A proper full melt dry sift tutorial. This time the right way.

Hey dudes,

Gonna make a full on post sometime soonish, work has been crazy busy.

The short version, after all my shit talking and trolling I decided to give one of these kits a try. Only done 4 runs so far, just testing and whatnot. It does produce an obviously pure product when you look at the scope(with minimal plant material and other contamination). However the yields are obviously lower vs other dry/iwe methods, and I still haven't produced an "icewax" level of bubble/dome/melt yet.

High res microscope shots: Click for fullres...

First run was cured Blueberry cola's that were not dried out enough, pics not super great on that so not including, trying to cram this into one post.

Mix dry trim run: Think all pics are of first run "A" grade

Self-seeded Cotton Candy WP cola run: Dired out to powder status. Should note that this plant was worked very hard over the trim bin a few weeks ago, to pull kief and seeds off it. First run "A" grade for the new kit...

And cuz I wanted to see what it looked like, some shots homegrown lower I was puffin on yesterday ;-)

PS> I know you say not to use fan leaves, but what about their stems, many of my smaller fan leaves have lots of resin on the stems.
yes very nice algore
damn bublonic
digging the avatar that shit looks beautiful as well
you should blow that badboy up
AG - You can try fans and stems, i'm not a fan however. Good lookin' shots considering you had already worked that stuff over prior lol.

Will be excited to see you run some primo stuff through it.
It does produce an obviously pure product when you look at the scope(with minimal plant material and other contamination). However the yields are obviously lower vs other dry/iwe methods

Granted, but it's not like the material is completely spent. It can still be used for oil, bubble, edibles or whatever..some would say you could still smoke the flowers, especially if it is chronic. This method, IMO is all about getting those nicest heads, in as little time as possible.
I have some material sitting in a paper bag as we speak. I plan on running it in the next few days, and will post some scope shots.
Granted, but it's not like the material is completely spent. It can still be used for oil, bubble, edibles or whatever..some would say you could still smoke the flowers, especially if it is chronic. This method, IMO is all about getting those nicest heads, in as little time as possible.
I have some material sitting in a paper bag as we speak. I plan on running it in the next few days, and will post some scope shots.

Agreed... I ran some super dried out buds and whole plant last night, as well as some trim. The method really does work best with trim, got a nice dab of grease out of it. And yea, I do now have jars full of ground up powder bud that look like they are ready to be butane blasted, lol. Not sure what to make out of it, was thinking maybe an alachol free natural decarb tincture. But I don't like tinctures. Then I was thinking coconut oil for edibles but I generally prefer using concentrates for edibles. IDK, lol.

Given my grow and trim style, I think I'm on the hunt for a different method. I tend to get a jar or two of nice trimmed premo tops, and leave the rest of the bud untrimmed. The untrimmed buds or buds in general don't work so well on this method and I don't ever have that much trim. I'm thinking I'm gonna have to break down and get a nice iwe set up but man. Gotta have RO water, RO icemaker, washing machine, bags, make a big fucking mess, etc.
Agreed... I ran some super dried out buds and whole plant last night, as well as some trim. The method really does work best with trim, got a nice dab of grease out of it. And yea, I do now have jars full of ground up powder bud that look like they are ready to be butane blasted, lol. Not sure what to make out of it, was thinking maybe an alachol free natural decarb tincture. But I don't like tinctures. Then I was thinking coconut oil for edibles but I generally prefer using concentrates for edibles. IDK, lol.

Given my grow and trim style, I think I'm on the hunt for a different method. I tend to get a jar or two of nice trimmed premo tops, and leave the rest of the bud untrimmed. The untrimmed buds or buds in general don't work so well on this method and I don't ever have that much trim. I'm thinking I'm gonna have to break down and get a nice iwe set up but man. Gotta have RO water, RO icemaker, washing machine, bags, make a big fucking mess, etc.

PS> Don't get the small kit like I did, I figured "it's not that much smaller, and I just wanna try it out". It's kind of a pain in the ass using the small one. Esp cuz I'm a lil messy and tend to knock random plant material onto the collection surfaces, lol.
The smaller kits need to be bigger.. everyone who wanted a 'small setup' said this size is what they would prefer, but I knew when I first saw them they were a bit too small. People seem to enjoy them though haha.

I was really debating going up to 16x18" for 'small'.. another couple inches might help. The large set I think is spot on at 20x24".

AG I know buds are tough to work with.. but if they are dry enough it's doable. I break them down to nickel to quarter sized off the stem, put them into a paper bag and let them dry out for a bit, literally until 'poof' status dry.. once that happens the method works a lot better with whole nugs.

People generally keep their smoking stash fairly moist and sticky, but for sifting it requires a looot of drying to be done, even when you *think* they're dry enough, they probably aren't. Even after a week or more sometimes, sitting outside, next to a fire, etc.. it's still semi-moist on the inside of larger stuff.

I def. designed the method for use with my extra trim back in the day since we needed something to process it with, but i've changed it up a bit and gotten it to where nugs work pretty well too. Just requires them being uber dry and/or cured.

I typically make iwe when i'm done with my trim as well.. and yes, it's a pain in the ass haha.
Another happy customer.. their first try the other day on Chloe..

Big ups to HUGE.. Cheers everyone..



Using popcorns and trim.. my favorite. Mmmm.. standard 10-15 second sift, no carding, no refining.
HEY GUYS IF YOU DONT WANT TO SPEND A BUNCH OF MONEY ON THESE SCREENS YOU CAN DO IT LIKE THIS FOR FREE.. .. all you need is some drysift , a 200 lpi (74 ui) aluminum frame screen(can be baught on ebay for 30 bucks), a piece of parchment paper and something to card it with.. i use a piece of cardboard.
here is a FREE tutorial .. no strings attached.. no big set of screens needed.
here are some pics
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My method works with both wood and aluminum.. people were able to do mine for free as well provided they had screens that were close enough already. Yours actually involves buying more stuff than mine to a lot of people.

But it's cute you are trying so hard. You must really be annoyed that my method works so well.
HEY GUYS IF YOU DONT WANT TO SPEND A BUNCH OF MONEY ON THESE SCREENS YOU CAN DO IT LIKE THIS FOR FREE.. .. all you need is some drysift , a 200 lpi (74 ui) aluminum frame screen(can be baught on ebay for 30 bucks), a piece of parchment paper and something to card it with.. i use a piece of cardboard.
here is a FREE tutorial .. no strings attached.. no big set of screens needed.

I've done my fair share of picking on MnH, but I gotta say, for people like me, time is money, and I'd always rather buy something over making it, so it's nice to have the option.

That said, this method does not work out for me so much. I don't have that much trim and would rather just not trim the lowers and run whole plant h2o.
^^ For sure.. always nice to have options. If anything the static trick will work for a group, but others will skip it. Some people, believe it or not.. prefer yield and do not care about quality so much. They would rather have 5x the amount at a slightly lower grade than remove everything and be left with just a tiny amount of super duper.. it happens..

Also.. you still have to actually MAKE the sift.. unless the static trick works and lets you magically swipe it over plants and trim to remove pure resin.. it's still just a cleaning tool, a good one though.
HEY GUYS IF YOU DONT WANT TO SPEND A BUNCH OF MONEY ON THESE SCREENS YOU CAN DO IT LIKE THIS FOR FREE.. .. all you need is some drysift , a 200 lpi (74 ui) aluminum frame screen(can be baught on ebay for 30 bucks), a piece of parchment paper and something to card it with.. i use a piece of cardboard.
here is a FREE tutorial .. no strings attached.. no big set of screens needed.
here are some pics
Bro why are you trying to fire off on this guy, for selling his own product..?
I don't understand why your so mad at him lol, if your method really is better than his, prove it by figuring out WHY it works.
Why would you start in on his thread with saying he's basically a scam artist instead of learning why your method works for you and elaborating on that in an attempt to disprove what he's saying.
If you have no evidence to support what you claim then why even post it yet, it sounds like your asking for a heated debate dude :\
Blunter its because uramag started this thread on ICMAG and DSW just kept abusing him and his tek. I think he finally snapped and is actively seeking ways to cause DSW's demise through trolling and what not. Time to referee here.

MnH you should really watch your attitude and stop ranting on people. It just doesn't reflect well. You're in business now and not having the right image costs you money. Be more cordial to everyone. I think you have a great product and are selling it at a great price so just keep up the good work and cash those checks. Don't worry about little things on here. You don't need to defend your product, the product is good enough to defend itself.

Uramag I know your pissed at MnH, but it looks like he has acknowledged that your method is effective at cleaning up dry sift. His screens will work for your tek and your tek shouldn't lose him any business. So your going to have to let it go sorry :(

There should be no reason why you two cannot coexist w/o constantly arguing, so lets make a truce. No more shit talking, trolling, etc. If you do go down that road you'd better have facts and pictures to back it up.