60 shot, 11 killed in Chicago 4th of July weekend shootings

I can walk out of my door with a $100 dollar bill, buy a gun (sans serial numbers) and be home before the 5 o'clock news. There's a problem with that.
I think a the concept of a store that sells nothing but guns is as ridiculous as a store that sells nothing but poison.
I get it, guns are cool, they're fun to shoot, they make you feel powerful. I can even see how carrying one would give you a sense of safety but can you imagine, with human nature as it is, if EVERYONE was walking around with guns? There would be shootings constantly! There would be gunfights over traffic accidents, seats on the bus, wrong order at mcdonalds.

Don't get hysterical on us. States that have loosened gun laws have not seen increases in gun crimes, hence your assertions are wrong.

Unlike you, I am not afraid of my fellow humans. You need not worry about an armed person, you do need to worry about psychos and criminals; you may rest assured that your measly gun laws won't deter either group.
I live 2 miles from Temple. but.....I am from here. you, are not. am I correct?

Philly is very segregated. "We're a city of neighborhoods," was an old euphemism. as in.......and don't come in my neighborhood. I prefer Chicago. it seemed segregated more along socio-economic lines, than racial ones. preferable, imo.
i prefer chicago to people from philly talk like they got a dick in there throat lol
fyi........you just leaped across several of my premises, like they were puddles. instead of retorting, you restated your original statement. Buck will never pick you up from your AA team, playing like that.

I believe the 13th step is "retain all you have learned here in AA but go ahead and black out nightly and avoid getting a job".
my shithole will leave more people dead n shot then anywere else in usa like always.... its what wereknown for besides our food an sick ass skyline aint shit to argue bout numbers dont lie

come on chi, everyone knows per capita, camden is the biggest shit hole on earth. they don't have the big numbers like chi-town because they don't have nearly the same populatio
Come on, you know that's disingenuous. You can't say with a straight face that the problem is illegal gunsmiths...lol
Gun manufacturers pumps out killing machines by the millions while the NRA fights agains any and all restrictions and your surprised that with such availability and low price that they end up in the hands of criminals...well, no shit. You think if guns were banned or so severely restricted that the black market price were, lets say for arguments sake 5 grand, that there would be a shooting every 10 minutes in north philly?

no, of course not, that's silly... the problem is that killers kill, it's what they do. take away the guns, and they'll just start to use the next best choice imvho, be it a knife, a car, a b o m b, w/e it may be..
again, imvho, it's not the weapon that killers use that matters, most serial killers don't even use guns to commit their crimes, it's the fact that so many people are hell bent on wanting to kill that's the problem.. i've grown up around guns my entire life, wanna take a guess at to how many people i have killed in all of my years here on earth? that's right, zero, nada, nil, naught, and why is that? because i'm not a killer..
idk, i'm starting to ramble a bit here, but my point is that there is obviously a problem here in the us where lots and lots of people think that killing another living human being is an ok to do so, regardless of w/e tool they use to do their killing isn't really the issue, it's the wanting to kill another person part that i think we need to focus on..
I think philadelphia has it's own unique social dynamics involving race and has little to do with how I feel about guns. I live two miles from Temple, I delivered pizzas up there for a while as a part time thing, I know all about it. But, that's a different conversation.
If I had to boil down how I feel about guns it would simply be this (and I can't overstate this enough) GUNS MAKE IT EASY TO KILL LOTS OF PEOPLE
You say that like its a bad thing.
I think philadelphia has it's own unique social dynamics involving race and has little to do with how I feel about guns. I live two miles from Temple, I delivered pizzas up there for a while as a part time thing, I know all about it. But, that's a different conversation.
If I had to boil down how I feel about guns it would simply be this (and I can't overstate this enough) GUNS MAKE IT EASY TO KILL LOTS OF PEOPLE

so do say for instance, buses, cars, planes, i could go on and on really..
come on chi, everyone knows per capita, camden is the biggest shit hole on earth. they don't have the big numbers like chi-town because they don't have nearly the same populatio

no, of course not, that's silly... the problem is that killers kill, it's what they do. take away the guns, and they'll just start to use the next best choice imvho, be it a knife, a car, a b o m b, w/e it may be..
again, imvho, it's not the weapon that killers use that matters, most serial killers don't even use guns to commit their crimes, it's the fact that so many people are hell bent on wanting to kill that's the problem.. i've grown up around guns my entire life, wanna take a guess at to how many people i have killed in all of my years here on earth? that's right, zero, nada, nil, naught, and why is that? because i'm not a killer..
idk, i'm starting to ramble a bit here, but my point is that there is obviously a problem here in the us where lots and lots of people think that killing another living human being is an ok to do so, regardless of w/e tool they use to do their killing isn't really the issue, it's the wanting to kill another person part that i think we need to focus on..
i can drop u off in fuller park on da south side so u can see just how wrong u are. ill give u a bus passa map and a throw away pistol fot ur saga
i can drop u off in fuller park on da south side so u can see just how wrong u are. ill give u a bus passa map and a throw away pistol fot ur saga

how does that prove me wrong express? it just goes to show that there are plenty of people in chicago who are ok with killing other people.. that's the problem imo, not that they tend to use guns to do their killing for them..
i always go back to this.. would you rather be shot dead or stabbed?? for me, wtf difference does it make? dead is dead imo..
how does that prove me wrong express? it just goes to show that there are plenty of people in chicago who are ok with killing other people.. that's the problem imo, not that they tend to use guns to do their killing for them..
i always go back to this.. would you rather be shot dead or stabbed?? for me, wtf difference does it make? dead is dead imo..
look at every city in america with atleast 1.5 mill. now look at there violent crime raw numbers tell me wat u cum up with
fyi........you just leaped across several of my premises, like they were puddles. instead of retorting, you restated your original statement. Buck will never pick you up from your AA team, playing like that.
so do say for instance, buses, cars, planes, i could go on and on really..
I was done with this thread for the most part but then this ^ got said...again.
I'm not attacking you personally but this argument is so fucking stupid.
Buses, cars, planes, aren't made for the sole purpose of killing. Guns are.