A grow journal, nuff said.


Well-Known Member
She's going home later so theres no need but she told my brother that i'm "breeding spiders". I dunno why i said it, it just came out when she asked what the tent was for. Now its snowballed and i keep making stuff up about spiders. I even said the females have 10 legs when they're pregnant so thats how you can tell when they are pregnant LMFAO!!

mr west

Well-Known Member
hehehe, I looked on the net for breeding spiders and its not as easy as it sounds lol, specialy if u have a prize male u want to keep lmao. Is ur brother in the know bout ya grow?


Well-Known Member
No he ain't, so he now thinks i'm a right weird twat lol. I can't help myself, i just told her they can fly south if it gets too cold, i just hope she doesn't tell anyone else these "facts" coz she'll look like a massive doughnut

mr west

Well-Known Member
nah its not mider spites mate they eat littele spots of green out ya leaf and spin webs. Is it lower older leaves that are yellowing? could be they need re-potting or just feeding.


Well-Known Member
I really like MassiVVEE doughnuts ... but not that kind .... wwow ... story man .... hope this all worksd out for ya .... when the grow is done .... you can say that the spiders all escaped ... and the whole unit needs to come down and the place fumigated ... all clean and tidy again .... pass the bowl please .... thnks mate!:peace:
No he ain't, so he now thinks i'm a right weird twat lol. I can't help myself, i just told her they can fly south if it gets too cold, i just hope she doesn't tell anyone else these "facts" coz she'll look like a massive doughnut

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
New growth yellowing try a very week feed or repot them into soil with nuets biult in.

What medium are they in at the mo.



Well-Known Member
pardon my ignorance, JF? JackFrost, JackFlash ....sumthin Jack hahahah! just curious. They sure seem to have a strong indica expression.


Well-Known Member
Cheers WW. I let 'em dry out and gave them a weak feed and that got the green back.
Tahoe they are 3 Sensi Jack Flash #5 and 2 ghsc ssh. The 2 smallest are the ssh.

I'm gonna put all of them under my 600w hps when i get time that should get 'em going. I'm gonna veg 'em quite big then top all the branches then flower and root all the off cuts and keep the best pheno, well thats the plan anyway.


Well-Known Member
very cool. thanks .... ssh seems to be one of those that is rapidly approaching being added to the Grows To Do list .... thanks again .... cheers! :joint:
Cheers WW. I let 'em dry out and gave them a weak feed and that got the green back.
Tahoe they are 3 Sensi Jack Flash #5 and 2 ghsc ssh. The 2 smallest are the ssh.

I'm gonna put all of them under my 600w hps when i get time that should get 'em going. I'm gonna veg 'em quite big then top all the branches then flower and root all the off cuts and keep the best pheno, well thats the plan anyway.


Well-Known Member
I've put 'em under the 600w hps so they should really take off now (i hope) and the stretching should stop. The SSH are the 2 on the right. The more i find out about SSH the more i'm glad i chucked 'em in.
Those "jacks" clones i got last time are apparently called Barnsley Jack and its clone only. Has anyone else heard of it?



Well-Known Member

A pic of my last grow of "Barnsley Jack" . I miss it but i'm looking forward to this one hopefully it'll be just as good, maybe better. They are big boots to fill though.


Well-Known Member

A pic of my last grow of "Barnsley Jack" . I miss it but i'm looking forward to this one hopefully it'll be just as good, maybe better. They are big boots to fill though.
very nice mate how many did u have in there?
lookin good so far mate bet u cant wait for them to b bloomin lol:joint: