60 shot, 11 killed in Chicago 4th of July weekend shootings

I'm going to take this response to mean that you agree with everything I said since you didn't acknowledge any of my points and instead jumped to that old, tired, 2nd amendment nonsense. Here's the thing about standing behind the 2nd amendment....it's dumb.
Also, when you "invoke" the 2nd amendment, you're talking out of both sides of your mouth. But since you brought it up, fine, I'll make a concession. You can have all the muskets you want.

If you want to impose your gun-free zone on the US, you must first revoke 2A. Your musket comment identifies you as ignorant, and not serious.
I think philadelphia has it's own unique social dynamics involving race and has little to do with how I feel about guns. I live two miles from Temple, I delivered pizzas up there for a while as a part time thing, I know all about it. But, that's a different conversation.
If I had to boil down how I feel about guns it would simply be this (and I can't overstate this enough) GUNS MAKE IT EASY TO KILL LOTS OF PEOPLE
a gun, in a well-adjusted person's hands makes it easy to kill a lot of people? no
being a sociopath is what makes it easy to murder a lot of people.
other than self-defense, sociopathy is the only needed ingredient for killing.
I can't have guns, because of some fucked up social dynamic of a small minority of Americans?
I will surely make guns then. and flame-throwers, and cannon, lasers............
for when the Red and Blue chariot race fans ruin this country.
I'm not sure what most of this means, and honestly I don't want to be insulting, I'm just debating. I don't think you or anybody should have unfettered access to guns because I don't think you're responsible enough. Let me clear that up, I don't think ANYONE is responsible enough. Human beings are irrational and having a tool that allows you to TAKE LIFE simply be flexing your index finger makes it too easy...Maybe I just want a little more effort in my murders. Literally hundreds of people will be shot today, were they all shot by sociopaths?
I think philadelphia has it's own unique social dynamics involving race and has little to do with how I feel about guns. I live two miles from Temple, I delivered pizzas up there for a while as a part time thing, I know all about it. But, that's a different conversation.
If I had to boil down how I feel about guns it would simply be this (and I can't overstate this enough) GUNS MAKE IT EASY TO KILL LOTS OF PEOPLE
I live 2 miles from Temple. but.....I am from here. you, are not. am I correct?

Philly is very segregated. "We're a city of neighborhoods," was an old euphemism. as in.......and don't come in my neighborhood. I prefer Chicago. it seemed segregated more along socio-economic lines, than racial ones. preferable, imo.
I'm not sure what most of this means, and honestly I don't want to be insulting, I'm just debating. I don't think you or anybody should have unfettered access to guns because I don't think you're responsible enough. Let me clear that up, I don't think ANYONE is responsible enough. Human beings are irrational and having a tool that allows you to TAKE LIFE simply be flexing your index finger makes it too easy...Maybe I just want a little more effort in my murders. Literally hundreds of people will be shot today, were they all shot by sociopaths?

no. a few will be capped in self-defense. some will surely be acts of passion.
the self-defense tags.......strong work.
the passion crimes...........would have been committed with a can-opener if no gun was available
let's see; what's that leave us with?
I live 2 miles from Temple. but.....I am from here. you, are not. am I correct?

Philly is very segregated. "We're a city of neighborhoods," was an old euphemism. as in.......and don't come in my neighborhood. I prefer Chicago. it seemed segregated more along socio-economic lines, than racial ones. preferable, imo.
Born and raised, on the playground is where I spent most of my days
I'm not sure what most of this means, and honestly I don't want to be insulting, I'm just debating. I don't think you or anybody should have unfettered access to guns because I don't think you're responsible enough. Let me clear that up, I don't think ANYONE is responsible enough. Human beings are irrational and having a tool that allows you to TAKE LIFE simply be flexing your index finger makes it too easy...Maybe I just want a little more effort in my murders. Literally hundreds of people will be shot today, were they all shot by sociopaths?

make it harder......I see. maybe a gun for sword trade? if you wanna kill someone, you are gonna do it. new tactics would develop. see: Rwanda
Born and raised, on the playground is where I spent most of my days

then you see the fucking meat-grinder, that is Uncle Sam's version of the War on Poverty, the War on Crime, the War on Drugs. dude.......what we want is for folks to be armed to the teeth, and no one to get hurt.
I can walk out of my door with a $100 dollar bill, buy a gun (sans serial numbers) and be home before the 5 o'clock news. There's a problem with that.
I think a the concept of a store that sells nothing but guns is as ridiculous as a store that sells nothing but poison.
I get it, guns are cool, they're fun to shoot, they make you feel powerful. I can even see how carrying one would give you a sense of safety but can you imagine, with human nature as it is, if EVERYONE was walking around with guns? There would be shootings constantly! There would be gunfights over traffic accidents, seats on the bus, wrong order at mcdonalds.
then you see the fucking meat-grinder, that is Uncle Sam's version of the War on Poverty, the War on Crime, the War on Drugs. dude.......what we want is for folks to be armed to the teeth, and no one to get hurt.
i agree with all of that, and most of your views regarding the racial and economic woes of our fair city. I just don't think guns help. They make things worse. That's all.
I can walk out of my door with a $100 dollar bill, buy a gun (sans serial numbers) and be home before the 5 o'clock news. There's a problem with that.
I think a the concept of a store that sells nothing but guns is as ridiculous as a store that sells nothing but poison.
I get it, guns are cool, they're fun to shoot, they make you feel powerful. I can even see how carrying one would give you a sense of safety but can you imagine, with human nature as it is, if EVERYONE was walking around with guns? There would be shootings constantly! There would be gunfights over traffic accidents, seats on the bus, wrong order at mcdonalds.

I walk around with really ugly knowledge of human anatomy, with some not-to-shabby skills, for a fella my age. I keep up the training. people are safe around me, unless you are attacking me or others, or maybe attempting to steal my goods. I don't walk around delivering lethal phrenic blows because I know how to.

I am not a sociopath.
i agree with all of that, and most of your views regarding the racial and economic woes of our fair city. I just don't think guns help. They make things worse. That's all.

I worked Penn Trauma, and agree guns make things worse. that doesn't mean I can't have them. if Koreans start running each other over, with Chevy Cavaliers, I should be barred from owning one? let the Koreans get their house in order, and stop running each other over with Chevy Cavaliers.
Half of my problem is with the availability, but it's too late I guess. The genie is out of the bottle. Thanks for the debate though. It's pretty clear I won.