60 shot, 11 killed in Chicago 4th of July weekend shootings

just seen jesse jackson on news beggin obama for money to fix chicago. lol he like if theyy give 4 billion for border he can give chicago 2 billion for more cops. 2 billion wont even cover treating all the uninsured gunshot vics anualy lol aint that fucked up
I can walk out of my door with a $100 dollar bill, buy a gun (sans serial numbers) and be home before the 5 o'clock news.

No you couldn't. Black market firearms sell for far more than they sell for in gun stores and I'd like to see you find any gun selling for $100, even in a legit shop. You might find something legit being sold around $150-$200, but it's going to be a Russian Mosin-Nagant bolt action rifle from around 1943. Aaaaaand you ain't getting it today either, unless your at a gun show. When people start yapping about shit they know nothing about, they end up sounding just like UB when he addresses ANY issue.
No you couldn't. Black market firearms sell for far more than they sell for in gun stores and I'd like to see you find any gun selling for $100, even in a legit shop. You might find something legit being sold around $150-$200, but it's going to be a Russian Mosin-Nagant bolt action rifle from around 1943. Aaaaaand you ain't getting it today either, unless your at a gun show. When people start yapping about shit they know nothing about, they end up sounding just like UB when he addresses ANY issue.
Dumb Dumb, when I was 15 I bought a ruger 45 for $100 off of a kid at school.
I buried it, it got stolen, dumb teenager shit. There's so may guns floating around this city it's crazy. Turns out you're the one who doesn't know what he's talking about.
That's just one fucking reason I don't live there anymore. That and it's too dam cold in the winter and hot and muggy in the summer. Former Northsider.
Literally hundreds of people will be shot today, were they all shot by sociopaths?

Let's see.

a person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.

Yup, almost to a person. I'll give you the accidental shootings, but the suicides probably still fall into the sociopath category and who fucking cares how they off themselves anyways? As for the ones shot by police, I don't know about you, but a lot of these cops DEFINITELY fall into that category as well.
Dumb Dumb, when I was 15 I bought a ruger 45 for $100 off of a kid at school.
I buried it, it got stolen, dumb teenager shit. There's so may guns floating around this city it's crazy. Turns out you're the one who doesn't know what he's talking about.

I believe you if you are 35 now. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming you were talking POS rifles. Now that you doubled down on the stupid and went pistol, I'm telling you, NO FUCKING WAY.
while i slept 3 more people got shot
police an gunman exchange fire an 2 older broads got hit in face with a hammer at navy pier.
That's a shame. Chicago is one of my most favorite cities to visit. Sooooo much cool stuff to do there. I spent an entire day at the Field Museum and still felt rushed to see everything they had.
That's a shame. Chicago is one of my most favorite cities to visit. Sooooo much cool stuff to do there. I spent an entire day at the Field Museum and still felt rushed to see everything they had.
come for da museums... but stayed cuz u got hooked on heron.. lol or were murderd here
Hello Chesus..

I really went out of my way to build this old school race bike. My gaol is to run under nine seconds. I needed to up my compression to 14 to 1 and it was not easy with the pan/shov set up. So I had the heads welded up and reconfigured the combustion camber so I could use evo style pistons. I installed some compression releases so my remote starter could crank it over. It is set up to run on methanol. The frame is done I just need to plumb it wire it build a fender and a seat and set up the wheely bars. I got an s&s super D modified for alcohol and I still need to massage it some but we are getting close to firing it off.
14:1 that's insane