A New Year is here, thank fecking God :)

I so wish that I could be inspirational and soooo learned like all the REAL folks on an open pot growing forum are...you do realize that this is nothing but fodder for my entertainment right?!
Do you idiots think that I really care what you have to blather on about.
Think about that Einsteins.
What a happy coincidence. You are entertained by making yourself look stupid and we are entertained by watching you do it.

I call that a win-win.
Shit I am sure there are paid trolls the world over that can honestly say they don't like Trump, but are still getting that paycheck.

How I imagine paid trolls (foreign and domestic) think they spend their time:
Unfortunately you can date the video by the number of dead mentioned, 4000+ yesterday alone.

20 days of Trump or 80,000 dead, depending on the metric you use. I doubt Donald will have fewer than 3,000 dead a day and perhaps over 5000 dead a day for his remaining 20 days of mass murder. Joe will be walking into a job where over a 911s worth of dead a day will haunt him, with no federal vaccination plan worth a shit, Trump trying to start a war with Pompeo's help and the economy in a shambles.
Unfortunately you can date the video by the number of dead mentioned, 4000+ yesterday alone.

20 days of Trump or 80,000 dead, depending on the metric you use. I doubt Donald will have fewer than 3,000 dead a day and perhaps over 5000 dead a day for his remaining 20 days of mass murder. Joe will be walking into a job where over a 911s worth of dead a day will haunt him, with no federal vaccination plan worth a shit, Trump trying to start a war with Pompeo's help and the economy in a shambles.
Yep, Trump has no conscience and will do whatever it takes for him to win. He's a done mama jamma. Stick a fork in him. I'm sleeping better now, since the election. There must be a relation.
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Yep, Trump has no conscience and will do whatever it takes him to win. He's a done mama jamma. Stick a fork in him. I'm sleeping better now, since the election. There must be a relation.
Justice will do, they are all crooks and Joe should revoke Trump's self pardon as a test, if the SCOTUS agrees, he can revoke other corrupt pardons. The pardon power is a power of the office, not the individual and very good legal arguments can be made for a president revoking the pardons of a past president. If Trump pardoned all federal prisoners, Joe could revoke the pardon, it would allow the constitution to work and not be a failure. None of this has been decided by the SCOTUS and the constitution is rather vague on it.