A few questions from a first time grower.


Active Member
I have one plant in 12/12 flower, about 2 feet tall.Photo on 2010-09-20 at 13.47 #2.jpgPhoto on 2010-09-20 at 13.47.jpgPhoto on 2010-09-20 at 13.47 #4.jpg

These others I started a couple of weeks ago and sooner I believe.
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So that's a small summary of my grow.

My questions:

1) Can I put my vegging flowers into 12/12 almost immediately? There is going to be a huuuugeee lag time in between harvesting the first plant and harvesting the others if I wait until they are over a foot. For the first plant I waited until the stems became staggered (know what I mean?) and it was at least a month if not more.

2) How important is it that I "flush" the plant of nutrients 10 days before harvest? I'm using Miracle Grow (I know it's my first time just relax) which already has fertilizer in it, and Osmocort (a slow release fert). I don't have the money nor the know how to order fancy Nutrients.

3) Is it a good idea to take my plant out of it's growroom closet and set it in the window to get full spectrum light? I use CFL's and I figured some natural sunlight couldn't hurt during the 12 hours of on so I put it in the sun in the window.


Active Member
1) You can 12/12 the plants anytime you please, even from seed, and they will grow fine

2) It's not really a must, just makes it taste a bit better (although salts in hydroponic solutions can build up, and may be harmful to smoke)

3) If what you're doin is workin fine, i wouldn't even worry about settin it in the window

good luck, lookin good!


Active Member
i would also stay away from the time release ferts...its hard to judge under/overdose with them, and usually does more harm than good unless you've grown a few times with it and know how to really dial them in


Well-Known Member
miracle grow must not be all that bad, it works. Don't belive all the haters on miracle grow. Just have to use plain water for a while til it uses up the ferts it has.


Active Member
Thanks lightning. All helpful although I'm wondering still will the 12/12 induce flowering much earlier? I've scoured this forum a decent amount and it seems like some people are saying that even going 12/12 right away there plants still don't flower quicker than normal.

Also for the Osmocort, I've added less than is even recommended. It is also guaranteed not to burn (money-back guarantee). Do you think if I send them a pic of a burnt marijuana plant they'll give me my money back? Hahah


New Member
listen to what these two said they r giving u good advice and i think they covered it so i have nothing to offer
i use MG also but i dont care for time release kind


Active Member
autoflower strains bud when they want to, whether they're on a 24/0, 18/6, or 12/12 sched...as for the rest, flowerin may vary between strains as to how long it takes, but usually within a month of 12/12, if not sooner, they bud...if from seed on 12/12, (in my experience anyway), they usually started buddin when the nodes started alternatin

haha perhaps they will...just tellem you're growin a japanese maple tree :blsmoke:


Active Member
perfect. what I'll do is wait until the nodes alternate (that was the terminology I wanted), then pop them into 12/12.