A How to from Mane**(How To order seeds the best way)***


Well-Known Member
Ya, it's all good...they don't keep your records around any longer than they have to I'm sure anywhoo.


Well-Known Member
it says attitudegifts.com so the bank wouldn't know. I've used my own card before with no problem. one time i placed a decent sized order and the bank did call me but i confirmed i did make the purchase they they released the funds
Same thing happened w/ me. Ended up having to replace my debit card not long after tho because of a mysterious .01$ purchase made on itunes?!? the cc rep called me and asked if i'd made any itutnes purchases, I hadn't, so they said this was a typical tactic used by ppl trying to verify a persons cc info, and once the .01$ transaction cleared they would then start using it for bigger purchases! Needless to say they canceled the cc immediately and issued a new one. Still not sure if it was due to the attitude order or not. I had made a lot of online purchases at the time, and the bank said that most likely a gas station was the likely place where the info had been stolen from? One other bad thing out of the situation was that my bank wanted to verify all purchases made in the last 7-10 days (can't remember for sure) and asked me whether or not I had "made a purchase from an attitude gifts?" Made me nervous as fuck. but I just played it cool and was like "yea, on the internet a few days ago" and that was the end of it! But there's my experience for what it's worth.
oh, and probably will order the same way nxt time btw.

DooZer RoCk

I do not know your circumstances where you live. However, I would just have them sent to your house. You will be fine! Have the package shipped internationally, stealth, and with a T-shirt and customs will pay no attention to it. I've never used a P.O. box. I have had an Order a week since reading Mane's thread with zero issues. All my orders from Attitude arrived in 10 -13 days, customs didn't open anything. Good Luck.
Louis13 you must have a ton of Attitude T-shirts! :mrgreen: IMO Small price to pay for a safe arrival. +rep


Active Member
Louis13 you must have a ton of Attitude T-shirts! :mrgreen: IMO Small price to pay for a safe arrival. +rep
Yes sir, I do have a ton of T's from The Attitude. Usually, all the shirts are the same, a Fat Harry, white, T with a lion on it. However, my last shirt says "Fly High, Supply the Demand" LOL That has to be my favorite one.


I need to say 3 things...follow these rules and you will be fine

1) You CAN ship with your name, just ship it to a different place than you live
2) NEVER EVER NEVER EVER pay more than $100 - 150 an order unless you are willing to lose it
3) Try to find a place that ships in a stealthy manor- AKA instead of it coming straight from the Netherlands, they send it to England and then out to the USA


Active Member
ya all want a good place to shop-dr greenthumb-7 for 7 ALL in 6 days or less quality stuff germ rate over 90% NO HERMIES its your money


Active Member
ship it to your place people get p.o. boxes but thats on record where you live so whats the difference they can find you if they want--i dont worry about it


Active Member
ship it to your place people get p.o. boxes but thats on record where you live so whats the difference they can find you if they want--i dont worry about it
same here. ive ordered from the attitude over a dozen times. every time has been successful, one time i did receive some crushed seeds but they sent me replacements with my next order.


I 'm going to order my first seed order but if i read right Attitude and Nirvana don't accept debit cards. Can someone tell me what the difference between debit and a prepaid card is? I mean i know the two but it seems to me one would be good as the other. I don't understand why they couldn't get their money from a debit card.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
I think it has to do with banking rules for merchant charges and charge back rules. A debit card is not a credit card per say so credit card rules do not apply to them, IMHO. I know of some sites than will not take gift cards. That is a business choice. You want to use prepaid cards. You can use what ever bogus info you want. Legit credit and debit cards are linked to you showing who, what, where, when, and why.


Well-Known Member
I order mine with MY visa and sent MY house and I've never had any promblems. Just be calm. If your that worried about it use a po box fake name with a rechargeable card. Good luck and take it easy


Active Member
anyone able to pay with a cheque?
I think in uk cheque is applicable but i dont know whether it is applicable in shipping too.


Well-Known Member
yeah im using my own card all the time. i know attitude takes check or money order, even cash rofl. its really not a threat to buy on ur own card especially if ur not buying alot. the charge comes out as attitude gift shop or something. plus i called to ask about their privacy policy and they dont keep records.


I am looking for a seed bank that accepts debit cards anyone know any? Im in NC and i noticed dr greenthumb in Canada accepts debits to all north americans but i don't know anything about them. I hear it's pretty safe ordering over seas, like in the Netherlands but haven't heard anyone talk about Canada. Is it safe to order out of Canada?


Well-Known Member
I am looking for a seed bank that accepts debit cards anyone know any? Im in NC and i noticed dr greenthumb in Canada accepts debits to all north americans but i don't know anything about them. I hear it's pretty safe ordering over seas, like in the Netherlands but haven't heard anyone talk about Canada. Is it safe to order out of Canada?
i've ordered from Canada - few years ago - 2 orders from highgrade-seeds
they both got through just fine, i did my 1st orders through Canada on purpose
it just felt safer to me, seemed like much more volume of traffic between USA/Canada