-Known Member
Neather have plans that I would like to see implemented. As for the 60 economists and beyond we could make it 61 with the addition of carl marx he was a economist and beyond also. How many have died in implementing of marx plans over 200 million+. An academic economist is pretty much the definition of a socialist/communist/Marxist. The top three in order of the most deaths would be MAO, STALIN, and HITLER than dozens of others of the same ilk!
What specifically do you not like about Sanders' platform?


Well-Known Member
I live in a Social Democracy, not a Socialist Country.

You don't even know the correct terms, just like Bernie doesn't know anything about anything.

You gonna vote for Hillary when she gets the nod?
Actually I'm going to the SEARCH feature and picking 'the best of the best of' Sanders neighsayers to proudly display in my quote section.

Which you are one of:mrgreen: